Author Topic: State of Stealth ?  (Read 9156 times)

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potential loss of funds

I highly recommend you use it in the testnet first and make sure you understand the risks!

The cli-wallet probably works best if you dont want to risk lossing funds ..

Important thing is to have a 'receipt' for all transactions .. without them .. you cant access the funds!!

Offline karnal

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However you'd need to compile the gui on your own ..

Wouldn't have it any other way ;)

Are there any showstopper outstanding bugs with the web wallet stealth code?

Offline xeroc

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- STEALTH is not working and will never work that way it was promised!
it DOES work .. it is just not NICE and SAFE to the end user yet .. and since you could lose fund if you fuckup, BM decided to not launch it publicly ..

@xeroc if it works, where can I grab it? (gui version)

The present situation is more or less (though not really, I know) the same as accessing your bank without https .. except even more serious, as in the case of the bank "only" someone in your local network misbehaving or anyone with network access on the path to the bank server could spy on your transactions.

With Bitshares, anyone, at any time, from now to infinity, can.

@kenCode are there any etas for release of stealth? Who's working on it, actually?

Sorry if these have been answered elsewhere recently, just now catching up with all the threads. Thanks!
There is a tutorial in zhe docs how to use stealth with the cli-wallet .. havent looked into the exisitng web gui code for stealth .. afaik it is on a separate branch in the graphene-ui repo. However you'd need to compile the gui on your own ..

i wouldnt recommend using the web wallet just yet

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Offline karnal

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- STEALTH is not working and will never work that way it was promised!
it DOES work .. it is just not NICE and SAFE to the end user yet .. and since you could lose fund if you fuckup, BM decided to not launch it publicly ..

@xeroc if it works, where can I grab it? (gui version)

The present situation is more or less (though not really, I know) the same as accessing your bank without https .. except even more serious, as in the case of the bank "only" someone in your local network misbehaving or anyone with network access on the path to the bank server could spy on your transactions.

With Bitshares, anyone, at any time, from now to infinity, can.

@kenCode are there any etas for release of stealth? Who's working on it, actually?

Sorry if these have been answered elsewhere recently, just now catching up with all the threads. Thanks!

Offline xeroc

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- STEALTH is not working and will never work that way it was promised!
it DOES work .. it is just not NICE and SAFE to the end user yet .. and since you could lose fund if you fuckup, BM decided to not launch it publicly ..

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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We need to look foward..
.there is 5k online users in poloniex.....without count top.exchanges.....opportunity to make a profitable dex is huuuuuuuuuuuuge.......stealth is being create by munchen....the guys are not asking for money....lets do it privacy is important too...lets put everything togheter n go foward
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chat, post, promote it!!!!!!!! Stan help to improve OP!

Offline Shentist

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In a nutshell:

BM's team delayed work on STEEM to build Stealth for Onceuponatime.
They completed that effort as specified.
They concluded that more work would need to be done to make it truly usable by the public (i.e. profitable).
BM refunded what Onceup paid (ate the cost of development himself) and received the useless tokens in exchange.
Onceup arranged with BitShares Munich to buy BM's tokens and finish the task with their own funds.

i don't get this point. i thought bytemaster worked alone on steem?

in hinside it looks to me that way

- STEALTH is not working and will never work that way it was promised!
- i think @tonyk s points are right. It is just a false feature to get the prices longer elevated.

Offline tonyk

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In a nutshell:

BM's team delayed work on STEEM to build Stealth for Onceuponatime.
They completed that effort as specified.
They concluded that more work would need to be done to make it truly usable by the public (i.e. profitable).
BM refunded what Onceup paid (ate the cost of development himself) and received the useless tokens in exchange.
Onceup arranged with BitShares Munich to buy BM's tokens and finish the task with their own funds.

Let start from the beginning...

-No one wanted stealth...everybody insisted for a more important work that needed to be done for BTS sake BEFORE stealth.

-BM said "no I will work on stealth instead" (also claimed being of  great importance to the BTS future)...

-STEALT was a great lie from the very beginning...there is not much worth 45K...45K to implement already existing cli features into a GUI.

-BM was fully aware of what the final GUI STEALTH will look like (as he knew what the cli stealth was)...

-All  the stealth fiasco was...was just a time for insiders (BM) to sell their stakes before leaving the ship...


I do think you went to the dark side with your twists and misrepresentations of the facts Stan...and all for financial benefits???

You are getting more and more arrogant, more and more sure you are great with that kind of manipulation with each next one you do... but the rope has always been able to carry just that much weight before it breaks...just as much as at the beginning.

Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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Im wondering why there is not a work proposal for.stealth..... We could easyly have a budget 100000bts daily applied  n splited to.xeroc, roadscape + 1 work feature n still low inflation..... When bts price apreciate we could do much more with less possible implement in dex lending n margin? This would bring with liquidity a lot in fees........a system to 0 fees to market makers in dex i think is important too.
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chat, post, promote it!!!!!!!! Stan help to improve OP!

Offline Erlich Bachman

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sweet, good to see stealth still getting done! thanks ken and team munich
You own the network, but who pays for development?

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In a nutshell:

BM's team delayed work on STEEM to build Stealth for Onceuponatime.
They completed that effort as specified.
They concluded that more work would need to be done to make it truly usable by the public (i.e. profitable).
BM refunded what Onceup paid (ate the cost of development himself) and received the useless tokens in exchange.
Onceup arranged with BitShares Munich to buy BM's tokens and finish the task with their own funds.

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline mint chocolate chip

i do not understand. so when oneuponatime didn't paid for stealth who did it? dan from his own pokets?

I think to compensate onceuponatime for his "loan" he was in Dan's words: "well taken care of" (read: included in the inner circle, advance notice of Steem, etc.). Seems that the devs and their inner circle spent the so-called delayed months caused by the Stealth development to heavily dump most of their remaining BTS from various large accounts.

would love to hear what "really" happened fromb @bytemaster or @onceuponatime , because i was under the impression, that he paid for the STEALTH and was not aware of the reversed FBAs to Bytemaster.

So, from the allocation right now, Bytemaster is the biggest holders of the FBA STEALTH.

Offline Shentist

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i do not understand. so when oneuponatime didn't paid for stealth who did it? dan from his own pokets?

I think to compensate onceuponatime for his "loan" he was in Dan's words: "well taken care of" (read: included in the inner circle, advance notice of Steem, etc.). Seems that the devs and their inner circle spent the so-called delayed months caused by the Stealth development to heavily dump most of their remaining BTS from various large accounts.

would love to hear what "really" happened fromb @bytemaster or @onceuponatime , because i was under the impression, that he paid for the STEALTH and was not aware of the reversed FBAs to Bytemaster.

So, from the allocation right now, Bytemaster is the biggest holders of the FBA STEALTH.

Offline mint chocolate chip

i do not understand. so when oneuponatime didn't paid for stealth who did it? dan from his own pokets?

I think to compensate onceuponatime for his "loan" he was in Dan's words: "well taken care of" (read: included in the inner circle, advance notice of Steem, etc.). Seems that the devs and their inner circle spent the so-called delayed months caused by the Stealth development to heavily dump most of their remaining BTS from various large accounts.