Author Topic: PTS and NRS GPU Miner PtsGPUz v0.5b for Windows(GTX 750Ti~820cpm)  (Read 185085 times)

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Offline abc123

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PTS and NRS GPU Miner PtsGPUz v0.5b for Windows(GTX 750Ti~820cpm)
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 10:29:02 am »
    This is BitShares-PTS (ProtoShares, PTS) and NoirShares (NRS) GPU Miner PtsGPUz v0.5b 2014-05-05 by abc123z (abc123,z),
which is modified from jhProtominer (v0.1e This miner supports both NVIDIA and AMD display card.
For AMD card, AMD APP SDK needs to be installed.
5% of user's harvest will be mined to author's account in public mining pools as fee.
Three TCP connections will be created when run, one connected to for author,
another to or randomly for author, one for user.
This miner use nearly zero CPU time, and support multi NVIDIA and AMD display cards work concurrently on one PC.
The displayed collisions/minute is the net performance, the 5% portion send to author's account is subtracted.
    This miner use x.pushthrough(xpt) protocol,, and support this.
    Memory Recommend: Main Memory >=2GB, Video memory >=1.5GB. If you encounter memory not enough prompt
on multi display cards system, try to increase the system virtual memory.
    When using NVIDIA GTX 750 or GTX 750Ti, 64 bit version (PtsGPUz0.5b_x64.exe) is 20% faster than 32 bit version.
There is no difference on performance between 64bit and 32bit version when using display card other than GTX 750 and GTX 750Ti.
    This miner is protected from being analyzed by exe file shell tool, so may be reported for virus.
Please don't worry about this.

    To run PtsGPUz0.5b.exe and PtsGPUz0.5b_x64.exe, you need to update to the newest Nvdia driver
334.82 or 335.23, which can be download at:
    To run PtsGPUz0.5b_x64.exe on Windows 7 x64, you need to install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
Redistributable Package (x64)", which can be download at:
    NVIDIA cards that support at least SM 2.0 is required, view this page to find whether a NVDIA card support it or not:
    AMD APP SDK can be download at:
    Note: only AMD APP SDK v2.9 is tested, this miner may not works on older version of AMD APP SDK.
    The newest AMD Catalyst can be downloaded at:

To calculate daily earning:

Why this miner?
    Fastest CUDA PTS miner so far as I know.
    32 bit exe that works on both 32bit and 64bit Windows.

Usage: PtsGPUz0.5b.exe [options]
   -o, -O        The miner will connect to this url
                    You can specifiy an port after the url using -o url:port
   -u            The username (workername) used for login
   -p            The password used for login
   -t <num>      The number of threads for mining use NVIDIA GPU
                 (default all NVIDIA GPUs)
                 -t 128: All NVIDIA display cards(default); -t 2: GPU 0 and 1;
                 -t 1: Only use One GPU, use -d 0 to specify to use CUDA device 0.
   -d <num>
   -da <num>     Default all AMD GPUs, use '-da 0 -da 2' to only use AMD GPU 0 and 2.
                 Specify <num> high enough to use none of AMD GPUs, example: '-da 10'
Example usage:
   PtsGPUz0.5b.exe -o -u username.PTS_1 -p x
   PtsGPUz0.5b.exe -o -u PnmeKb6HzBYsWg5TozPQpsiGCD12YVU4WJ -p x
   PtsGPUz0.5b.exe -o -u PnmeKb6HzBYsWg5TozPQpsiGCD12YVU4WJ -p x

Net performance at default frequency (for reference only):
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 640SP, 128bit, 2GB (PtsGPUz0.5_x64.exe):  820 collisions/minute, 106 Watt whole machine;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 640SP, 128bit, 2GB (PtsGPUz0.5.exe, Windows 8 x64):  620 collisions/minute;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 640SP, 128bit, 2GB (PtsGPUz0.5.exe, Windows 7 x64):  530 collisions/minute;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, 1344SP, 192bit, 1.5GB:  880 collisions/minute;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 OEM, 1152SP, 192bit, 1.5GB, double cards:  1610 collisions/minute, 290 Watt whole machine;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 OEM, 384SP, 320bit, 2.5GB, double cards: 1450 collisions/minute, 300 Watt whole machine;
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480, 480SP, 384bit, 1.5GB: 1030 collisions/minute, 290 Watt whole machine;
AMD HD7850, 1024SP, 256bit, 2GB: 840 collisions/minute;
AMD HD7850, 1024SP, 256bit, 1GB: 720 collisions/minute;
AMD HD7750, 512SP,  128bit, 1GB: 380 collisions/minute;
AMD HD6670, 480SP,  128bit, 1GB: 380 collisions/minute.

Main change log:
PtsGPUz v0.1a beta (2014-01-09): First release.

PtsGPUz v0.2a beta (2014-01-11):
1. Support NVIDIA device with SM 2.0 and up.
2. Support multi cards work concurrently.
3. Fix: Miner may crash when network connection lose.
4. Change Miner behavior from exit to wait when start without network connection.

PtsGPUz v0.3 (2014-01-13):
1. May support SM 1.2 NVIDIA device, need to be tested.
2. May can be run on display cards with less video memory, need to be tested.
3. Performance increase for large memory bus width device (eg. 384bit).
   The net performance of GTX 480, 480SP, 384bit increase from 800 c/min to 880 collisions/minute.
Net performance list:
GeForce GTX 660 Ti, 1344SP, 192bit:  750 collisions/minute;
GeForce GTX 660 OEM, 1152SP, 192bit:  700 collisions/minute;
GeForce GTX 660 OEM, 1152SP, 192bit, x2:  1450 collisions/minute, 290 Watt whole machine;
GeForce GTX 480, 480SP, 384bit: 1030 collisions/minute, 290 Watt whole machine.

PtsGPUz v0.3b (2014-01-17):
1. Fee rate reduced to 6%.

PtsGPUz v0.3c (2014-01-21):
1. Performance increased about 15% for card like GTX 660 Ti.
2. PtsGPUz0.3c.exe is protected from being analyzed by tools.
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.3c.exe: 729750e43eafa77e43c5cb2e034b7109
Net performance list:
GeForce GTX 660 Ti, 1344SP, 192bit, 1.5GB:  880 collisions/minute;
GeForce GTX 660 OEM, 1152SP, 192bit, 1.5GB, double cards:  1610 collisions/minute, 290 Watt whole machine;
GeForce GTX 560 OEM, 384SP, 320bit, 2.5GB, double cards: 1450 collisions/minute, 300 Watt whole machine;
GeForce GTX 480, 480SP, 384bit, 1.5GB: 1030 collisions/minute, 290 Watt whole machine.

PtsGPUz v0.4 (2014-01-28):
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.4.exe: 766a4dd7a1babfff176df3855c70caf0
1. Supports to AMD display card added.
2. Fee rate reduced to 5%.
3. SM (Shader Model) 3.5 code generation added for NVIDIA card like GeForce GTX 780Ti.
Net performance for AMD card:
HD7850, 1024SP, 256bit, 2GB: 470-490 collisions/minute.

PtsGPUz v0.4b (2014-02-10):
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.4b.exe: f5da689ab3d73f669a16a05f38af077d
1. Performance increased for AMD Southern Islands (HD 7xxx) Series display card.
 Net performance for AMD card at default frequency:
HD7850, 1024SP, 256bit, 2GB: 770-810 collisions/minute;
HD6670, 480SP,  128bit, 1GB: 150-170 collisions/minute.
Note: For AMD Southern Islands Series display card with 1 GB or less video memory,
the performance will be much poorer.

PtsGPUz v0.4c (2014-02-14):
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.4c.exe: e9a4a89c7348e2d7619c7bf39efe83d8
1. The performance of AMD cards other than Southern Islands (HD 7xxx) series
  with 2GB or more video memory increased greatly. In other words, the
  performance of AMD HD7xxx series cards with 1GB video memory and all HD6xxx
  series cards with 1GB or more video memory increased greatly.
 Net performance for AMD card at default frequency, using driver "amd_catalyst_14.1_betav1.6.exe":
HD7850, 1024SP, 256bit, 2GB: 840 collisions/minute;
HD7850, 1024SP, 256bit, 1GB: 720 collisions/minute;
HD6670, 480SP,  128bit, 1GB: 380 collisions/minute.

PtsGPUz v0.5 (2014-03-13):
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.5.exe: 550e15f64ad9056d36e8a347336e58ec
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.5_x64.exe: 2286476b9d9399779b2fa9067566b7bd
1. Based on CUDA 6.0 RC (Release Candidate) now, release 64 bit version.
     Performance of NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti increased 92% (from 400cpm to 770cpm).
     Performance of NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti may also be improved, test needed.
2. Support specify AMD card by using "-da <num>" option.
3. Added collisions/round (c/round) display for more performance information.
4. Added fflush() after printf, now pipe output to text file by using
       ">> out.txt" at command line is possible.

PtsGPUz v0.5b (2014-05-05):
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.5.exe: 4e74eb3d83a7cbdaeae35a43da5c574d
MD5 of PtsGPUz0.5_x64.exe: 195eff569274c4ac2e923ed5bf2dbc81
1. Performance of NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti increased from 770cpm to 820cpm at default frequence.
2. Performance of NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti increased when using PCI-E 1x.

download link:
PtsGPUz v0.2a beta (2014-01-11): 997 KB, MD5: 286a48d6136dc4c343325cf648e743b8

PtsGPUz v0.3 (2014-01-13): 1.18 MB, MD5: 86aa32c06be17704c778256563f363a0

PtsGPUz v0.3b (2014-01-17): 1.16 MB, MD5: b37b1253ea06db08c6e29ac2484a4f4d

PtsGPUz v0.3c (2014-01-21), 2.50MB, MD5: cd48298831689962c549f43deaa008cf

PtsGPUz v0.4 (2014-01-28), 4.82MB, MD5: a24e6ea836dedd99895a878e504f6e2c

PtsGPUz v0.4b (2014-02-11), 4.65 MB, MD5: dad3e751865cb78447a4e19e8bde3093

PtsGPUz v0.4c (2014-02-14), 4.82 MB, MD5: eb95bb7eebb5c4c9490d28c01b6522dd

PtsGPUz v0.5 (2014-03-13), 7.99 MB, MD5: f14402a12e24ded9402904f54ded99c2

PtsGPUz v0.5b (2014-05-05), 7.98 MB, MD5: b0bee40dfab81e5141d254b7a280cd1f
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 10:18:08 am by abc123 »