Author Topic: [CMO] Vote for stalemate  (Read 31215 times)

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Offline itsik78

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Yeah, thanks itsik78. I hope this will guide you in promoting MemoryCoin. As you may notice, I'm not begging or flooding exchanges for MemoryCoin to be listed. I'm just offering my services ;)
Simple and effortless.
Note to self: Don't reply to Stalemate's posts.
Thanks for guiding me.

oh, I was just teasing you. c'mon! we're in a competition. let's do our best for mmc.

Offline stalemate

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Yeah, thanks itsik78. I hope this will guide you in promoting MemoryCoin. As you may notice, I'm not begging or flooding exchanges for MemoryCoin to be listed. I'm just offering my services ;)
Simple and effortless.
Note to self: Don't reply to Stalemate's posts.
Thanks for guiding me.

oh, I was just teasing you. c'mon! we're in a competition. let's do our best for mmc.
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
Memorycoin Chief Marketing Officer - Voting Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ

Offline itsik78

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Yeah, thanks itsik78. I hope this will guide you in promoting MemoryCoin. As you may notice, I'm not begging or flooding exchanges for MemoryCoin to be listed. I'm just offering my services ;)
Simple and effortless.
Note to self: Don't reply to Stalemate's posts.
Thanks for guiding me.

Offline stalemate

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Yeah, thanks itsik78. I hope this will guide you in promoting MemoryCoin. As you may notice, I'm not begging or flooding exchanges for MemoryCoin to be listed. I'm just offering my services ;)
Simple and effortless.
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
Memorycoin Chief Marketing Officer - Voting Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ

Offline itsik78

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Sent them a request to add the coin as well.
I'll update if they contact me.

Offline stalemate

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Today, I have applied CoinPayments for MemoryCoin to be listed on their website in exchange for translating their website into Turkish.
If they accept my offer, we will barter services and MemoryCoin will have an automated payment gateway. If they don't, we can vote in their next poll for our coin to be listed.
Just to inform everyone, I'm still a candidate for CMO position :)

Note: I checked CoinPayments gold stores to compare prices with Coaex and our prices are definately the best!

For 1 gram of gold
igotspots - 69,40 USD
bitezze - 69,50 USD
scriptcoinstore - 54,99 USD (plus ~ 5.50 USD shipping)
BitcoinMetals - 65 USD

Coaex - 55,49 USD including Free Worlwide Shipping!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 01:35:47 pm by stalemate »
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
Memorycoin Chief Marketing Officer - Voting Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ

Offline BZC

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Offline isaacgoldbourne

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I want to see a done list not a to do list
MemoryDice now available!
 Vote for me to be CNO of memorycoin if you want these services. Just send 1 satoshi!
CNO: MVTEcno2tbsJWj7AQEyEjgk72j94hbPHFm

Offline stalemate

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Please explain the double-check system. Would this be a multiple-signature transaction, meaning that for an output to be spent, two or more parties would have to sign the transaction? I think that is badly needed for project organization, including around ProtoShares. I was just thinking how useful that might be. If you can quickly organize coders/resources to create a tool that will do that, you'll have as much of my support as I can muster . . .

Similar but let me explain a little bit.

As a CMO, I have some responsibilities to create demand for MemoryCoin. Therefore I will create projects to accomplish my responsibilities. This will be visible for public with all the details including cost of outsourced work, project deadline, benefits of project, etc. There will be a guideline for creating new projects and will have strict rules.

There will be two parties involving in these projects to vote.
1) CMO team members
2) MemoryCoin community (Practically, this will only be the people who access the project details page, read, understand, study the project details)

Voting will be publicly visible.
Aforementioned parties will have a vote weight (different from our Wallet voting - Each vote counts 1)
CMO team members vote weight = 70%
MemoryCoin community vote weight = 30%

Additionally, community projects will be available and be subject to strictly written guidelines, as well.
In short, this will be like PDCA cycle.
This is something hard to develop but not impossible.
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
Memorycoin Chief Marketing Officer - Voting Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ

Offline earthbound

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Please explain the double-check system. Would this be a multiple-signature transaction, meaning that for an output to be spent, two or more parties would have to sign the transaction? I think that is badly needed for project organization, including around ProtoShares. I was just thinking how useful that might be. If you can quickly organize coders/resources to create a tool that will do that, you'll have as much of my support as I can muster . . .
I think I'm not alone when I say I'd like to see more and more planets fall under the ruthless dominion of our solar system. -Jack Handey

Offline stalemate

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Thanks for your votes.
Status update: I opened the first merchant website for MemoryCoin where you can buy physical gold bars. Visit for details.
I hope this will drive more attention to MemoryCoin.
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
Memorycoin Chief Marketing Officer - Voting Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ


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you have my vote.

good luck!

Offline seraphim

Now that's a promising application! Exactly what's needed after all that senseless bashing.

Meet you on STEEM

Offline stalemate

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CMO Vote Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ (my voting address changed, please update in
Please send 0.00000001 MMC to vote for me as your new CMO!

As a co-member of CSO team, I decided to apply for CMO position today. For those who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself briefly.
I'm Serter, 31 years old guy from Istanbul, Turkey. I've been working as a freelance translator in various online translation communities since 2008. Most of my projects are tech and finance related. I have customers from all around the world including
anyoption (binary options trading platform) - Weekly Financial Reports, Marketing
Payoneer (payment processor) - Customer Support Tickets
Mousehunt (online game) - 90% of game interface
Loadout (online game) - 30% of game interface
and more..
Translated more than 300.000 words in 5 years and nowadays I'm translating into Turkish (fully translated as of now) and supporting CSO team.
Moreover, I'm working as an independent lead auditor/technical expert in Quality Management Systems, namely ISO 9001:2008 and FSC. My education is engineering based on wood industry.

What I've Done So Far

- Coaex - The first MemoryCoin merchant, a gold store where you can buy gold bars with MemoryCoin (Read announcement thread here :
- Agreed with for MemoryCoin to be listed on their supported coins. MemoryCoin has now an automated payment gateway!
- Translated full website into Turkish including pages, posts, links, etc.

To Do List

- Advanced MemoryCoin Payment Gateway which has different rules (low/high/last/bid/ask/avg/w-avg and multiplier/divider) for merchants to choose from
- MemoryCoin Merchandise (mugs, keychains, apparel such as tshirts & hoodies, stickers, various objects to be produced in 3D printers, laser engraved wooden products, etc.)
- Improving visual quality of (if applicable - else a new blog site) - using Avada Wordpress theme with WPML support, Logo & Banner contests
- Supporting localization of MemoryCoin with professional human translators - over 48 languages!
- and most importantly.... working with global Digital Media Agencies in our ad campaigns. In this regard, I have a great networking, key contacts in Istanbul. Thus, we'll have a global recognition not only in cryptocoin markets but in financial markets as well.


Most of the work will be outsourced in my term. Thus, I will provide each and every detail of payments to ensure transparency.
As a QMS expert, I'm planning to implement a double-check system for project organization.
1) My team of experts' approval
2) Community approval

In my term, I guarantee that all the salary and spent amount will be publicly visible and will not be spent without prior community approval.

My "To Do List" might seem unrealistic but rest assured all these will be accomplished in my captaincy! Trust me in this campaign and vote for me as your new Chief Marketing Officer: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ

Contact Information
facebook/twitter/skype/gtalk: sertergunay
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 09:27:24 am by stalemate »
Coaex Precious Metals - Cryptocoin Gold and Silver Bullion
Memorycoin Chief Marketing Officer - Voting Address: MVTEcmoa78Tg5gRHzfjk5y5eaBxzP6GEYQ