When the feature is delivered, the UIA will be converted into a FBA and the proceeds of the sale will become our private property.
In addition to creating the UIA we will also create a corresponding worker proposal that is symbolic of shareholder support for enabling the feature. The worker proposal must be funded before we will sell into the buy wall of the UIA.
BitShares stakeholders will now have price information that indicates how the market values each potential feature. This price information can in turn be used to inform them on which features they should vote for. A highly valued feature means that the market believes that feature will generate significant ROI and therefore be profitable for BitShares holders.
I have a few questions.
1. When you say the UIA will be converted to an FBA, is this part of how the FBA feature will work when implemented, or is this something you are doing manually somehow?
2. Will the corresponding Worker created with the UIA be something also done manually, or will this be a feature as well of the FBA implementation?
3. What happens when the auction indicates a feature doesn't have enough support to be developed. How are the funds that were collected handled then?
4. Are the fees generated from FBAs standalone, or is the 20% that goes to the network eligible for the refer program to also gain from the features? My concern is that larger and larger portions of the eco-system develop and what the refer program claims to offer starts to become less true as what refers can earn becomes marginalized against all the other areas of Bitshares where transactions are occurring.
This is all very similar to what I proposed as the working process for how FBAs should work with a few twists, which I like.
The one thing that will be necessary for this to work effectively I think will be presentation and information given on each feature so that investors can decide if they want to invest or not. In other words, whatever is presented really has to be sold, otherwise the a lack luster response may only be the results community investors not really getting the information in a way that sold them.
I do think it will give an overall better measure for the direction to take. Before each is proposed however, the fundamental groundwork of doing proper market research still as to take place. This is more like a final step to confirm whatever data summation was done.
I am very excited about this approach. This opens up a whole new arena of possibilities.