Author Topic: bitCNY optimization committee proposal voting begins  (Read 28307 times)

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In the hangout yesterday, bytemaster hinted at a way to perform the proposed change without harming current holders of bitCNY. Basically, the idea would be to pay out a 1% bonus for bitCNY holders at the time the proposal takes effect. I think it might be possible, but it's not clear to me how pending orders on the DEX would have to be treated.

I suggest we postpone the current proposal until we have worked out a way to perform the desired changes without harming anyone.
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Offline xeroc

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Here we go:

Those that do NOT want the settlement parameters changed, please approve this worker:

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So we need a nay-worker to collect the votes for nay-sayers .. like me and @pc
I will create one ..

Offline arhag

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@bitcrab is going about this the proper way. I am impressed and pleased by his patience and professional behavior.

He created a worker, which is not free, and it received over 250M votes over a period of weeks. This is enough votes to replace half the committee with his own supporters, but instead he has allowed the committee to remain and vote as they see fit.

He then created the committee proposal, set to expire June 21. I think it's likely that @bitcrab he could have easily enacted this by June 1, but again, he provided another 3 weeks for discussion. We should appreciate his patience in this matter.

I agree this is the proper way to handle controversial changes to the blockchain by the committee: official BSIP, time to review and community discussion, committee proposal with expiration date set a reasonable amount of time in the future, and a zero-pay worker to get stakeholder opinion on the matter so that committee members have a basis for their official position prior to proposal expiration with less risk of retaliatory unvoting for going one way or the other.

For less controversial changes, the committee can go with the less costly approach of simply voting on the proposal.

@Chronos: voting against it is equivalent to voting for every other worker execpt this on ..

Not really. That doesn't gauge whether those voters are even aware of the new worker. Nor does it allow aware voters to take a neutral option.

Offline xeroc

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Is that accurate? 1 hour review period?!
Review period has always been at least 1 hr for committee proposal.
on proposal creation, it could have been used a higher number though, but the proposal expires after 24h anyways ..

Offline pc

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Review Period: Mon Jun 20, 2016 23:00 - Tue Jun 21, 2016 00:00

Is that accurate? 1 hour review period?!
Bitcoin - Perspektive oder Risiko? ISBN 978-3-8442-6568-2

Offline xeroc

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@chronos: voting against it is equivalent to voting for every other worker execpt this on ..

Offline ebit

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Code: [Select]
approve_proposal you "1.10.286" {"active_approvals_to_add": ["you"]} true

Offline Empirical1.2

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@bitcrab is going about this the proper way. I am impressed and pleased by his patience and professional behavior.

He created a worker, which is not free, and it received over 250M votes over a period of weeks. This is enough votes to replace half the committee with his own supporters, but instead he has allowed the committee to remain and vote as they see fit.

He then created the committee proposal, set to expire June 21. I think it's likely that @bitcrab he could have easily enacted this by June 1, but again, he provided another 3 weeks for discussion. We should appreciate his patience in this matter.

Agreed!  +5%

If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline Chronos

but instead he has allowed the committee to remain and vote as they see fit.

How generous of him!

Interesting way to look at what is supposed to be decentralized self-governance...
It's an interesting side-effect of the committee structure. If you have enough voting power to elect the 5th-most-popular member, then you can replace positions 6th through 11th with duplicate sockpuppets, and take committee majority. I'd say that @bitcrab assembled a sizable amount of active voting power on this issue, so his actions have been limited in comparison to that.

We have a worker proposal FOR the change, but no worker proposal AGAINST. In order to judge community sentiment, we need both. It's hard to tell how many shareholders are against this. @bitcrab what do you think of a second worker to measure this?

Offline pc

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but instead he has allowed the committee to remain and vote as they see fit.

How generous of him!

Interesting way to look at what is supposed to be decentralized self-governance...
Bitcoin - Perspektive oder Risiko? ISBN 978-3-8442-6568-2

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

@bitcrab is going about this the proper way. I am impressed and pleased by his patience and professional behavior.

He created a worker, which is not free, and it received over 250M votes over a period of weeks. This is enough votes to replace half the committee with his own supporters, but instead he has allowed the committee to remain and vote as they see fit.

He then created the committee proposal, set to expire June 21. I think it's likely that @bitcrab he could have easily enacted this by June 1, but again, he provided another 3 weeks for discussion. We should appreciate his patience in this matter.

Agreed!  +5%
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Offline bitsharesbrazil

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Its a tough decision.....we have to look doubt that the subject is being proposed as fair as this bussiness model allows....
We have to make smartcoins happen, liwquidity but of course  trying being fair with everyone in the game.
bitcointalk ANN
chat, post, promote it!!!!!!!! Stan help to improve OP!

Offline Chronos

@bitcrab is going about this the proper way. I am impressed and pleased by his patience and professional behavior.

He created a worker, which is not free, and it received over 250M votes over a period of weeks. This is enough votes to replace half the committee with his own supporters, but instead he has allowed the committee to remain and vote as they see fit.

He then created the committee proposal, set to expire June 21. I think it's likely that @bitcrab he could have easily enacted this by June 1, but again, he provided another 3 weeks for discussion. We should appreciate his patience in this matter.

Offline bitcrab

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if you are bitCNY holder or shorter, or if this change is important to you for any reason,  please pay necessary attention to the status of the voting and take according action while necessary.

Ironically, bitCNY holders who will be robbed of 1% of their holdings by the proposal cannot vote.

worker proposal 1.14.39:

Why the worker?

every shareholders can vote to the committee members that hold the same opinion with him.

the worker is to see the opinion of the shareholders, as suggested.