Lets try again..
First of all, glad to see the post has generated interest and discussion amongst members. It seems I'm not the only one sensing a good opportunity here.
I'd like to propose a possible path forward for this.
First of, liquidity is absolutely essential. That should go without saying, so lets just assume (I know, big assumption) that's taken care of. What comes next?
It seems to me that we need to pen a bunch of articles in the right places (I can take a stab at doing the research and the writing), because few people outsite of the ecosystem are even aware of bitGOLD and bitSILVER.
Forum activity at bitcointalk (at the right time, and slowly dropping links to the articles we will have written in the step above over time) would also be welcomed.
After that, we can do is get some of our radio-voice guys interviewed at podcasts like Lets talk Bitcoin, The Ether Review, Epicenter Bitcoin, and of course, our own Beyond Bitcoin.
In the Bitshares-alien podcasts, we can spin it in such a way to make it attractive to the average crypto user, who wants some exposure to gold/silver price, either as a safe haven asset for the medium/long term, or simply to store profits between trades. All the advantages (and disadvantages!) outlined in the original post should be brought up and discussed.
By the way, unless it has changed, DGX has demurrage fees built in (to pay for the actual storage), which can be seen as an advantage for our bitMetals as well.
Now then, at that point we have:
- Liquidity (easiest to begin with might be OPEN.BTC/bit{GOLD,SILVER} ? open to suggestions..)
- Articles in prominent places.
- A troll-filled thread in bitcointalk (

- A couple of interviews in a few podcasts.
.. which should mean that new users are arriving to try it out. It's more or less at this point (ideally, a bit before

) that we write some tutorials over at steemit, because apparently it's a common complaint that the bitshares wallet "is confusing".
We don't want new users to come look and leave in disgust, which is what will happen if there's no liquidity, and if there's not a clear-cut procedure for people to follow in the beginning. Once they have hundreds of $fiat worth in bitMetals, then they're not as likely to leave .. essentially, it's necessary to make a good first impression.
So at this point there's a buzz, there's new users, the markets are active, and it's time to go to the major exchanges to get BTC/bitMetals, ETH/bitMetals (see what I did there) and (in Poloniex) USDT/bitMetals (ditto) listed.
Add another round of tutorials about how to deposit/withdraw/buy/sell bitMetals in the major exchanges, and voila.
Maybe I missed a step or two, but what do you think?