Author Topic: Have we lost another friend community  (Read 3665 times)

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I looked for another comparison thread in that subreddit, and came across one for Nxt.  It's a bit of an apples-to-oranges, since this thread was created before Frontier was released, but there does appear to be a slightly more positive tone towards Nxt.

I also found a few threads that were basically also comparison threads, but they were worded to be Ethereum-centric, and they seemed to get a more positive response:

It's a small sample size, granted, and I didn't check which posters were /r/ethereum regulars vs. guests from other communities.  But, the main takeaway that I got from these threads is, /r/ethereum (sensibly) wants to talk about how great Ethereum is, so a thread about Ethereum+BitShares will likely receive a better reception than a thread about Ethereum vs. BitShares.

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Offline 70231f697a2b3c2b

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I looked for another comparison thread in that subreddit, and came across one for Nxt.  It's a bit of an apples-to-oranges, since this thread was created before Frontier was released, but there does appear to be a slightly more positive tone towards Nxt.

I also found a few threads that were basically also comparison threads, but they were worded to be Ethereum-centric, and they seemed to get a more positive response:

It's a small sample size, granted, and I didn't check which posters were /r/ethereum regulars vs. guests from other communities.  But, the main takeaway that I got from these threads is, /r/ethereum (sensibly) wants to talk about how great Ethereum is, so a thread about Ethereum+BitShares will likely receive a better reception than a thread about Ethereum vs. BitShares.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 04:19:06 am by 70231f697a2b3c2b »

Offline alt

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I'm glad to see toast still say good word for bitshares.

Offline yvv

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What's wrong is said in OP link? I don't see no heresy. Honest opinions of bunch of people. Why is this bad?

Offline cylonmaker2053

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I didn't read that thread to be BTS bashing; more like an acknowledgement of some differences, respect for some of our technical capabilities, and of course some bias towards their blockchain. if we could be masters of the "financial stuff" they mention, we'd be enormously successful, so being constrained to that wouldn't be so bad...

Offline nomoreheroes7

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I'm not sure what you were expecting to read in an r/ethereum reddit thread... most seemed open to bitshares and didn't necessarily hate on bts.  Of course there is going to be ethereum biases in that thread.

This. Seemed more reasonable than I would've expected tbh.

Offline lil_jay890

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I'm not sure what you were expecting to read in an r/ethereum reddit thread... most seemed open to bitshares and didn't necessarily hate on bts.  Of course there is going to be ethereum biases in that thread.

Offline xeroc

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I used to think that most of the ethereum community has either none or positive sentiments for BitShares, but I start to be rather disappointed about them given this posts and voes:

Is this just the bad influence of r/bitcoin or have we just lost another open community?

Oh btw, it seems people
a) still think that SHAREHOLDERS=COMMUNITY and
b) community is toxic

So, could we at least be a little more welcome and positive in the near future? Please..