So as a BitUSD buyer competing at 1-1, if I offer 2% on 100 BitUSD that means I am willing to pay $102 of BTS for $100 BitUSD. (The extra $2 going specifically to the person who sold/shorted me the 100 BitUSD)
...]&[/u] I'll pay 2% per annum in interest for the duration I hold dUSD, gradually reducing my dUSD, which will be distributed proportionally among all shorts?
Partially correct .This is a bit more complicated.
You will pay the weighted interest determined by all trades.
So for example if:
- there is another trade say at month #6 for another 100 dUSD at 1% you will be paying from that moment on:
1.5% annually = (100 dUSD @ 2% + 100 dUSD @ 1%)/ 200 dUSD
additionally if 50 dUSD short is closed, we will start removing amounts from the highest interest first going to lower ones (i.e. start with the 2% in this case) and you will pay from then on:
(50 dUSD @ 2% + 100 dUSD @ 1%) / 150 dUSD