
What should be the new CMO's focus?

Adding MMC2 to as many exchanges as possible
20 (48.8%)
Convincing additional miners (mostly GPU) to come and mine MMC2 instead of clone-coins
1 (2.4%)
Social Networking - Create and maintain Twitter, Facebook, Etc. accounts and build a followers community
4 (9.8%)
Media - Contact Bloggers and Bitcoin related sites with some press releases
11 (26.8%)
Graphics - Invest in the look & feel of the coin, the wallet and the related websites
5 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: January 10, 2014, 10:38:58 pm

Author Topic: What to Focus on?  (Read 12013 times)

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Offline smokim11

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voted for more exposure and marketing of MMC.

Getting more people to offer services for MMC would be a great benefit. Finding a hosting company possibly that accepts MMC for VPS, website hosting.

Finding digital product sellers to accept MMC, for example MMC for xbox live, software, itune gift cards...etc

Possible "get paid to" site that offers MMC as a payment for completing offers, surveys, watching videos...etc

Getting Paid to click sites to accept MMC for advertising and allowing earnings to be withdrawn as MMC.

These type of sites usually have average people like most of us trying to earn a few bucks, some investors. They might see MMC as a great investment seeing that you could make a few hundred dollars pretty quick trading MMC.
If I helped you and want to show your appreciation donate any amount:

Offline 5chdn

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As I stated in my proposal - Media is most important. Mainstream bitcoin blogs and podcasts should get a chance to understand why MMC is different.

Offline andhar

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The CMO should make a announcement to IT/TECH blogs, online newspapers  and such medias.
After making this announcement with some information on what MMC is and what has been accomplished so far and what the next step is, send that to the support team leader for translations. Then we spread it to all the tech/it blog owners we know, all the papers that seems relevant for the topic and other medias you can think of. This way we get exposure, fast and easy. Also continuing to make posts and threads in relevant forums is also a good idea, also updating those posts already created as soon as updates are released.
Good idea.
I will start writing a press release emphasizing the unique and innovative points

If you need translations for different countries later contact Seraphim. We got a great support group with many different nationalities.
Languages we currently handle

Banch: Finnish, English, little Swedish

Seraphim: English, German

Andhar: Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, English.

testz: Russian, English

IsaacGoldbourne: English

tomorrow: Chinese, English

pvaladares: Portugese, English

Offline itsik78

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I stand corrected - you're doing a great job on that giveaway - where can I send funds to support it?

Thanks! :)
I'm funding it from my CMO address, so you can send it there:

Offline itsik78

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The CMO should make a announcement to IT/TECH blogs, online newspapers  and such medias.
After making this announcement with some information on what MMC is and what has been accomplished so far and what the next step is, send that to the support team leader for translations. Then we spread it to all the tech/it blog owners we know, all the papers that seems relevant for the topic and other medias you can think of. This way we get exposure, fast and easy. Also continuing to make posts and threads in relevant forums is also a good idea, also updating those posts already created as soon as updates are released.
Good idea.
I will start writing a press release emphasizing the unique and innovative points

Offline FreeTrade

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Started a giveaway thread on BitCoinTalk:

For new users only, to try and get more people downloading our client.
I believe the easy mining option there will do a great job in getting people to start mining it and slowly get them to be involved with the coin.

I stand corrected - you're doing a great job on that giveaway - where can I send funds to support it?
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline andhar

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The CMO should make a announcement to IT/TECH blogs, online newspapers  and such medias.
After making this announcement with some information on what MMC is and what has been accomplished so far and what the next step is, send that to the support team leader for translations. Then we spread it to all the tech/it blog owners we know, all the papers that seems relevant for the topic and other medias you can think of. This way we get exposure, fast and easy. Also continuing to make posts and threads in relevant forums is also a good idea, also updating those posts already created as soon as updates are released. 

Offline reorder

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Quark story makes it obvious what is crucial for short-term altcoin success. Media coverage and precise timing.

Offline itsik78

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The objective is to increase demand.

Offer a Lottery for all MMC users.

105% of the coins are paid out.

Make the payout split between 3 contestants from 65%, 25%, 10%

This should offer users incentive to start mining MMC.

I may work on this little idea :)
Let me know when it's ready :)

Offline Delinquency

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The objective is to increase demand.

Offer a Lottery for all MMC users.

105% of the coins are paid out.

Make the payout split between 3 contestants from 65%, 25%, 10%

This should offer users incentive to start mining MMC.

I may work on this little idea :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 09:03:44 am by Delinquency »

Offline FreeTrade

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The idea was to get people to download the wallet and hopefully the easy mining option will increase chances they will start mining and get involved.
How do you suggest we "kickstart people's mining by mathing with small amount"?. Open to any idea.

Not sure, just thinking out loud too.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline itsik78

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The idea was to get people to download the wallet and hopefully the easy mining option will increase chances they will start mining and get involved.
How do you suggest we "kickstart people's mining by mathing with small amount"?. Open to any idea.

Offline FreeTrade

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Generally I'm not in favour of giveaways/faucets because I think it sends the wrong message about the coin and doesn't require much participation (users can just grab an address from their exchange) so I haven't been funding this.

However if we could kickstart people's mining by matching with a small amount - that would reward participation and help to encourage people to get started - we've got a lot of funds in the defunct MCF that I need to distribute.
“People should be more sophisticated? How are you gonna get that done?” - Jerry Seinfeld reply to Bill Maher

Offline itsik78

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Started a giveaway thread on BitCoinTalk:

For new users only, to try and get more people downloading our client.
I believe the easy mining option there will do a great job in getting people to start mining it and slowly get them to be involved with the coin.

Offline itsik78

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#1: Encourage Miners to Adopt the coin (Mine and HOLD)
#2: Promote Demand (stimulate buying and possibility of profit by presenting calculations)
#3: Create an Application that can be utilized by the economically marginalized. (Present the normal individual with reasons why to mine MMC with a less-than-three minute video) [Possibly multiple jobs on fiverr?]
#4: Promote the exchange of services and goods by transfer of Memorycoin.
#5: Create a marketplace to sell MMC for other things rather than Bitcoins.
#6 Create an EASY tutorial with big and colorful letters and little steps. Make it easier to mine than bitcoins.


Any individual who runs for CMO and makes these ideas happen will get my vote.
These are great points.
Thank you