Author Topic: So, whichpeople who worked on bitshares projects ended up NOT being scammers?  (Read 37903 times)

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Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

Please clarify. You won't be staying in bitshares?

No problem. As stated in this UPDATE we will be pursuing our own lightweight (graphene based) blockchain for the second round ICO. It will no longer will be tied to the Bitshares DEX. This was always the long term plan but we are pursuing it now.

The first round was primarily marketed to Bitshares community members with insufficient interactions with the larger outside crypto-community. This time around it will be the opposite. We will primarily be marketing this ICO to the larger crypto community and will primarily accept Bitcoin and Institutional investment.

Let me know if there are any questions. Thanks!
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We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

Please clarify. You won't be staying in bitshares?
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

Solcert or Solomon and nonsense as my friend @tonyk used to call it does not look very promising either.. I hope that does not end up being a scam updates from @SolomonSollarsNSense for a while does not look good..I remember back in the days I decided to through some bts to solcert instead of stupid was that??


Sir I am not a scammer. I apologize for not being around the forum lately but again I am not a scammer. It is too early to say what will succeed and what will not. Jon has a great project with PeerPlays but it is still my belief that no greater opportunity lies with blockchain (with a wide open space) than Hollywood.

PeerPlays has a solid team and all the right bells and whistles but I would caution that it is in a heavily competitive space. Even they cautioned it. Hollywood and the opportunity to reach Millennials is wide open. Raising money is not a sign of long-term success. Adoption by mainstream people is which still til this day no blockchain (except for Steemit's early days) can claim. Look where Steemit is at today. This is a marathon not a race. Let's see how everything plays out.

If you would like to know we have two more weeks of development for our MVP/POC of the Sollywood TV marketplace. We will be on Desktop and iOS. And then a 2-4 week Q and A with the development team for bug fixes and wrapping up design. The project is still going full force. Due to the uncertainty of the Bitshares price value and other development costs we have had to be strategic in completing tasks for the project. We raised Bitshares at a certain market cap value so have to exit our position at that value to "stay in the black" so to speak.

We plan to pull a Darkcoin/Dash and re-invent ourselves when it comes time for marketing our second round ICO to the larger crypto world. We will not be staying in Bitshares. This will give us a fresh start and show the Bitshares community what holistic marketing can look like if done right. We have the funds this time around. Remember when DarkCoin was "dead" and had a $5 Million marketcap? Right. No one does because its DASH now with a $500 Million market cap. This is a marathon not a race. Build something people actually need and dont ignore holistic marketing. That is what we are still doing.

SoLCert still plays as a token similar to the PeerPlays UIA token. Actually its exactly the same. Those who hold will be rewarded as promised. For a time the BitsharesTalk forum died out so I stopped giving updates due to inactivity. As tbone pointed out I am active on Telegram. Once again I can assure you this project is still going on and this time around we have the funds to do proper marketing and an actual platform that can be tested out so we can show what we have done and explain the opportunity to the wider crypto world. You know how we do that... with video.

We are very close to completing the new explainer video for Sollywood TV. Its very good. When it is laid out as last time I will come to the community and ask for feedback so it can be perfect. Hope all this info helps. Any questions let me know. Thanks for your patience.
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Offline gamey

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I wasn't a scammer.

I gave up on BItshares when I spend a full day trying to unlock my angelshares crap. I came away with the impression it was broken. Dan put all that effort into the merge or whatever, then no documentation on how to declare your shares. It appears to be broken. Meh, I'm too busy these days to pursue it further. Could have given the keys to xeroc but I don't even know if the balance makes it worth it.

I remember hearing Dan sounding giddy with the idea of his supply manipulation in Steem. His true colors really came out for me at that moment.

I can't figure out Dan completely, but one thing for sure is he doesn't give 1 fuck who he screws over.

There are so many stories.. before Newmine there was Adam Levine. (I think thats his name?.. he has a podcast?)  I probably was 80% of what chased him off, when he was warning us about Dan.  Unfortunately he had some bad ideas himself, so it didn't help his credibility in my eyes. I sold some crypto equities that ended up being worth 300k later, to buy into BTS (although there is a little bit momre to why I sold them). lmao @ my fanboy biases.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 02:25:00 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline Thom

Interesting comments here.

I hear you @alt, in your admonition to @Stan to use his voting clout in a more active way.

It sounds like he is recognizing the limits of his technical knowledge, and deferring to those like @xeroc who have it. I see that as applying wisdom, rather than "spraying voting gunfire" in the general direction of the enemy without effectively and accurately hitting the target.

I would rather see a reserved application of power rather than a broad, wasteful application of it.

With great power comes great responsibility, and IMO that requires being more active, rather than passive. When it comes to making decisions and knowing the best course of action to take, often ir requires a great deal of technical understanding, and I for one am grateful for xeroc's involvement and @Stan's drawing upon his expertise.
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Offline alt

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no, a worker is a worker.
you don't want to take responsible  of the No.1 share holder
I'd rather like you dump more.
look at the top 10  share holders,
it's sadly that most of them are anonymous or can't help. we have to wait for more responsible share holders.
transres   80696661.51    belong to bitcrab, good
pr1modiaprile   24999291.42    maybe belong to an Italian, seems anonymous
bitshares-munich-wallet   22011314.03    belong to blockpay, good
btsx-bitshare   19863402.00    belong to a hacker who stolen these from BTC38
bts1998   19819797.11    seems anonymous
aboy   18886043.13    seems anonymous
stan   17134775.69    the Larimer, seems have abandon the faith for Bitshares
alohacs   16855553.92    seems anonymous
tsuratsura-3557   16764536.44    belong to a Japanese, maybe know by @gn1, but not active here
code   13763621.17    seems anonymous

xeroc is just an engineer, another worker who work for Bitshares for payment.
as a work, his target is earn money from share holders as much as possible,
he don't have the responsible to earn money for shareholders.
no payment no work.
so who is the boss?
as the NO.1 holders you give your responsible to a worker?
let me ask you, do you know what's the vote principle for xeroc? do you care about this? do you care about what the workers have done in the past year, how much payment have cash out?
this is just another joke, you are the NO.1

Xeroc is FAR more than just a worker.

You have no idea what he has contributed to the future of BitShares this past year ... for free.

I am deeply indebted to him and so are you.  (You just don't know it yet).


Offline Stan

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xeroc is just an engineer, another worker who work for Bitshares for payment.
as a work, his target is earn money from share holders as much as possible,
he don't have the responsible to earn money for shareholders.
no payment no work.
so who is the boss?
as the NO.1 holders you give your responsible to a worker?
let me ask you, do you know what's the vote principle for xeroc? do you care about this? do you care about what the workers have done in the past year, how much payment have cash out?
this is just another joke, you are the NO.1

Xeroc is FAR more than just a worker.

You have no idea what he has contributed to the future of BitShares this past year ... for free.

I am deeply indebted to him and so are you.  (You just don't know it yet).

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:55:16 am by Stan »
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Offline alt

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xeroc is just an engineer, another worker who work for Bitshares for payment.
as a work, his target is earn money from share holders as much as possible,
he don't have the responsible to earn money for shareholders.
no payment no work.
so who is the boss?
as the NO.1 holders you give your responsible to a worker?
let me ask you, do you know what's the vote principle for xeroc? do you care about this? do you care about what the workers have done in the past year, how much payment have cash out?
this is just another joke, you are the NO.1

Offline Stan

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yes you are the NO.1
but what you are doing for bitshares as NO.1 this year
seems Larimer work for Bitshares only for money.
the Larimers  are good workers for bitshares, but not a good share holders. it's OK, not good, not bad, you deserve it.

but after spent out all the money, change the code License, and bring all code which sponsor by these money to another project, this is not good.

Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

oh, as the NO.1,
you even don't have the ability to vote by yourself, that's really sadly

I have nothing to do with Steemit policies.  Take that up with CEO Ned Scott.

But I'm wise enough to know that xeroc is smarter than me. 

Donald Trump doesn't fly Air Force One either.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:45:12 am by Stan »
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Offline ferter

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yes you are the NO.1
but what you are doing for bitshares as NO.1 this year
seems Larimer work for Bitshares only for money.
the Larimers  are good workers for bitshares, but not a good share holders. it's OK, not good, not bad, you deserve it.

but after spent out all the money, change the code License, and bring all code which sponsor by these money to another project, this is not good.

Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

oh, as the NO.1,
you even don't have the ability to vote by yourself, that's really sadly

Offline alt

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oh, as the NO.1,
you even don't have the ability to vote by yourself, that's really sadly

Offline alt

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yes you are the NO.1
but what you are doing for bitshares as NO.1 this year
seems Larimer work for Bitshares only for money.
the Larimers  are good workers for bitshares, but not a good share holders. it's OK, not good, not bad, you deserve it.

but after spent out all the money, change the code License, and bring all code which sponsor by these money to another project, this is not good.

Bottom line:  I'm still the number one private holder of BitShares... make of that whatever you will.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 01:00:55 am by alt »