I already answered that question, and I am sure she would be happy to get on the forum to respond that she created the account.
You see, I have employees that do those things because I am busy. I never checked, and today was the first I heard of it. It happens.
I addressed it with her, and with Ian, and now with you.
Now that is clear.
So your employee, working on her own accord, decided to name you as the Founder of Banx, a company you never had anything to do with? That is what you are saying?
Was her name Anna Chennault as well? Did she do it as the behest of her boss in Texas?
She was working on setting up Marks profile for him and I for Remittio and likely added both by mistake. We were working 18 hour days trying to get ready for it, so I don;t fault her one bit.
Stan knows how much PIA the web summit ppwk is.
Web Summit requires an angel.co profile. I have never been to the page until today. Thanks for notifying me of this error.
It was addressed with her and fixed.
Mystery over. People make mistakes when setting up online profiles about other people, it's not uncommon. My employees also post on my Twitter, Facebook and other things. Sometimes they screw up.
I forgive them.
Nothing on a stitch of paperwork has my name, nowhere has anyone ever referred to me as such (other than you by mistake or by full knowledge deception - who know at this point), and you know full well Ian I have not been involved, especially after your extensive "investigations".
Don't worry Ian, you have made it clear what your agenda is here and what you plan on doing for the future by way of your veiled threats and conversations you are having with people in private (they aren't as private as you think).
You have now been set 100% straight by Stan, and I regarding ANY confusion on my status and BTS, CNX, and BANX.