Author Topic: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd  (Read 81013 times)

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对smart coin, 很早我就说过自己的观点,不该强求锚定,重心要转为支持网关等业务,基于网关的DEX相对CEX是有足够的竞争资本的,在业务增加用户积累之后,smart coin自然会成长不断进步。
openledger 为什么离开我不清楚,社区有几个派别我也看不懂,很多时候是斗的你死我活,也不知道是为了什么,rudex一直在积极推动内盘市场,我当然支持,很多人对锁喂价有不同意见很正常,为什么不能给与理解。
巨蟹是陷到 smartcoin 精确锚定的牛角尖,可能也是因为这个和社区很多人关系紧张,回过头想想很不值得,可能是在舍本逐末。
这方面 做的相当不错,自己发展同时也宣传 BTS ,只是他们也还需要时间发展。
反观 RuDEX ,一边从 BTS 拿资源自己赚钱,一边回头踩 BTS 一脚。和 CryptoBridge 有的一比。

至于OL,你说你不清楚,你不会去问、去听、去看?连足额给用户提币都做不到,底线都没有,谈何发展?在群里的公开言论,说 BTS 只是一个免费试验场,要走私链路线。我只能说,道不同不相为谋。
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 07:44:24 am by abit »
BitShares committee member: abit
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Offline abit

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天天满口自己代表 majority community ,真不知道他怎么得出的结论。



公会搞新链时说好给他 500 万新币。当然,后来给没给、他要没要我不清楚。

有人说不解锁对CNY持有人不公平。问题是CNY持有人在明知有锁喂价的情况下,在BTS市价高于0.22,有足够时间换人民币的情况下,仍然选择持有CNY,这难道不该自担风险?按规则0.22借CNY 的反而成老赖了?

谁都知道我搞 4.0 是为了打破原有规则的。
你既然决定 0.22 救市,有什么风险你不清楚?

内盘强清潮,曾经把所有抵押仓清到爆仓价 0.11 以下,即使解锁也没有爆仓风险,解锁了吗?

« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 07:34:36 pm by abit »
BitShares committee member: abit
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Offline abit

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RuDEX 怎么赚钱的,我和你举个例子。
RuDEX 是上线了 STEEM 网关的。 STEEM 分叉空投 HIVE 的第一天,RuDEX 就把分到的 HIVE 转到交易所砸了。
BitShares committee member: abit
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不知道你是真傻还是装傻,还在幻想你口中所谓的 business person 来拯救你。
CryptoBridge OpenLedger SparkDEX 给的教训还不够吗?还有 Deex 之流就不说了。

就算掰开手指数现在还在 BitShares 的公司机构,
也要先看 Move Institute , XBTS , ioBanker , 甚至 BEOS 。
什么时候轮得到 RuDEX ? RuDEX 根本都不是注册公司。

RuDEX 有关联开发团队不假。社区出钱开发的btspp手机钱包,他换个皮就是自己的了。申请一个 UI worker 拿了一百万多万没做完。后来又想申请 core worker 拿钱,我说你先提交点代码让我看看,结果没声了。回头变成我不放权?

你的聪明才智哪里去了?一个 Thule 天天在你耳边吹风,就只有他说的才是真话?
不说别的。他说锁喂价好你就支持锁喂价。 RuDEX 完全是反对锁喂价的,他有没有和你说?

有人说不解锁对CNY持有人不公平。问题是CNY持有人在明知有锁喂价的情况下,在BTS市价高于0.22,有足够时间换人民币的情况下,仍然选择持有CNY,这难道不该自担风险?按规则0.22借CNY 的反而成老赖了?

对smart coin, 很早我就说过自己的观点,不该强求锚定,重心要转为支持网关等业务,基于网关的DEX相对CEX是有足够的竞争资本的,在业务增加用户积累之后,smart coin自然会成长不断进步。
openledger 为什么离开我不清楚,社区有几个派别我也看不懂,很多时候是斗的你死我活,也不知道是为了什么,rudex一直在积极推动内盘市场,我当然支持,很多人对锁喂价有不同意见很正常,为什么不能给与理解。
巨蟹是陷到 smartcoin 精确锚定的牛角尖,可能也是因为这个和社区很多人关系紧张,回过头想想很不值得,可能是在舍本逐末。

Offline xixi002020

I wish the business person include you and bitcrab and others can have more comunication, if you can reach a consensus, I will support with my vote.
不知道你是真傻还是装傻,还在幻想你口中所谓的 business person 来拯救你。
CryptoBridge OpenLedger SparkDEX 给的教训还不够吗?还有 Deex 之流就不说了。

就算掰开手指数现在还在 BitShares 的公司机构,
也要先看 Move Institute , XBTS , ioBanker , 甚至 BEOS 。
什么时候轮得到 RuDEX ? RuDEX 根本都不是注册公司。

RuDEX 有关联开发团队不假。社区出钱开发的btspp手机钱包,他换个皮就是自己的了。申请一个 UI worker 拿了一百万多万没做完。后来又想申请 core worker 拿钱,我说你先提交点代码让我看看,结果没声了。回头变成我不放权?

你的聪明才智哪里去了?一个 Thule 天天在你耳边吹风,就只有他说的才是真话?
不说别的。他说锁喂价好你就支持锁喂价。 RuDEX 完全是反对锁喂价的,他有没有和你说?

so many lies from you abit,
you are pitty

社区出钱开发的btspp手机钱包,他换个皮就是自己的了    这个不假吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    还能不承认?都知道的事情

Offline btstodamoon

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Offline blockchained

I wish the business person include you and bitcrab and others can have more comunication, if you can reach a consensus, I will support with my vote.
不知道你是真傻还是装傻,还在幻想你口中所谓的 business person 来拯救你。
CryptoBridge OpenLedger SparkDEX 给的教训还不够吗?还有 Deex 之流就不说了。

就算掰开手指数现在还在 BitShares 的公司机构,
也要先看 Move Institute , XBTS , ioBanker , 甚至 BEOS 。
什么时候轮得到 RuDEX ? RuDEX 根本都不是注册公司。

RuDEX 有关联开发团队不假。社区出钱开发的btspp手机钱包,他换个皮就是自己的了。申请一个 UI worker 拿了一百万多万没做完。后来又想申请 core worker 拿钱,我说你先提交点代码让我看看,结果没声了。回头变成我不放权?

你的聪明才智哪里去了?一个 Thule 天天在你耳边吹风,就只有他说的才是真话?
不说别的。他说锁喂价好你就支持锁喂价。 RuDEX 完全是反对锁喂价的,他有没有和你说?

so many lies from you abit,
you are pitty

Offline abit

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I wish the business person include you and bitcrab and others can have more comunication, if you can reach a consensus, I will support with my vote.












BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline abit

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I wish the business person include you and bitcrab and others can have more comunication, if you can reach a consensus, I will support with my vote.
不知道你是真傻还是装傻,还在幻想你口中所谓的 business person 来拯救你。
CryptoBridge OpenLedger SparkDEX 给的教训还不够吗?还有 Deex 之流就不说了。

就算掰开手指数现在还在 BitShares 的公司机构,
也要先看 Move Institute , XBTS , ioBanker , 甚至 BEOS 。
什么时候轮得到 RuDEX ? RuDEX 根本都不是注册公司。

RuDEX 有关联开发团队不假。社区出钱开发的btspp手机钱包,他换个皮就是自己的了。申请一个 UI worker 拿了一百万多万没做完。后来又想申请 core worker 拿钱,我说你先提交点代码让我看看,结果没声了。回头变成我不放权?

你的聪明才智哪里去了?一个 Thule 天天在你耳边吹风,就只有他说的才是真话?
不说别的。他说锁喂价好你就支持锁喂价。 RuDEX 完全是反对锁喂价的,他有没有和你说?
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline alt

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We've observed and supported this project for the last four years. But the last events that happened force us to do this step.
We can't tolerate github abuse from one core dev
We can't tolerate trojan that was delivered by audit worker
We can't tolerate broke of consensus that was publicly acknowledged by core manager Milos
We can't tolerate the staking mechanism that was enforced with 0 discussions and completely changed consensus and voting behavior
The staking problem that was implemented with no discussion and I guess without any modulation is that it's not scalable and it hit hard by "voting apathy" because you have no intention in staking, you gain nothing besides the "governance drama"
The "abit precedent" vanished any trust in the current blockchain consensus & witnesses and operating on it can be just not safe.
Even if everyone starts to play with his staking rules what guarantee we have that he will not abuse github again and broke consensus again? This is a rhetorical question.

We saw attempts that was blocked, abit refused give up his position in github and after his abuse I have no reason to work with dev with such ethics, so I don't understand how you plan to put someone besides him there?

I agree all these things are ridiculous.
I think it's not a big deal to change to another official github address if we have enough vote power.
The real problem is it seems we are lack of reliable development team always, a team which truly serve the business.

I wish the business person include you and bitcrab and others can have more comunication, if you can reach a consensus, I will support with my vote.

Offline blockchained

It's so bad to see you decide to step away too.
I respect you and wish you have a good process.

We've observed and supported this project for the last four years. But the last events that happened force us to do this step.
We can't tolerate github abuse from one core dev
We can't tolerate trojan that was delivered by audit worker
We can't tolerate broke of consensus that was publicly acknowledged by core manager Milos
We can't tolerate the staking mechanism that was enforced with 0 discussions and completely changed consensus and voting behavior
The staking problem that was implemented with no discussion and I guess without any modulation is that it's not scalable and it hit hard by "voting apathy" because you have no intention in staking, you gain nothing besides the "governance drama"
The "abit precedent" vanished any trust in the current blockchain consensus & witnesses and operating on it can be just not safe.
Even if everyone starts to play with his staking rules what guarantee we have that he will not abuse github again and broke consensus again? This is a rhetorical question.
But if it's possible, May I  ask you to stay with Bitshares for more time?
As a RuDEX gateway and registration-faucet and services we will be here if it is profitable for us, but I know the plans of current core group to enforce KYC on gateways and double tax the gateways assets and gateways liquidity, if this happens in this case we will migrate.

Too many big argument the community have made recent years, but they are not a big deal indeed compare today.
People come and go, Bitshares is still here, you should stay with it if you still have faith in it.
Never before was this kind of admin power abuse in Bitshares, so it's not about "people come and go" it's about safety.
Big part of Chinese community already split, but they also forked 4.0 code.
We believe not in Bitshares as a brand name or so, we like the tool that was before 4.0, with liquid voting and without double taxation, and this code doesn't exist now not in bitshares not in newshares. So we have no choice than start a new chain in attempt to save the tool in form we liked it.

You have development team, please step in the core development work.
We saw attempts that was blocked, abit refused give up his position in github and after his abuse I have no reason to work with dev with such ethics, so I don't understand how you plan to put someone besides him there?

Your business is the exchange gateway, pay more attention to the crypto asset instead of smart coin.

Sad true, but bitshares already not unique with UIA, so already exist better alternatives in this case,
Decentralization is a product and abit just broke this product made voting participation even less. 5% in dpos is really looks like a joke

we can have more opportunity if we stay together than fork alone.

I still have faith in Bitshares, wish you too.
Like I stated above we have a faith in the tool not in the brand name, but with the consensus that doesn't exist now, it is one of the reasons for our attempt to save this tool.
Only this way we can fix a reviving hole, and other mistakes that will never be fixed here because of a greed.

But if you have an idea how to fix bitshares issue with lack of trust to current situation don't hesitate to shoot me PM
If you have plan to fight back abit abuse we will support it too, we have a big server park so if the situation in bitshares changes it not hard to start rudex block producer here,

but as a blckchnd team we will work on a new chain to save a tool we fell in love, welcome btw.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 04:51:56 pm by blockchained »

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It's so bad to see you decide to step away too.
I respect you and wish you have a good process.

But if it's possible, May I  ask you to stay with Bitshares for more time?
Too many big argument the community have made recent years, but they are not a big deal indeed compare today.
People come and go, Bitshares is still here, you should stay with it if you still have faith in it.

You have development team, please step in the core development work.
Your business is the exchange gateway, pay more attention to the crypto asset instead of smart coin.
we can have more opportunity if we stay together than fork alone.

I still have faith in Bitshares, wish you too.

After abit trojan took place yesterday we've stopped our witness infrastructure for bitshares.

We have a capable team of core and UI devs, so we're preparing a fork of bitshares code base, back to the consensus rules that was before the abit abuse on github.
It will be a new distribution, a new chain, and a new genesis.
News will come latter with announcements.

Offline blockchained

After abit trojan took place yesterday we've stopped our witness infrastructure for bitshares.

We have a capable team of core and UI devs, so we're preparing a fork of bitshares code base, back to the consensus rules that was before the abit abuse on github.
It will be a new distribution, a new chain, and a new genesis.
News will come latter with announcements.


Offline blockchained

From this moment RuDEX team stop to participate in this forum.
This forum occupied with admins that abuse their admin power and supports malicious actions with Github.
All further RuDEX announcements will be published in our official channels:
« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 03:24:59 pm by blockchained »

Offline blockchained

Thanks to your friend Thule.

You still didn't answer me what I'm to do with this bot, why you mute me?
Or you mute gateway owner that produces fees and bring users and volume, just because I support thuleee opinion that criticize your behavior? 
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 07:53:27 pm by blockchained »