I don't think this is needed here... we're all grown ups, no need to applaud or smite

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I would like to see the forum a little more professional.
This is(?) a place for potential and current shareholders to come and efficiently gather information about the state of their investment (BitShares)
Is there another place that bts investors can get the latest info? I don't think so.
To encourage new investment there should be a place for investors to efficiently discuss topics relevant to the project in a semi-professional manner.
This is so important because
other people will be reading it like an instruction manual, or news report, or a price ticker.
Wall-flowers and lurkers are potential new customers or investors.Do we want them to spend their limited and precious time reading chit-chat, or discovering one of the 1000's of ways that BitShares is being fantastic?
BitShares is targeting the finance market, they don't all wear suits and conduct business in orderly groups for nothing.
Money is hugely important to people, if they are investing, they want access to up-to-date news and info as quickly as possible.
Writing in concise, simple terms when outlining and idea or project also increases the accuracy of google-translate. Which helps with making information available in as many languages as possible. Obviously complex language is necessary or preferable sometimes.

Doesn't a 'Karma' type system just encourage crowd-pleasing nonsense?
Smiting? Someone is always going to have an unpopular opinion on here, and sometimes they are going to be proven correct. We shouldn't be burying this type of content, or discouraging it.
The "Only upvote on merit and not just because you agree with it" policy didn't work
at all for places like Reddit. Why should it here?
No offense vikram
Nothing personal to anyone