Author Topic: Meanwhile - Ethereum quietly overtakes Ripple  (Read 11628 times)

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Offline Akado

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whoever's into ethereum...

homestead merged 2 hours ago

it seems to be website though, but Homestead might be close
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 12:07:57 am by Akado » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Akado

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meanwhile Kraken is still down. Upon seeing this dump people on Kraken might trigger another dump once it's online again | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Ander

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Yep, ETH got dumped like it was BTS or soemthing. :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Ander

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Looks like ETH topped and the money is flowing into other coins now, Doge is getting most of it. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline xeroc

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Ethereum is much better than Ripple, so I approve. 
I need to admit, that I disagree, currently. The thing is: Ethereum can
currently most be used for Prediction Markets via Augur only. No Asset
system has really been deployed yet and if there was a DEX in ethereum,
it would have less liquidity than BitShares for sure.

So in the end, Ripple does have more utility for sure (currently).
However, the potentials are surely a lot bigger for Ethereum but I don't
see any reason why Ethereum is worth what it is unless for it's
speculative properties in regards to POS staking in the future.

Also Litecoin really needs to die.
Just bring in som eliquidity to ANY other token in BTS and we can easily
replace LTC as the "fast" abitrage backend.

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This blog has ceased operation.

Offline Pheonike

One useless shit token overtakes another useless shit token by some meaningless number. This is fucking great news.

Who pissed in your oatmeal??

Offline yvv

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One useless shit token overtakes another useless shit token by some meaningless number. This is fucking great news.

Offline Ander

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Not really quietly I think, it did it pretty loudly. :)

Ethereum is much better than Ripple, so I approve. 
Would be nice to see Bitshares come to life, ever.  Many crypto projects are doing well, like Ethereum and Factom.  Maybe people will eventually take a look at Bitshares again.

Also Litecoin really needs to die.  In terms of pure currency cryptos, Monero should take its place as the backup to Bitcoin, as it is the best proof of work crypto, it does the best job of acheiving the initial goals of Bitcoin of decentralizaiton, security, and privacy.  Bitcoin is very clearly tracable and not private at this point, so Monero and Dash have potential there.  Dash's masternode solution is actually similar to Bitshares DPoS in some ways, but I think it will eternally be plagued by premine accusaitons, so I am less bullish on it. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline morpheus

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

The title of the thread now needs to be changed to 'overtakes Ripple' .. check out CMC this morning. Now sitting at #2 with about $190M market cap. Just the other day it was sitting at $160M.
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Offline fuzzy

I think they well deserve it. They have great ideas, great developers and did way better marketing it then we did.
And we need to get to the point that we have the same optimism and enthusiasm in our community as they have it in theirs.
Who's with me?

I think it's not that simple .
Crypto are risky investment object , it's not like any usual commodity where you can sell it like crazy by promotion , features and usage .

The only reason that a risky investment object can rise is because some capital is willing to risk their money and speculate on a return . Users are not gonna do that , they'll just pay petty fees and won't risk that much .

Even with Ethereum today, I don't think it's development,marketing that matters . Coding and marketing are cheap , Money is real .   

That's why I also believe Bitcoin will still be the king in many years to come .

It's just like the argument against alt-coin in the beginning ----- No matter how good you are , people can copy it in one sec .  But what they can't copy , is the money behind it .

Just want to give everyone a little perspective here.  Bitcoin's core devs are receiving CENTRALIZED vc funding from Blockstream.  Ethereum's devs are receiving vc funding in exactly the same way---only through an apparently very wealthy individual from New York who owns a company called "Consensys".  Where is Bitshares' Dev funding?  Do people really care about decentralization or just being the new kings in a world of ash? 
Answer:  most people just want the cash and the ash.  we need to reach people outside crypto---those who still have their wits about them enough to realize there is a larger purpose to our work here that will benefit all. 

As a community I think it is important we recognize the realities of the crypto landscape---we need vc's and the only way to get them is to show off what we do have (which is by far not "nothing"...but which will become less valuable as we sit on our hands). 
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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It's not possible to buy etherium on dex right?
What should I do? Sell here and buy it on poloniex?

Yep because apparently we don't think it is a good idea to be trading other coins on our exchange :/

Looking forward to the day that changes though.. I have the tools needed.

I agree @fuzzy
No point having all the best toys if you have no friends.

Take ETH for example, I don't want to install another coin wallet but want to trade ETH:BTC. You can't do it on BitShares.

We are adding more simplicity and lowering the barrier to entry, so I think we are heading in the right direction.
Time will tell.

Offline CLains

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Let it rise and rise, paves the way for all 2.0 stuff, just like Bitcoin paved the way for Litecoin. Reminds me how low LTC/Ripple are atm, not to mention BitShares, everybody work hard and invest your best, in the end freedom and powerlaws beats divisory common sense ;)

a little different . LTC go up because of speculative drive .

And bitshares has made a point that it's gonna rise through "real users" .

No matter what we say or believe, it is inherently speculative, as price goes up funds for development increases and chance of success increases. It's an inherently unstable situation, especially with network effect and self-funding features that are evolving, which is why people place their bets in the first place.