yunbi just vote all the refund/burn workers , the purpose is to raise the threshold to be workers.
the game rule is there, if you want to make money as a worker, you need to face the possibility to be voted out. surely you can try to convince the stake holders that your job is useful and effective. and then maybe you can be voted in.

Talented developers won't be trying too hard to convince anyone, they'll just go get a job being paid more. lol.
So you're saying this is a dilution system designed for developers to propose their ideas and easily get paid by voting of a bunch of developers who hasn't been showing how to build product that can earn effective profit ?
If that's the case , bitshares is easy to an attack .
One can just need to ask some programmers who have a lot of free time to come here and propose some fancy function (with the clear idea it won't generate revenue for the system , but sounded cool .) , and they can effectively drain every last bit of money from BitShares eco-system and left BTS with some code that can be easily moved and copied to their own project or community .
IF the idea of a low threshold is to attract developer to work ( not hiring developers with clear business plan or vetting if their project is needed/benefit/profitable for the system , but just let them to do coding that could impressed the heck out of existing developers or community members who happens to be easily impressed by almost everything and gives a

) .......
And you know what the worse part could be ?
Every project could see BTS as a experimental grant and get funding for their projects easily to code without taking risk themselves , and then move the work product to their own project ...
So BTS and their product both have a new feature , but BTS eco-system was drained out of more value .....
Attracting developers should not be the goal . Attracting developers to finish things that matters is the gold . It shouldn't be decided by developers . Even if you go out to work for companies , you don't get to decide what you do or how much you ask for it , in the end the employers decides everything with regard to their own reality or business aspects .
Developers code for a living , their enjoy working and getting paid , the more work they do the more paid they can get , they don't have regard if their work is profitable or not . Their interest and the business is not aligned in this instance even though they claim getting pay more will align their interest with the business.
Imaging this happens to a company , developers could propose some tasks that involves some serious budget that the company could not afford and the company account will be forced to paid them because they controls the bank accounts now.... And what you should be worry about more ? No one works for you

Or fix this potential issue considering the financial situation that the firm is facing ?
You don't give the control of the bank accounts to the workers , no matter how badly you want them to work . Hell ... If I have that kind of juicy power in my company , I can not promise I can control myself not to do all kinds of stuff that I'm not sure would worth it just to get some overtime payment .