Fairly new at this and must be doing something wrong. I downloaded the miner and edited the ptsminer_64bit_EDIT-ME to say
ptsminer_64bit.exe -poolip=ptsmine.beeeeer.org -poolport=1337 -pooluser=[PgXywCLwGrZJhy2z1TXrJTxJ83VYesaDXp] -genproclimit=[3]
This is my address I added and not sure what the genproclimit is but perhaps its how many cpus being used? I run this and this is what happens...
*** ptsminer - Pts Pool Miner v0.3 RC1
*** by xolokram/TB -
www.beeeeer.org - glhf
*** press CTRL+C to exit
usage: current maximum supported number of threads = 64
*** running time: 0.000h
*** valid: 0 (0.000%)
*** rejects: 0 (0.000%)
*** stale: 0 (0.000%)
Then it shuts down.
I also can not get the ProtoShares Wallet to get blocks. It says..
No block source available...
I tried adding
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
in the debug console area but still says that no block source and I an 4 days behind.
Any ideas?