Author Topic: What is in your mind the long term price goal of MMC  (Read 10712 times)

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Offline isaacgoldbourne

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The value in LTC at the moment is popularity and the size of the network/infrastructure. MMC is still only traded on BTER.
True, have you voted on Cryptsy yet?

You got me there. I don't have acct at Cryptsy, they are asking for WAY too much personal info.  8)
Who said it has to be real information? Thats being collected in advance for $ trading, if you don't want to do that then all your info can be fake.
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Offline isaacgoldbourne

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The value in LTC at the moment is popularity and the size of the network/infrastructure. MMC is still only traded on BTER.
True, have you voted on Cryptsy yet?
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Offline isaacgoldbourne

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We need to shift the mindset from "making money" to "creating value". Mining BTC/LTC/MMC won't matter unless there are good tools that make the coin readily available to the average Joe.

I was drawn to Memory Coin because I had the same exact idea, however a bit late, since it was already done.

Regardless, I am happy that it exists and I think there are many interesting opportunities.

I am a bit thorn about GPU mining making it challenging, and wish we could up the memory requirement to 8GB or even 16GB.

That said - until we start creating tools that have an EDGE over bitcoin, MMC will be just another coin.

I was thinking that creating an exchange that has no fees would be a good project. I.e. make an exchange that only converts BTC/LTC/MMC and has no fees. This will promote MMC, as well as put pressure on exchanges collecting 0.2% fees. It would attract people willing to trade BTC/LTC cheaper and raise awareness of MMC.

In fact I would say that MMC holders should invest and sponsor a project like that.

When/if that happens - MMC will really go to the moon, because we created VALUE.

So, again - adjust mentality to CREATING VALUE as opposed to MAKING MONEY.  8)
It seems to me we already have value, take a look at litecoin. Do they even have a webwallet?
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Offline hanzac

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The crowd are irrational because money is not rational.
So only if you can open a new world then you can ask irrational price.

Offline jae208

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Price is relative.  Can you eat bitcoin in the long-term?

Talk about value and possible uses.

I'll bet 5000 MMC that no one can bring me a better new application than the one that I'm thinking of right now.

Other applications - I'm thinking it could provide a structure to reward development/value in open source projects, and decentralized start-ups.

can you elaborate on this? A work in progress
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Offline FreeTrade

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Price is relative.  Can you eat bitcoin in the long-term?

Talk about value and possible uses.

I'll bet 5000 MMC that no one can bring me a better new application than the one that I'm thinking of right now.

Other applications - I'm thinking it could provide a structure to reward development/value in open source projects, and decentralized start-ups.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline MaxPWR

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Price is relative.  Can you eat bitcoin in the long-term?

Talk about value and possible uses.

I'll bet 5000 MMC that no one can bring me a better new application than the one that I'm thinking of right now.
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline stalemate

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25$ in 6 months, 60$ in 12 months.
0.012 btc and 0.025 btc respectively.
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
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Offline Delinquency

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money go to moon when miner not make balloon wait wait wait not soon

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Offline FreeTrade

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money go to moon when miner not make balloon wait wait wait not soon
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline Delinquency

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Let's be practical.
Minimum 0.0002/BTC in the next two months. (most of the 80% of supply)
0.001 BTC target in one year. (10% of supply)
0.05 BTC target in two years.
(reward is practically 2% inflation thereafter)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 01:40:28 am by Delinquency »

Offline luke997

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~$100 eventually.

No doubt the market for cryptocoin is only going to grow, so the several top coin will keep increasing in market cap along with the demand.
This one has huge potential and opportunity to be there - unique features, no silly name, no scam, no copy, no get rich quick premine for the dev.

Offline earntodie

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1GH CLUB!! PTS mining club - PTS.1GH.COM, MEMORY coin mining club - MMC.1GH.COM, MAX coin mining club - MAX.1GH.COM

Offline isaacgoldbourne

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So, because another currency did something that makes no sense beyond demonstrating that humans can't intuitively do math with multiple large numbers comparatively, you think that should happen to your coin, which is better because it is... what, not a scam?  How is Memorycoin different than Quark that makes it substantially better than Bitcoin?
I, and many people feel it is necessary for there to be a coin on which CPUs can mine profitably. Quark was an outright scam (97% mined straight away) and was pumped and dumped mercilessly.

I don't think it is much better than bitcoin, with exception to paid positions but it is the best CPU coin and that is a big niche
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Offline AdamBLevine

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So, because another currency did something that makes no sense beyond demonstrating that humans can't intuitively do math with multiple large numbers comparatively, you think that should happen to your coin, which is better because it is... what, not a scam?  How is Memorycoin different than Quark that makes it substantially better than Bitcoin?
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