Author Topic: I'm going to use STEEM to help BitShares...This is why/how.  (Read 5916 times)

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Offline fuzzy

Please everyone dont forget the reason for posting this!  I want to get people posting the individuals who make bitshares what it is.  Please consider participating!
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Offline xeroc

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I'd say not every worker wants bitUSD, I for one prefer be paid in BTS, so save you some time & efforts & potential loss caused by rate volatility, and less sell pressure to the market.
but also less volume and liquidity in BTS:USD

Offline abit

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I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

How could the System be changed that workers are paid in USD?

An extra automated step in paying out. :)

We definitely should look into that. That could help us a lot.

Makes sense. I wonder what the implications are though.. or whether this would be trivial to add.

What we would need is a proxy escrow service that can handle this. The operation would be to take all the BTS to convert to bitUSD and send to the worker. Any BTS that was remaining would then be burned. This would mean workers would have to determine a slightly higher rate than the going conversion in order to account for market conditions.. but in the quick/short term wihout having to do some kind of hardfork.. this would be the quickest option.
I'd say not every worker wants bitUSD, I for one prefer be paid in BTS, so save you some time & efforts & potential loss caused by rate volatility, and less sell pressure to the market.
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

How could the System be changed that workers are paid in USD?

An extra automated step in paying out. :)

We definitely should look into that. That could help us a lot.

Makes sense. I wonder what the implications are though.. or whether this would be trivial to add.

What we would need is a proxy escrow service that can handle this. The operation would be to take all the BTS to convert to bitUSD and send to the worker. Any BTS that was remaining would then be burned. This would mean workers would have to determine a slightly higher rate than the going conversion in order to account for market conditions.. but in the quick/short term wihout having to do some kind of hardfork.. this would be the quickest option.
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Offline karnal

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I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

How could the System be changed that workers are paid in USD?

An extra automated step in paying out. :)

We definitely should look into that. That could help us a lot.

Makes sense. I wonder what the implications are though.. or whether this would be trivial to add.

Offline Chris4210

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I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

How could the System be changed that workers are paid in USD?

An extra automated step in paying out. :)

We definitely should look into that. That could help us a lot.
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Offline ebit

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who creates a worker but don't contributes code , is unpopular。
In China ,a lots of persons want to create workers to borrow bitcny or meetup , I all rejected.
If I was wrong ,pls tell me.
I worry more workers be created ,the bts's price will be more lower.
If your idea is good ,you could get donation from the community.The worker's wages need be used very cautious.

you're reading it wrong.
he propose to give away paper money to people on STEEM .

On STEEM?Good,I like. +5% +5% +5% :D

Offline btswildpig

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who creates a worker but don't contributes code , is unpopular。
In China ,a lots of persons want to create workers to borrow bitcny or meetup , I all rejected.
If I was wrong ,pls tell me.
I worry more workers be created ,the bts's price will be more lower.
If your idea is good ,you could get donation from the community.The worker's wages need be used very cautious.

you're reading it wrong.
he propose to give away paper money to people on STEEM .
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

Offline ebit

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who creates a worker but don't contributes code , is unpopular。
In China ,a lots of persons want to create workers to borrow bitcny or meetup , I all rejected.
If I was wrong ,pls tell me.
I worry more workers be created ,the bts's price will be more lower.
If your idea is good ,you could get donation from the community.The worker's wages need be used very cautious.

Anti-Spending Movement

It didn’t take long for the BitShares community to realize that funding projects today would cause a short-term fall in the value of BitShares. Unable to bear the short-term paper-loss and psychological impact of a lower market cap, people started electing proxies that would vote against all spending proposals.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 08:45:03 am by ebit »

Offline fuzzy

I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

How could the System be changed that workers are paid in USD?

An extra automated step in paying out. :)
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Offline Chris4210

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I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

How could the System be changed that workers are paid in USD?
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Offline xeroc

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I disagree .. mostly because the issue with workers is that they pay out in a volatile currency. If they paid out in USD, things would look different from the worker perspective. The DAO figured thia out by now aswell

Offline cryptillionaire

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Funding has been the sore spot that has kept bitshares at a valuation lower than most all of us have expected.  It has even caused the primary dev team of BitShares to not get paid for their work on the core project.
I think failures to get worker votes approved is not a failure of Bitshares, but rather a failure in those who are creating worker proposals to get their worker proposal noticed by enough BTS users.

Existing social media platforms such as reddit/irc (both the bitshares sub and irc channel are almost dead) aren't being fully utilised - I've only seen one blog mentioning worker proposals on reddit rather than workers themselves (minus the recent video worker - he's created reddit posts) trying to bring attention to their project. If you were to run for office and you got no votes, it's not because the system is broken but rather your own fault for not being able to convince/inform the voting population.

I don't like STEEM because it was 80% instantmined, didn't sharedrop on BTS, has an oppressive license and is being distributed by a central issuing authority; we can utilise existing platforms rather than building new ones to bring attention to Bitshares.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 04:31:00 pm by cryptillionaire »

Offline bitsharesbrazil

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I agree that money talks, but the.project is pretty good blockchain is amazing n dex will be magic
bitcointalk ANN
chat, post, promote it!!!!!!!! Stan help to improve OP!

Offline fuzzy

I love bitshares.  We have had some hard times, but we also have come through those hard times to be rewarded with one of the most powerful DAC/DAO toolkits in existence.  There are very few chains that can do what bitshares can do, and even fewer who can scale, self govern and do so with the flexibility to change parameters to achieve the result one needs for one's own specific use cases.   

Many think we have not been picked up because we are lacking which I say--if this is true it is funding, and we are no longer lacking it.

Funding has been the sore spot that has kept bitshares at a valuation lower than most all of us have expected.  It has even caused the primary dev team of BitShares to not get paid for their work on the core project.  Roadscape (Cryptofresh) and Cass (bada$$ graphic artist and front end guru) were even fired (if you haven't seen their for it).  And I promise there is a longer list than just that...

So I have decided to do a hangout series called "Beyond Bitcoin Crypto Allstars".  First I would like to focus on BitShares and a few select cryptos, and then expand beyond into deeper blockchain space.  I will post these hangouts on under the /beyondbitcoin tag and use the steemdollars earned to pay the person who has done significant amounts of work for BitShares up to this point.  We can also bring on individuals with proposals to build various tools, but who want to be paid for their services. 

What would be required to effectively do this?  Nothing but the community's Steempower.  We can now use Steem to upvote(pay) for projects for which we want to ensure funding--and fund ourselves in the process.  We can finally recognize those people who we so greatly appreciate with a simple click of an ^ button.  And as if all the other benefits of this are not enough, you will enable the world to get a glimpse of the beautiful human element that resides at the heart of this community. 

If you feel this initiative is worth voting on, please show your support by participating and/or voting.  Remember---all you need to do is click a button to help people who live and breath bitshares free of charge!  Click on the image below to get started!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 08:52:16 am by fuzzy »
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