Author Topic: BitShares Reform: Solving its Identity Crisis and Establishing a Brand.  (Read 23439 times)

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Offline Stan

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What horde of businesses are beating down the doors at CNX to help them implement their very own version of the blockchain? Like I said I can imagine there may be a business opportunity in that space but I don't see it as a sure thing. The current track record seems to indicate the opposite.

Actually, you might be surprised.  :)

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline Thom

Sorry, BCL, the dots from your link were too far apart to integrate into a picture that relates to what the BitShares vision is.

Granted, I didn't dig into the 18 page survey but instead read the enclosing summary. Just don't see how you're making a case for proprietary solutions and against unregulated ones. But then, I'm not sure the millennials mindset represents quality wisdom. I will admit it is a demographic I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of. I see extremes in that group (like any "group"), from those who are wide awake and anxious for meaningful change and are willing to help make it happen to those dumbed down from 13 years of public school indoctrination who know nothing BUT the status quo and hope "somebody" will fix it. Meanwhile they just want to hangout their parents place & let them worry about it, they created the mess anyway. That later attitude is obviously not the type that I have any trust in.

Another issue I have with that article is it's collectivist thinking. It's individuals that get shit done not some demographic "group" like millennials or baby boomers. Statistics have their uses but I don't see the point you're trying to make by citing that article.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - MLK |  Verbaltech2 Witness Reports:,23902.0.html

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)

Some interesting perspectives. I'm not sure I agree with a focus on businesses though. Perhaps it will work out that way, but IMO if we can build a product that appeals to a broader audience it could go viral. That's easier said than done of course. From the recent feedback offered here on the forum from people new to BitShares we don't seem to have a clue how to identify and adddress the needs of a customer base. I am here b/c of the vision, which is NOT plasma or Identibit or anything like that. I am here for decentralization, disruption and unsensored DNS. I am here b/c I realize the HUGE potential of blockchain tech to achieve those goals, to lay down the pavement to the Financial Superhighway, not some walled off, segregated, limited version of it. The free market baby, that's where the focus AND payout will be. That's the audience we need to connect with.

I find myself swayed by Andreaus Antonopoulus' analogy comparing the evolution of the Internet and blockchain tech. He equates efforts like plasma and private blockchains with companies like AOL & CompuServe, trying to offer their proprietary email, their walled off services to their customers. But they couldn't keep up with the innovation of the free market, freedom loving public Internet. When the Internet naturally evolved those same customers realized their isolated, "quarantined" / proprietary environment was inferior in almost every way to the open Internet. Why would they continue to pay for AOL or CompuServe email when they can get better and more numerous choices elsewhere for free? And just where are those companies today?

I can certainly see the value for companies in utilizing blockchain tech to improve their internal efficiency and reduce costs, and I can also see there may be a business opportunity to help companies employ blockchain tech, BUT THAT IS SO FAR FROM THE VISION AND MISSION OF BITSHARES TO EMPOWER INDIVIDUALS AND PROVIDE FINANCIAL FREEDOM TO FINANCIAL MARKETS I don't think it should be the focus of BitShares. CNX may see that as a viable way to make money, but how has that worked out so far? What horde of businesses are beating down the doors at CNX to help them implement their very own version of the blockchain? Like I said I can imagine there may be a business opportunity in that space but I don't see it as a sure thing. The current track record seems to indicate the opposite.


+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Decentralized Gaming Built with Graphene - Now with BookiePro and Sweeps!

Offline Thom

Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)

Some interesting perspectives. I'm not sure I agree with a focus on businesses though. Perhaps it will work out that way, but IMO if we can build a product that appeals to a broader audience it could go viral. That's easier said than done of course. From the recent feedback offered here on the forum from people new to BitShares we don't seem to have a clue how to identify and adddress the needs of a customer base. I am here b/c of the vision, which is NOT plasma or Identibit or anything like that. I am here for decentralization, disruption and unsensored DNS. I am here b/c I realize the HUGE potential of blockchain tech to achieve those goals, to lay down the pavement to the Financial Superhighway, not some walled off, segregated, limited version of it. The free market baby, that's where the focus AND payout will be. That's the audience we need to connect with.

I find myself swayed by Andreaus Antonopoulus' analogy comparing the evolution of the Internet and blockchain tech. He equates efforts like plasma and private blockchains with companies like AOL & CompuServe, trying to offer their proprietary email, their walled off services to their customers. But they couldn't keep up with the innovation of the free market, freedom loving public Internet. When the Internet naturally evolved those same customers realized their isolated, "quarantined" / proprietary environment was inferior in almost every way to the open Internet. Why would they continue to pay for AOL or CompuServe email when they can get better and more numerous choices elsewhere for free? And just where are those companies today?

I can certainly see the value for companies in utilizing blockchain tech to improve their internal efficiency and reduce costs, and I can also see there may be a business opportunity to help companies employ blockchain tech, BUT THAT IS SO FAR FROM THE VISION AND MISSION OF BITSHARES TO EMPOWER INDIVIDUALS AND PROVIDE FINANCIAL FREEDOM TO FINANCIAL MARKETS I don't think it should be the focus of BitShares. CNX may see that as a viable way to make money, but how has that worked out so far? What horde of businesses are beating down the doors at CNX to help them implement their very own version of the blockchain? Like I said I can imagine there may be a business opportunity in that space but I don't see it as a sure thing. The current track record seems to indicate the opposite. 
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - MLK |  Verbaltech2 Witness Reports:,23902.0.html

Offline Stan

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Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)

Yes.  I made the same case at the Shanghai Blockchain Summit last fall and even in the original concept of a SuperDAC.  A DEX is a really good thing to have as part of the infrastructure of a digital business platform.  Like a bank as one of the anchor stores in a shopping mall.  BitShares offers an ecosystem with low economic friction in which businesses offering new products and services can thrive.  We need to market our platform services to businesses who in turn market their products and services to specific consumers. 

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Decentralized Gaming Built with Graphene - Now with BookiePro and Sweeps!

Offline Geneko

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Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

Offline JonnyB

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3. Video on front page (Augur, etc..) that talks about never getting Goxed again
4. Profit

This is a pretty catchy BitAsset video I did back in the day (I loaded it up again but as 'unlisted' as it's outdated/copyright issues/song author uncredited.) 

Realistically though BTS best interim bet might be to look at using some of this OpenLedger video with Ronny's permission

I run the @bitshares twitter handle

Offline Empirical1.2

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3. Video on front page (Augur, etc..) that talks about never getting Goxed again
4. Profit

This is a pretty catchy BitAsset video I did back in the day (I loaded it up again but as 'unlisted' as it's outdated/copyright issues/song author uncredited.) 

Realistically though BTS best interim bet might be to look at using some of this OpenLedger video with Ronny's permission
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline fuzzy

Bitshares is the Linux of Finance. Powering the Fin-Tech technologies of tomorrow. Giving investors and entrepreneurs alike a new way to achieve their financial initiatives and investment goals without the hassles of yesterday's banking technologies. Now creating assets, trading, banking and other activities can be achieved... etc etc

Key here is the first two sentences. My take as an entrepreneur. Lets not try to market like everyone else. Lets be ourself. Just my two $ense.

WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
ShareBits and WhaleShares = Love :D

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

Bitshares is the Linux of Finance. Powering the Fin-Tech technologies of tomorrow. Giving investors and entrepreneurs alike a new way to achieve their financial initiatives and investment goals without the hassles of yesterday's banking technologies. Now creating assets, trading, banking and other activities can be achieved... etc etc

Key here is the first two sentences. My take as an entrepreneur. Lets not try to market like everyone else. Lets be ourself. Just my two $ense.

If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

Offline yvv

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The front page of our website should just say     "Bitshares is a fully decentralised exchange"

The text currently on the front page of is meaningless to new visitors.

 +5% Something easy for people to visualize.  Simple as 1-2-3

1. Simple clean interface
2. Website targeting the Decentralized Exchange
3. Video on front page (Augur, etc..) that talks about never getting Goxed again

4. Profit

@JonnyBitcoin @TravelsAsia check it now, it was updated

It would be good if download link for linux also included a link to ubuntu ppa

Offline Empirical1.2

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The front page of our website should just say     "Bitshares is a fully decentralised exchange"

The text currently on the front page of is meaningless to new visitors.

 +5% Something easy for people to visualize.  Simple as 1-2-3

1. Simple clean interface
2. Website targeting the Decentralized Exchange
3. Video on front page (Augur, etc..) that talks about never getting Goxed again

4. Profit

@JonnyBitcoin @TravelsAsia check it now, it was updated

 +5% I sometimes think DEX only is a bit narrow, but underneath you've added

'BitShares 2.0 offers a stack of financial services including exchange and banking on a blockchain'

So it's an improvement imo.  (I think it should probably be 'financial services including an exchange..' )

If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline Akado

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The front page of our website should just say     "Bitshares is a fully decentralised exchange"

The text currently on the front page of is meaningless to new visitors.

 +5% Something easy for people to visualize.  Simple as 1-2-3

1. Simple clean interface
2. Website targeting the Decentralized Exchange
3. Video on front page (Augur, etc..) that talks about never getting Goxed again

4. Profit

@JonnyBitcoin @TravelsAsia check it now, it was updated | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads


  • Guest
The front page of our website should just say     "Bitshares is a fully decentralised exchange"

The text currently on the front page of is meaningless to new visitors.

 +5% Something easy for people to visualize.  Simple as 1-2-3

1. Simple clean interface
2. Website targeting the Decentralized Exchange
3. Video on front page (Augur, etc..) that talks about never getting Goxed again

4. Profit
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 02:15:33 am by TravelsAsia »