Author Topic: [Worker Proposal] Blockchain Explorer and API Development  (Read 22203 times)

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Offline roadscape

Ya'll really kept me on my toes the last few weeks.. only on BitShares can devs
be regularly fired and hired the same day, yet be expected to plan weeks ahead.. :p

Regardless.. it was overall a positive experience & I learned a lot! And most
importantly, I accomplished a lot I wouldn't have without the worker, things that
continue to provide ongoing value for the community.

Thank you for that opportunity.

But it does seem like the right time to shift priorities.
Returns from this worker are diminishing, and I'm running low on steam.

Of course, I'll continue working on cryptofresh, at my own pace.
As always, I'll be focusing my skills and energy where they are most effective.

It's great to see the true leaders stepping up in this community.
Hopefully you can figure out the funding situation :p
Just glad to see @svk's worker (critical) is still in..
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 07:49:02 pm by roadscape »  |  witness: roadscape

Offline roadscape

I've been reconsidering priorities and I'd like to submit a slight change of plans:

 - I'm not going to wait until the worker is fully funded to release the code. Instead, that's where I'd like to shift my immediate focus -- documenting & releasing the source. To set it free, allow it to be reused, and help others get involved.
 - Besides that, the next tasks remain: internationalization, page updates, and as always.. more DEX data.
 - No change in my commitment to keep building/improving cryptofresh while my worker is active.
 - No immediate plans to launch another worker after this one expires (May 31), but I will continue to support cryptofresh.

 - I rescind my witness resignation and will resume publishing feeds.
 - I also intend to run for a Steem witness position.

I'm glad I held off on the "blockchain social network" aspect of this worker proposal and focused on DEX-specific features! However that aspect is still something I'm very passionate about, and that's why I'm excited about Steem's approach. That being said, I still believe BitShares could benefit greatly from a blockchain-based trollbox and announcement channel (and I'd be happy to work with @svk to add it to the wallet if he has time & the stakeholders still consider it a priority). I'm just going to scrap the threaded discussion and tipping features for now.

Next week I will be taking a break from cryptofresh duties to catch my breath and get witnesses/servers set up properly. Over the following 1-2 weeks I will document & prepare the code for release, and then switch back to completing features. After May 31 I'll make sure cryptofresh continues to run smoothly and be a useful resource. There's still a *lot* more I'd like to do with cryptofresh but need to let the dust settle.

Feedback/questions welcome!  |  witness: roadscape

Offline roadscape

Last week was backend work and initial API release.

This week I've focused on view internationalization, refactoring, and visual cleanup of the account and asset pages. These tasks go nicely together and give me a chance to comb over each page. It's a work in progress but I'll release some of the GUI changes today. Within 2 weeks I expect to have Chinese version of the site 80% done and ready for testing. During that period there will also be updates to the home page (more charts and less lists), and possibly the asset/market pages.  |  witness: roadscape

Offline roadscape

This week:

Wrapped up changes to the CMC reporting API; trades among 35 assets are being tracked and any new significant trading among them should show up automatically on CMC. It helps make sure we are credited properly for volume on the DEX with minimal delay. Thanks to Ronny for sponsoring this feature!

Updated and cleaned up these reports for the hardfork:

Added a balance lookup API and working on a historical asset data API. As I wrap it up, I'll clean up & document the other cryptofresh API endpoints. Now is a good time to send requests for any API's you'd like to see! If you are needing to scrape cryptofresh for something please let me know.  |  witness: roadscape

Offline roadscape

I have a stupid request:
can the sells be in red and the buys in green? It is the other way around now.
Can we have the settlement price the same direction as the rest of the prices on any given page? Example:
Price top of the page 218,000 (aka BTS/GOLD)
Settlement price 0.00000458  GOLD/BTS
Thanks for doing it man!

Aha, you found it. Np. The red/green seemed wrong to me too, but for some reason I thought it was supposed to be that way. I like seeing Buys in green.

- last_irreversible_block - is not updating
- if you do not refresh you sometimes have "Next maintenance 5 min. ago"  :)

I've been staring at these for a while, wondering if they're worth keeping around.. should I get rid of them?  |  witness: roadscape

Offline tonyk

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I have a stupid request:
can the sells be in red and the buys in green? It is the other way around now.
Can we have the settlement price the same direction as the rest of the prices on any given page? Example:
Price top of the page 218,000 (aka BTS/GOLD)
Settlement price 0.00000458  GOLD/BTS
Thanks for doing it man!
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline tonyk

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I have a stupid request:
can the sells be in red and the buys in green? It is the other way around now.

 - last_irreversible_block - is not updating

- if you do not refresh you sometimes have "Next maintenance 5 min. ago"  :)

Can we have the settlement price the same direction as the rest of the prices on any given page? Example:

Price top of the page 218,000 (aka BTS/GOLD)
Settlement price 0.00000458  GOLD/BTS

« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 06:42:56 pm by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline cube

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This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?

Thanks @cube, feed price is the same thing as "settlement price" price, correct? I've added it above "Details" pane on the right side for now.

Transaction history - you mean to show latest transfers? Or market orders history? Market order history is definitely something I'd like to add there, it's just part of the new API I haven't accessed yet.

Top 250 accounts means "250 accounts with the highest balances and/or debts in this asset" (i.e. the most interesting)

Yes, the fed price is the 'settlement price' in the GUI.  Settlement price in CF is showing '--'.

Transaction history = 'transacted order history'.  Does market order history means that?

The top 250-account list is lumping the highest balances and debts together and this can be confusing.  Can it be separately ranked (ie top in balance OR top in debt)?

Ah, there's actually 2 'settlement prices' -- the 2nd one is part of the "Global settle" feature, and currently only applies to RUB/SEK. But I did add "Price feed" at the top of the right-hand pane. I'll try to clear this up to make it look better though.

And yep, that's what I meant by market order history.

As for the top 250 list, I see what you mean. Maybe it is best to split it into two tables? One for debt positions, the other for balance+orders+collateral balance. Should I combine "Orders" and "Collateral" fields? Or keep them separate?

I see that 'fee price' now.  If this information is right above the price chart, it would be easier for the user to compare it with the chart.  I think the feed price should be in the same base term as the price chart.

IMHO, balance+orders should be a chart table by itself and making collateral another chart table.

On OL they have Settlement Price line right on the chart, would that be preferable?

Shouldn't collateral be counted as a type of "order"? Because we already have a table that lists full collateral+debt positions, ordered by collateral ratio. If someone has 1M BTS locked up to create USD, would you expect to see this 1M BTS reflected on the "richlist"?

Having it on the chart would be nice.

Sorry, I meant two tables and not charts.  The collateral table will show the 1M-bts-locked-up guy in the top list.
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

Offline roadscape

This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?

Thanks @cube, feed price is the same thing as "settlement price" price, correct? I've added it above "Details" pane on the right side for now.

Transaction history - you mean to show latest transfers? Or market orders history? Market order history is definitely something I'd like to add there, it's just part of the new API I haven't accessed yet.

Top 250 accounts means "250 accounts with the highest balances and/or debts in this asset" (i.e. the most interesting)

Yes, the fed price is the 'settlement price' in the GUI.  Settlement price in CF is showing '--'.

Transaction history = 'transacted order history'.  Does market order history means that?

The top 250-account list is lumping the highest balances and debts together and this can be confusing.  Can it be separately ranked (ie top in balance OR top in debt)?

Ah, there's actually 2 'settlement prices' -- the 2nd one is part of the "Global settle" feature, and currently only applies to RUB/SEK. But I did add "Price feed" at the top of the right-hand pane. I'll try to clear this up to make it look better though.

And yep, that's what I meant by market order history.

As for the top 250 list, I see what you mean. Maybe it is best to split it into two tables? One for debt positions, the other for balance+orders+collateral balance. Should I combine "Orders" and "Collateral" fields? Or keep them separate?

I see that 'fee price' now.  If this information is right above the price chart, it would be easier for the user to compare it with the chart.  I think the feed price should be in the same base term as the price chart.

IMHO, balance+orders should be a chart by itself and making collateral another chart.

On OL they have Settlement Price line right on the chart, would that be preferable?

Shouldn't collateral be counted as a type of "order"? Because we already have a table that lists full collateral+debt positions, ordered by collateral ratio. If someone has 1M BTS locked up to create USD, would you expect to see this 1M BTS reflected on the "richlist"?  |  witness: roadscape

Offline cube

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This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?

Thanks @cube, feed price is the same thing as "settlement price" price, correct? I've added it above "Details" pane on the right side for now.

Transaction history - you mean to show latest transfers? Or market orders history? Market order history is definitely something I'd like to add there, it's just part of the new API I haven't accessed yet.

Top 250 accounts means "250 accounts with the highest balances and/or debts in this asset" (i.e. the most interesting)

Yes, the fed price is the 'settlement price' in the GUI.  Settlement price in CF is showing '--'.

Transaction history = 'transacted order history'.  Does market order history means that?

The top 250-account list is lumping the highest balances and debts together and this can be confusing.  Can it be separately ranked (ie top in balance OR top in debt)?

Ah, there's actually 2 'settlement prices' -- the 2nd one is part of the "Global settle" feature, and currently only applies to RUB/SEK. But I did add "Price feed" at the top of the right-hand pane. I'll try to clear this up to make it look better though.

And yep, that's what I meant by market order history.

As for the top 250 list, I see what you mean. Maybe it is best to split it into two tables? One for debt positions, the other for balance+orders+collateral balance. Should I combine "Orders" and "Collateral" fields? Or keep them separate?

I see that 'fee price' now.  If this information is right above the price chart, it would be easier for the user to compare it with the chart.  I think the feed price should be in the same base term as the price chart.

IMHO, balance+orders should be a chart by itself and making collateral another chart.
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

Offline roadscape

This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?

Thanks @cube, feed price is the same thing as "settlement price" price, correct? I've added it above "Details" pane on the right side for now.

Transaction history - you mean to show latest transfers? Or market orders history? Market order history is definitely something I'd like to add there, it's just part of the new API I haven't accessed yet.

Top 250 accounts means "250 accounts with the highest balances and/or debts in this asset" (i.e. the most interesting)

Yes, the fed price is the 'settlement price' in the GUI.  Settlement price in CF is showing '--'.

Transaction history = 'transacted order history'.  Does market order history means that?

The top 250-account list is lumping the highest balances and debts together and this can be confusing.  Can it be separately ranked (ie top in balance OR top in debt)?

Ah, there's actually 2 'settlement prices' -- the 2nd one is part of the "Global settle" feature, and currently only applies to RUB/SEK. But I did add "Price feed" at the top of the right-hand pane. I'll try to clear this up to make it look better though.

And yep, that's what I meant by market order history.

As for the top 250 list, I see what you mean. Maybe it is best to split it into two tables? One for debt positions, the other for balance+orders+collateral balance. Should I combine "Orders" and "Collateral" fields? Or keep them separate?  |  witness: roadscape

Offline cube

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This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?

Thanks @cube, feed price is the same thing as "settlement price" price, correct? I've added it above "Details" pane on the right side for now.

Transaction history - you mean to show latest transfers? Or market orders history? Market order history is definitely something I'd like to add there, it's just part of the new API I haven't accessed yet.

Top 250 accounts means "250 accounts with the highest balances and/or debts in this asset" (i.e. the most interesting)

Yes, the fed price is the 'settlement price' in the GUI.  Settlement price in CF is showing '--'.

Transaction history = 'transacted order history'.  Does market order history means that?

The top 250-account list is lumping the highest balances and debts together and this can be confusing.  Can it be separately ranked (ie top in balance OR top in debt)?

ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

Offline roadscape

This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?

Thanks @cube, feed price is the same thing as "settlement price" price, correct? I've added it above "Details" pane on the right side for now.

Transaction history - you mean to show latest transfers? Or market orders history? Market order history is definitely something I'd like to add there, it's just part of the new API I haven't accessed yet.

Top 250 accounts means "250 accounts with the highest balances and/or debts in this asset" (i.e. the most interesting)  |  witness: roadscape

Offline cube

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  • BitShares: bitcube
This week I focused on improving the asset pages. It's not finished but this is all useful market data so I figure I'd release the work in progress sooner than later:

Feedback is appreciated, especially from a trader's perspective.. Any units to flip? Any obvious missing data?

Really nice!

I think the current feed price should be in a more prominent position.  Is there a plan for transaction history?  What does the top 250 accounts mean?
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

Offline roadscape

This week I finished setting up a new dev environment.. I'm now just testing to see if I can get it to crash with compression enabled again; I'm still not sure if the cli_wallet crash last week was due to compression or some other factor.. but once it runs solid for a few days I'll update the production node.

Also, I added an instant search feature, it's at the top of every page:

Next week I plan to update the voting report.. the hardfork is changing some voting logic and it could use an update at any rate. Plus another task or two off the backlog.  |  witness: roadscape