In a nutshell:
BM's team delayed work on STEEM to build Stealth for Onceuponatime.
They completed that effort as specified.
They concluded that more work would need to be done to make it truly usable by the public (i.e. profitable).
BM refunded what Onceup paid (ate the cost of development himself) and received the useless tokens in exchange.
Onceup arranged with BitShares Munich to buy BM's tokens and finish the task with their own funds.
Let start from the beginning...
-No one wanted stealth...everybody insisted for a more important work that needed to be done for BTS sake BEFORE stealth.
-BM said "no I will work on stealth instead" (also claimed being of great importance to the BTS future)...
-STEALT was a great lie from the very beginning...there is not much worth 45K...45K to implement already existing cli features into a GUI.
-BM was fully aware of what the final GUI STEALTH will look like (as he knew what the cli stealth was)...
-All the stealth fiasco was...was just a time for insiders (BM) to sell their stakes before leaving the ship...
I do think you went to the dark side with your twists and misrepresentations of the facts Stan...and all for financial benefits???
You are getting more and more arrogant, more and more sure you are great with that kind of manipulation with each next one you do... but the rope has always been able to carry just that much weight before it breaks...just as much as at the beginning.