Author Topic: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool  (Read 470428 times)

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Offline nojle

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1158 on: January 24, 2014, 08:40:05 pm »
Thanks for the prompt reply.  I have been using your ptsminer v.05 64 bit edition for a couple of days now.  Found it here:

I switched about 9am (EST) to the ptsminer v.07 64 bit edition.  Found it here:

I have a second machine running the 32 bit edition but it barely breaks the 10 valid shares mark in 8 hours so I'm not concerned with it.  The main machine I'm using is a 6 core AMD and I have 64Gb RAM.  So, I thought the v.07 miner would be more beneficial with my ram set up.  So, I switched.  However, I noticed I wasn't getting payouts and halted the program and went back to the v.05 miner.  Thoughts?

Edit: Yes, I'm getting valid shares.  I let it go to about 170 valids, then restart the client as I start to get a lot of rejects.  Seems to work out.  Or has until now.
BTC: 1J34uXzToSPwfiJhufi9yqSDdvwtsji9pn | Doge: D8JbXk1juw3e1t1L8hzqk3i5sFPyorYfPy
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Offline xolokram

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1157 on: January 24, 2014, 08:14:32 pm »

i checked the pool setup and log, there's nothing blocking your address or your ip (i checked the last ip that connected to the pool with the payout address).
the last pool restart was a few days ago. so i'm a little bit puzzled.

if no shares are in the block information, then no shares have been submitted for that payout address :(
are you sure your machines are mining and submitting valid shares???

what's the source (url / link / post) for the miner software you're using or is it the official one i'm distributing??

- xolokram
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Offline nojle

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1156 on: January 24, 2014, 07:54:56 pm »
@bongo - I'm connected with multiple clients and all is fine.  It has to be on your end.  Check firewalls and the like

Xolo - I've been mining solid and somehow do not show up in the payouts for the last two blocks:

44828 2014-01-24 13:53:29
44817 2014-01-24 12:37:27

Sorry to be a burden, just wondered what's going on and if I'm doing anything wrong.  I stopped my clients and restarted.  Wallet addy:


You'll notice i'm in the payouts in the blocks before them.  Let me know if I need to do something different.


EDIT: One thing I did change earlier in the day (no idea which block I was in) but I did start using v.7 of the 64bit client.

ptsminer_amd.exe PvGgzTKX7GdsnrqkwPXoEDG3ustv6BXAyt 5 30
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 07:58:54 pm by nojle »
BTC: 1J34uXzToSPwfiJhufi9yqSDdvwtsji9pn | Doge: D8JbXk1juw3e1t1L8hzqk3i5sFPyorYfPy
PTS: PvGgzTKX7GdsnrqkwPXoEDG3ustv6BXAyt | XPM: AP6eRaN4wJJaxNANVuCs2UV26yJDcwxcsa

Offline bongo

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1155 on: January 24, 2014, 01:32:59 pm »
Mine just don't want to connect. Is there anything I need to do with my connection?

Offline mmao

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1154 on: January 24, 2014, 01:23:25 pm »
it looks alright from my side
miners connected and submitting shares  :o

it's due to my network connection .......

Offline bongo

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1153 on: January 24, 2014, 01:12:01 pm »
Hello trying to mine but can't seem to connect. Can someone help me?

ptsminer_amd.exe  xxxxxxx 16 26 sph

11] GoGoGo!
2] GoGoGo!
15] Hello, World!] GoGoGo!

15[WORKERno connection to the server, reconnecting in 10 seconds] GoGoGo!10

] GoGoGo!
connecting to
no connection to the server, reconnecting in 10 seconds
connecting to
no connection to the server, reconnecting in 10 seconds

Offline xolokram

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1152 on: January 23, 2014, 08:38:17 pm »
hard to tell, from what i see it looks alright
you're sure the yasm win32 compiled files are used?
maybe u can PM me the complete compile log?

- xolokram
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BTC: 1S4kxaF4ro17qThUz4hQwAoiXzCWdzwdb | LTC: LMgYASNbAgGUG6fhw1xdMAWSbMiWjNNGgo
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Offline Reoser

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1151 on: January 23, 2014, 08:29:35 pm »
Personal payouts are executed, when you reach at least 0.2 pts

Thanks for pointing this out! Somehow I managed to miss this even though it is written on the first page of this thread in bold red :-[

Offline agentsmith

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1150 on: January 23, 2014, 05:55:56 pm »
...Now Beeeeer says my balance is 0.1 PTS, but my wallet shows 0. ...

Personal payouts are executed, when you reach at least 0.2 pts
Not sure what you mean by the block don't match, though.
Any orphaned blocks will show as "orphaned" in the list of blocks on your stats page.

Offline Reoser

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1149 on: January 23, 2014, 09:27:40 am »
I'm using crz's cuda miner 0.4 and get around 870 cpm on my gtx 670. Tried mining for ~8 hours, everything seemed to work fine. Now Beeeeer says my balance is 0.1 PTS, but my wallet shows 0. I tried to look into the found blocks, and the blocks shown at beeeeer do not match those at (44263 for example) ! Are they orphaned blocks or something? I'm new to mining protoshares, so any help will be appreciated.

Offline bizthinker

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1148 on: January 23, 2014, 08:59:00 am »
when I try to build ptsminer for win32, I got following error
g++ -m32 -mthreads -w -Wall -Wextra -Wformat -Wformat-security -Wno-unused-param
32_WINNT=0x0501 -DWINVER=0x0501  -I"/home/dev/ptsminer-master_src/src" -I"/mingw
/include" -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--large-address-aware -o ptsminer
.exe -L"/mingw/lib" obj/cpuid.o obj/sha512_avx.o obj/sha512_sse4.o obj/sha512.o
obj/sph_sha2.o obj/sph_sha2big.o obj/main_poolminer.o -l boost_system-mgw48-mt-d
-1_54 -l boost_filesystem-mgw48-mt-d-1_54 -l boost_program_options-mgw48-mt-d-1_
54 -l boost_thread-mgw48-mt-d-1_54 -l boost_chrono-mgw48-mt-d-1_54 -l kernel32 -
l user32 -l gdi32 -l comdlg32 -l winspool -l winmm -l shell32 -l comctl32 -l ole
32 -l oleaut32 -l uuid -l rpcrt4 -l advapi32 -l ws2_32 -l mswsock -l shlwapi
obj/sha512.o:sha512.c:(.text+0x6): undefined reference to `sha512_avx'
obj/sha512.o:sha512.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `sha512_sse4'

But in obj files, I can see these two function.
dev@EM-PC /home/dev/ptsminer-master_src/src
$ nm obj/sha512_avx.o
00000000 d .data
00000000 t .text
00000001 a @feat.00
00000000 T sha512_avx

dev@EM-PC /home/dev/ptsminer-master_src/src
$ nm obj/sha512_sse4.o
00000000 d .data
00000000 t .text
00000001 a @feat.00
00000000 T sha512_sse4

they are compiled by "yasm -f win32 ..."

Could you tell me what should I change? Thx

Offline xolokram

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1147 on: January 22, 2014, 07:47:35 am »
it looks alright from my side
miners connected and submitting shares  :o
stats for
BTC: 1S4kxaF4ro17qThUz4hQwAoiXzCWdzwdb | LTC: LMgYASNbAgGUG6fhw1xdMAWSbMiWjNNGgo
XPM: AJhA1PGbNM94ZmsJvVVM5FfbE9SdxiMzgd | PTS: PbfspbvSWxYqrp3DpRH7bsrmEqzY3418Ap

Offline mmao

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1146 on: January 22, 2014, 03:27:29 am »
server down?

Offline ricard

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1145 on: January 18, 2014, 04:49:24 pm »
i stay two days mining on the pool. I have a FX8350  with 8gb ram, minimg 120collision/min. I see on the forums that people with this processor and ram makes 250collision/min.

I utilize v0.7 with windows 8.1 64 bits.


ptsminer_amd.exe USER 8 27 sph

Any idea to improve?


Run with avx.

ptsminer_amd.exe USER 8 27 sph   >>   ptsminer_avx_amd.exe USER 8 27 avx

Hello and thanks but not good results, 125collision/min. On 3 days only 0.1 protoshares.

Offline reorder

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Re: [ANN] - Protoshares mining sub-pool
« Reply #1144 on: January 18, 2014, 12:36:41 pm »
I'm a noob, but I tought AVX is intel cpus only?
No, starting with Bulldozer AMD has it.