Author Topic: python-graphenelib: Release 0.4  (Read 3334 times)

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Offline xeroc

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I was hoping to develop using this library on a Windows machine.  The pip and manual compile fails with the scrypt part because it is missing unistd.h file.  As I understand it, this is a unix file that will not exist on windows machine.  Any ideas on who I can get past this?
This seems to be an issue of scrypt in combination with pip. All I can do is hope for the scrypt team to solve it.

Offline warmach

I was hoping to develop using this library on a Windows machine.  The pip and manual compile fails with the scrypt part because it is missing unistd.h file.  As I understand it, this is a unix file that will not exist on windows machine.  Any ideas on who I can get past this?

VirtualBox is ultimately cool solution to develop on linux without losing sight of the beloved start button :)

Exactly what I was working on!   ;D  What flavor of linux to use....

Offline hammurabi

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I was hoping to develop using this library on a Windows machine.  The pip and manual compile fails with the scrypt part because it is missing unistd.h file.  As I understand it, this is a unix file that will not exist on windows machine.  Any ideas on who I can get past this?

VirtualBox is ultimately cool solution to develop on linux without losing sight of the beloved start button :)

Offline warmach

I was hoping to develop using this library on a Windows machine.  The pip and manual compile fails with the scrypt part because it is missing unistd.h file.  As I understand it, this is a unix file that will not exist on windows machine.  Any ideas on who I can get past this?

Offline xeroc

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I am happy to announce a new majorish release of the python-graphenelibs.
Recent documentation can be found here:

Many are probably interested in this:

Code: [Select]
    Changes since 0.3.11:
    - [docs] update for exchange
    - [exchange] review and fixes for / removal of exchangebots
    - [transaction] Replace utf-8 characters by ascii chars in String()
    Changes since 0.3:
     - [SignedTx] Allow verification of signed transactions with pubkeys
     - [account] get compressed key
     - [transactions] Add testnet-chain
     - [Transaction] Add proposal_update operation
     - [Meta] Added codecov and updated README
     - [transactions] Add order create/cancel and borrow operations with tests
     - [exchange] Allow for manual construction/signing and broadcasting of transactions
     - [account] new calls for BrainKey
     - [Deployment/Testing] Traivs, Tox, py.test
     - [GrapheneExchange] Adjust Collateral calls
     - [Transaction+Memo] Allow Memo encoding in transactions
     - [Transactions] First successful signing in graphene testnet
     - [Transactions] RFC6979 signing
     - [Exchange] Allow proposing of trades
     - [Exchange] expose expiration and kill/fill for buy/sell orders
     - [Docs] upgrade installation
     - [Exchange] Add collateral ratio to output
     - [Transactions] Add Test for Transfer construction
     - [ExampleScripts] Added a few example scripts to examples/
     - [Setup] Allow for wininst
     - [ExchangeBot, Documentation] Improve Bots and documentation
     - [WS-rpc] Added getAccountHistory Call
     - [Strategies] Refund fee pool bot
     - [Strategy] CER Tracker
     - [Scripts] Live-Coding scripts and update to master-child-key script
     - [Transactions] Manual construction and signing of Price Publish Operations/Transactions
     - [Examples] price Feed examples manual and with rpc
     - [Strategies] Maintain Collataral ratio
     - [Makefile] Add piston to Makefile
     - [Base58] Add Steem to known prefixes
     - Fix lowest ask highest bid issue
     - Do not call onAccountUpdate on every 1.11.x object
     - Fix simple ticker flips
     - Fix messages in Bot Infrastructure
     - [transactions] cosmetics
     - [account] Fix even/odd error in crypto/account
     - Fix for issue #38
     - [Format] Fix formats
     - [transactions] fix JsonObj for Operations class
     - [price feed] remove TCNY
     - [Transactions] Fix arrays of objectids
     - Merge pull request #37 from mauritso1/patch-5
     - +coinmarketcap and coincap feeds for ALTCAP(.X)
     - Merge pull request #35 from mauritso1/develop
     - Merge pull request #36 from mauritso1/patch-1
     - updated config example
     - Added feed sources
     - Added liquidity_wall strategy, added parameter to set expiration in basestrategy and implemented that parameter in (and
     - [fixes], Makefile,
     - [Fix] readthe docs compile error
     - [README] Update to include proper codecov
     - [Makefile] fix readme name
     - [transactions] Do not deserialize String/json
     - [minor] changes
     - [types] Implement Map()
     - [exchange] Only use 'rpc' connection when really necessary
     - [price-feed] use default exchange sources if not defined in individual asset
     - Fix lowest ask highest bid issue
     - Do not call onAccountUpdate on every 1.11.x object
     - Fix simple ticker flips
     - Fix messages in Bot Infrastructure
     - fix bug in Graphene price fetching that resulted in negative prices
     - add price calculation across 3 markets (optionally)
     - [Base58] Only warn for unknown formats
     - [Client] add getChainInfo to grapheneclient
     - [Exchange] Fit lowest ask highest bid issue
     - [MakerBot] allow integer target price
     - [README] Add openssl-dev dependency
     - [README] New Readme file
     - [Transactions] Fixed canonical signatures, TODO: rcc6979
     - [Transactions] Simply usage and get every data from ws connection
     - [Travis] Only compile
     - [Travis] fix python version
     - [WS-API] Add get_account, get_asset to ws calls
     - [account] fix prefix
     - [base58] add GPH
     - [Exchange] Clear exchange proposals
     - [Memo] unpad memo correctly
     - [Cleanup] Lint, tox, coverage
     - [Docs] Fix typo
     - [Lint] Fixing some syntax errors
     - [Transactions] Skip Tests
     - [Maker] Do not call orderFilled->Cancel+place()
     - [README] fix pip install documentation
     - [CER Strategy] Run tick() on single-shot once so that the script can be run in cronjobs
     - [Exchange] provide CER for all assets
     - [Exchange] add price24h to ticker
     - [GrapheneClient] Store core_asset inf GrapheneClient
     - [Example] Hardfork time fix
     - [Exchange] fix price display bugs
     - [Tests] Improve coverage
     - [Transactions] Fix ref_block_num by limiting to 0x0000..0xffff
     - [API] Fix Object id test and WS-getObject
     - [Exchange] Fix ask/bid lower than/higher than calls
     - [GrapheneWS] Remove debug flag from WSClientFactory
     - [Exchange] Fix get_bids_more_than, get_asks_less_than
     - [BotInf] Do not replace orders/cleanup
     - [Setup] Requirements are now in
     - [API] Fix login issue
     - [Transcations] Refactoring of code into smaller parts
     - [Transactions] Allow for loading of existing JSON-formated Transations
     - [] Dependencies update
     - [Examples] CER is in core_asset
     - [Imports] Fix python imports
     - [Autobahn] Fix autobahn API changes
     - Work around cancelation cli-wallet issue
     - [Exchange] switch prices from quote/base to base/quote for easier price derivations in bots
           IMPROTANT NOTE:
           If you are using grapheneexchange, please make sure you understand
           that price have a different orientation now:
           Prices/Rates are denoted in 'base', i.e. the USD_BTS market
           is priced in BTS per USD.
           **Example:** in the USD_BTS market, a price of 300 means
           a USD is worth 300 BTS
           All prices returned are in the **reveresed** orientation as the
           market. I.e. in the BTC/BTS market, prices are BTS per BTS.
           That way you can multiply prices with `1.05` to get a +5%.
     - [Bot] Made the bot notification aware
     - Fixed bug in 'feed'-related prices
     - Added more stubs and comments
     - [BaseStrategy] Allow cancelation of my/all orders of type sell/buy
     - Also loadmarket on cancel_all()
     - fix openorder type linting and comments
     - Fix float/str/int issue
     - Remove redunant script for bridge-bot
     - Adept maket bot to deal with new pricing scheme
     - [Bot] Also market PEG.RANDOM
     - add configuration example
     - Ignoregile update, print executed bot
     - [ExchangeBot] Order Management
     - [ExchangeBot] Now does what it is supposed to be doing
     - Work around cancelation cli-wallet issue
     - [Price Feed Script] Re-enable publishing of price
     - [Price Feed Script] Rename Witness->Producer; Allow non witnesses to produce price; Allow to produce price for only secondary assets
     - Performance Tuning for LimitedSizeDict

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