Any changes for SM 3.0 Nvidia cards like the 770? If not, do you think there will be any more significant performance increases for these cards?
There is no changes for Nvidia cards in version 0.4b and 0.4c.
I haven't tested my miner on GTX 770 till now. It is GTX 660 on my computer for develop, which is also SM 3.0.
I don't think more significant performance increases can be made on GTX 660, unless defects in PTS proof of work
algorithm dicovered. 10~20% performance increases may be possible, but needs a lot of work.
I using you new miner for my geat miner rig on AMD videocards.
6 GPUS: Radeon 7970+7870+5850+5850+5850+5850.
And i get from all videocards only 3200 collisions\minute. 
But When i using this miner: https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=2410.0
i received from five videocard 4000 collisions (miner on 6st the card didn't manage to start).
Please use version 0.4c released minutes ago. Version 0.4b is not optimized for AMD cards
other than Southern Islands (HD 7xxx) series with 2GB or more video memory.
Version 0.4c is optimized and can be run on Evergreen (HD5xxx) series and later.
How can I run this miner on Ubuntu ? 
No. It is for Windows only till now.
hi abc123, 1gh?
Still not supported. 1gh use a different version of xpt protocol.
Hi abc123, will be any performance improvement for Cuda? We all know AMD is much much faster. :-(
"AMD will is much much faster" is not true for SHA512, it is true for SHA256 and scrypt.
I don't think more significant performance increases can be made on GTX 660.
10~20% performance increases may be possible, but needs a lot of work.
Greate performance improvement for Tesla etc may be possible, or may not. But Tesla card is very expensive,
and whether the performance can be improved is uncertain, so I have not made decision to buy one.