Author Topic: [] Homepage Improvements - Tips and Suggestions  (Read 15195 times)

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Offline Musewhale

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I hope the home page is an online exchange, and can register  +5% +5% +5%
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

B seems like the way to go.. but C is great for crypto adoption too.
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Offline Akado

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  • BitShares: akado
In writing the BitShares description I noticed that we actually failed to address the right market...

BitShares in a nutshell is a trading engine software for exchange service operators like CCEDK, BitStamp, Kraken etc. Uniting all order books and give everybody more liquidity. However, the sales pitch is hard because the exchange has to give up his control over the order book and has to be 100% transparent.

Question to the community: Should the new website description rather

a) focus on people who want to build or are running an exchange already?
b) focus on companies, startups who want to connect to the global exchange via API and enable payments, trading etc. at the DEX?
c) focus on startups who want to start a crowdfunding and seek a platform for their initial coin offering (ICO)?

In the long term BitShares technology has a b2b focus and is more interesting for exchange operators or startups like BitShares Munich who build mobile payments and pos services. An individual person needs a good, solid interface to interact with BitShares.

What are your thoughts?

Why not have a usecase for each of those explained in detail? I think that would be the best, if not, then b) | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Chris4210

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  • BitShares: chris4210
In writing the BitShares description I noticed that we actually failed to address the right market...

BitShares in a nutshell is a trading engine software for exchange service operators like CCEDK, BitStamp, Kraken etc. Uniting all order books and give everybody more liquidity. However, the sales pitch is hard because the exchange has to give up his control over the order book and has to be 100% transparent.

Question to the community: Should the new website description rather

a) focus on people who want to build or are running an exchange already?
b) focus on companies, startups who want to connect to the global exchange via API and enable payments, trading etc. at the DEX?
c) focus on startups who want to start a crowdfunding and seek a platform for their initial coin offering (ICO)?

In the long term BitShares technology has a b2b focus and is more interesting for exchange operators or startups like BitShares Munich who build mobile payments and pos services. An individual person needs a good, solid interface to interact with BitShares.

What are your thoughts?
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Offline Chris4210

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  • BitShares: chris4210
Ok, I created a first draft of the new website texts, USP´s  and latest projects on the BitShares Platform. Please read the texts carefully and give me feedback.

I also need your help to crowdsource the descriptions for each BitShares project. Please add a short description to your project. Not more than 200 words. Thank you.


Exchanges build on BitShares:


DEX (Johnny Bitcoin)


Mobile Wallets

BitShares Mobile Wallet
The first BitShares mobile wallet for Android and iOS. Download the app with a few clicks and deposit the first funds on your phone. You can now store SmartCoins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, BitUSD, BitEUR and many more on your phone. Pay everywhere with your Smartcoins.


ECHO is a new social messenger that combines the best of WhatsApp and Paypal in one app. Users can easily send texts and selfies peer-to-peer encrypted to their friends and family. Split the bill or pay back your friends with a few clicks and within seconds.

Payment Service Providers

BitShares Munich SmartCoins POS

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)




Sollywood & Sollars






Thank you for your help!!

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Offline konelectric

BitShares Slogan / Theme

I liked "Own your own exchange". Sell the dream not the product. Don't get too technical on the first page. Show what problems can be solved, and the benefits of owning your own decentralized exchange.

Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline EstefanTT

I think we all have great ideas on what to display on The tricky part won't be to decide what we are going to show on the web site (because everything is relevant) but how to articulate the information ... Tabs, menu, sub menus, homepage, ...

We should produce some basic plans on how the info will be srtuctured.

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Bit20, the cryptocurrency index fund
(BitShares French ConneXion -

Offline Chris4210

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  • BitShares: chris4210
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Offline kenCode

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On a side note Ken and since I have your attention, I took some time to look into your SmartPOS project. I have a bar/diner club and a fast food chain I might be able to approach with this. They already own some bitcoin so I think the door is wide open. I just wonder about so many thing business related, please contact me in PM.  :D

PM sent :)
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Just to clarify,
I meant, 'for the right price'.
I do am in touch with (CEO) web/marketing agencies (really) worth their penny. Something so powerful yet undervalued (like bts) for them is like maple candy. Not so much effort are needed compared to 'normal' campaign(IMHO).
If this gain some interest i'm sure I can arrange a 'sell pitch' from those interested for this.

On a side note Ken and since I have your attention, I took some time to look into your SmartPOS project. I have a bar/diner club and a fast food chain I might be able to approach with this. They already own some bitcoin so I think the door is wide open. I just wonder about so many thing business related, please contact me in PM.  :D

Offline kenCode

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I know a handful of CEO in Marketing agency that would be more than interested in powering this coin out of the fog... BTS is really the most powerful yet undervalued coin.

Can you put them in contact with Chris and Rodrigo at BitShares Munich?
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise


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Please take this as my own opinion and not a professional advice of any kind...

front page need,
Charts of daily new registred user, on a month range.
Charts of daily volume, on a month range.
List of top 5 traded assets.
List of top 3 related project and release date
List of top 5 last news/blog/market analysis/youtube tutorial/twiter feed
>/updated frequently

Then tab out anything else more 'motive' related... investor/Devs/etc...

If we want to make BTS successful, we need to bring in the everyday (crypto)normal guy that want to make a buck out of is investment.   So MANY new project are ongoing  and game changing right now. There is just ZERO media coverage, and BTS is let to die in the shadow. Dont expect anyone else to share the news if the main web site doesnt update to announce it.............  We need more maketing around (ALL) the ideas! What does it take to mandate a Marketing team here? I know a handful of CEO in Marketing agency that would be more than interested in powering this coin out of the fog... BTS is really the most powerful yet undervalued coin.

Offline pam2

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I like to think of BitShares as a platform for business and investors.
Exchanges such as OpenLedger, Poloniex, Shanghai Composite and even NASDAQ can prove their solvency and automate many of their internal processes.
Businesses can raise money, offer Rewards Card (loyalty) programs, utilize remittance and wealth management services, even send money to anyone in the world for under 1 cent.
Investors can invest in any number of successful businesses using BitShares' asset features.
Savers can safely store their wealth, send and receive funds in under 3 seconds.
Decentralized governance allows users to vote on new features, prices and other things they are interested in.
I think the homepage should showcase the companies that use the platform and what those companies have to offer. Free advertising for them. Automatically rotate thru a few of them with each page load (or maybe a reactjs slider).
Then, lower on the page get into the technicals of the platform.
Some life is always nice too, maybe a ticker tape across the top, live tweets at the bottom.

I agree Bitshares platform are well sold to businesses and investors, espacially not accredited investors.  When people will discover that they can support their local businesses with crowdfunding aka crypto-crowdfunding, this will gives Bitshares his unique value proposition.

Mumble sessions  recording should be available on  main site so visitors can sense things are moving in the community. They will also get to know about projects going on. 

I've started intoducing Bitshares in the french community here in Montreal and they want to know more.  Launching Edu Crypto & Crypto Angel  will help sole-proprietor learn about Bitcoin/Bitshares and take action by experiencing what the learn on BitShares. 
Next webinar [french] :

Offline Pheonike

I think this description needs to be added. We should be selling the DEX not Graphene on the home page.

The BitShares Blockchain now has a whole new purpose.

Not only is it a second generation coin containing a decentralized exchange that produces smart-currency products...
Now it's also a transparent inter-company network letting exchanges give their customers and assets trading access to customers and assets on other exchanges.

Instead of competing with traditional exchanges,
we are multiplying the markets they can enjoy by networking with each other.

Here's the details about why this is revolutionary:

Now that you've had time to absorb all the cool new features in BitShares 2.0, its time to start unveiling some of the implications about what is possible.  In this post, I'll lay out one of them.

The BitShares Smartchain can serve as a backbone
to support live trading between traditional exchanges. 

Now, instead of having separate shallow markets inside their own stovepipe order books, they can use BitShares to enable all their customers to trade all their assets with the customers and assets of other exchanges.  Small exchanges can band together to attract medium exchanges to join them to compete with still bigger exchanges.  Like a rolling stone.

This greatly expands the network effect, liquidity and market depth of all participants.  A bigger pie for everyone.

And with our new referral system, every participating exchange keeps their own profits from signing up their own customers and issuing their own assets.

We have the perfect way for them to safely compete and cooperate on a single, compelling, transparent exchange network.

The BitShares Exchange Network.

So, exchanges can do more than just serve as gateways and bridges.
They can publish their own order books transparently on our Smartchain.
So everyone can KNOW that they are honest and solvent.

And every customer holds the keys to their own assets, fully decentralized where they won't be such juicy targets for hackers.
With easy to use multi-sig accounts to make those decentralized accounts even more secure.

BitShares 2.0 has the industrial strength to handle the workload of all member crypto exchanges combined.
It is the perfect application to serve as an inter exchange networking back bone.
(Almost like we planned it that way.)

Yeah, but it will never happen, right?

Not so fast! Check out this week's Big BitShares Announcement! will put its exchange on a transparent Smartchain offering to trade with other exchanges there.
(And provide them fiat ramps and crypto-aware debit card support in the mix.)

Offline Thom

I think the page should have video on it too, such as the high quality, short videos ccedk has recently produced.

I also like the videos produced by (don't recall his name off hand) who appeared with JonnyBitcoin on the recent Sunday hangouts who did the howto videos for bytemaster. Having one or 2 key videos on the page and perhaps a "Videos" link to feature others like the "Revolution Will be Televised" video Solomon did would be good too.

Videos always command more page hits than static content does.
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