I'm against a bot in its current form.
- Bad image
Investors / entrepreneurs checking out the forum and find users tipping ORGASMS, SPERM or CRAPCOINS to each other isn't that mature or inspiring confidence
- Derailing
Used to bump old and obsolete threads
In regards to bad image, what of that in regard of posting memes? To say the least, the forum could easily enforce censoring of certain assets given assets are required to be spelled perfectly, it means ORGASMS could be censored to ORG*SMS or something. The forum administrators have control over censorship of tipping certain assets. Like wise, censoring could be done at the implementation level where we only let certain assets be tippable. Personally though, I'm not for censoring.
In regards to bump old/obsolete threads, why not treat tipping in such threads the same you would regular necromancing? Simply have a sticky thread that people can use to tip people in and tell people to use that thread for "older posts."
I think it's not worth talking about does the forum
need a tip bot, but do the pros of a tip bot on the forums outweigh the cons?