Why would someone buy BTS and convert them into BitUSD, when the only thing he does is to raise the value of BTS and then risk losing all his money in an extreme scenario where the price goes down?
I think we have to consider the different users of a BitUSD.
First, we have the traders, bankers, and industry experts. The concept of derivative contracts is 101 for every trader. How to read the market, how to short etc. They are the ones who will be in charge of buying BTS and shorting BitAssets. They can handle the risk and hedge themselves against losses.
Second, we have regular users of BitAssets who do not understand the technical details how they work. And quit honestly they donĀ“t care. They want to keep the digital currency linked to Fiat for consumption and savings.
The most important goal to prevent a big devaluation of BTS is to give users a reason to use it. If we have thousands of users who just use BitUSD for payments, then it is very unlikely that BTS lose their value in a very short time.
A community has to give a coin value. It is the same with Bitcoin and fiat currencies like Euro and Dollar. We as a society commonly agree that I can buy product and services in the value of 1 Euro at any time. If this common trust in the currency is broken, we have to come up with a new trade good.
Another solution would fit nicely would be that all worker proposals are paid in BitUSD but this would require a hard fork.
That's not true. I proposed on several occasions to create a new multisig account (owned by the committee) that actually creates the workers for people looking to work for BitShares, gets the BTS and borrows bitUSD at ratio 3x or more) to pay them to the "employee" ...
All we need to do is to agree on this process since the shareholder needs to pay 3x - MORE for the worker in BTS terms to fund the collateral.
I'm glad you agree this would be a suitable alternative. We should look to develop this idea further.
When I said it would require a hard fork I meant for it to be done in a decentralised way.
Yes the committee-account could pay BitUSD to workers that mirrors the pay that they receive for their own worker proposals. (but this isn't very elegant)
The ultimate solution would be if all workers were paid in Bitusd that was created autonomously using the funds in the reserve pool as backing. (this would need a hard fork)
I would like to pick up the discussion here. How would such a BitAsset worker look like? How long would it take to write the code and who can control the worker? Would the BitAsset worker be a new worker type?
It would be interesting if I could choose between a BTS or BitAsset worker. We should consider the option and give it a try. I am for a BitAsset worker!