To abc123:
I'm using you miner for one Geforce GTX 580 and got 1280 cpm with overclocking videp-memory.
And also i'm using you miner for Geforce GTX 570 and got 1150 cpm with overclocking video-memory.
But i got a problem: when in my motherbord I installed both videocards, i'm don't got 2430 cpm ( 1280+1150).
I'm got only 2350 cpm.
For any reason both cards aren't loaded at once for 99%, only 95% everyone.

My mining rig: Asus P5K(last version bios), Intel Dua Core E6500, 2 GB PC-6400 Memory, 80 GB HDD Seagate IDE(I don't remember model), Windows 7 X64 ultimate, and last version videodriver for videocards.
And my friend has just the same problem: his mining rig got 4*GTX 470. And he had 3100cpm. Bot one GTX 470 got 950 cpm.
And he has to receive 3800 cpm, but got only 3100