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I have the feeds set up for when this thing kicks off.
Quote from: pc on May 17, 2017, 05:47:10 pmHere's my prediction:Crypto markets are currently overheated, which means that a significant correction will happen sooner or later. At that point, most BitAssets, including HERO, will be undercollateralized and suffer a black swan. Everybody loses.So you are predicting that the bts price will drop so fast as to trigger a chain of margin calls in the short positions of SmartCoins will not be able to sell their assets to repay their debt to the BitShares blockchain?If you were a very large short position on SmartCoins right now, would you be settling the debt ASAP and holding in bts?I have noticed the total Market Cap of SmartCoins has dropped by over 50% since yesterday:https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,24159.0.html
Here's my prediction:Crypto markets are currently overheated, which means that a significant correction will happen sooner or later. At that point, most BitAssets, including HERO, will be undercollateralized and suffer a black swan. Everybody loses.
So if I was to collateralize it with my BTS I should be getting floor price and not trading price. What is the method to exchange collateral for Hero's other than the trading site
Not skilled in trading and I am interested in collateralizing HERO's but I am confused. I thought the HERO was a stable FPA which would be valued based on the 1913 US$ with 5% APR. Value would continue to just increase based on formula. Now I see that there is a buy/sell wall and values change with demand. Does not make it stable at all. Can someone please enlighten me.
Quote from: twitter on May 06, 2017, 03:58:04 amQuote from: Stan on May 06, 2017, 01:20:51 amQuote from: fluxer555 on May 06, 2017, 12:17:20 amIf I'm not mistaken, this is an idea you've been talking about for years, ever since market pegged assets came out. Your timing here seems to indicate that you're very bullish on BTS.You need to think BIGGER, Pinky. What's bigger and pinky?Featured figure in the subject post, and...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJPFSNu_QNs
Quote from: Stan on May 06, 2017, 01:20:51 amQuote from: fluxer555 on May 06, 2017, 12:17:20 amIf I'm not mistaken, this is an idea you've been talking about for years, ever since market pegged assets came out. Your timing here seems to indicate that you're very bullish on BTS.You need to think BIGGER, Pinky. What's bigger and pinky?
Quote from: fluxer555 on May 06, 2017, 12:17:20 amIf I'm not mistaken, this is an idea you've been talking about for years, ever since market pegged assets came out. Your timing here seems to indicate that you're very bullish on BTS.You need to think BIGGER, Pinky.
If I'm not mistaken, this is an idea you've been talking about for years, ever since market pegged assets came out. Your timing here seems to indicate that you're very bullish on BTS.
Are HERO's now available and how does one go about collateralizing them in the wallet? I have an OpenLedger wallet.
In order to obtain a slot as feed producer, please send an email to::: feed@hero.global http://docs.hero.global/en/master/feedproducer.html
Quote from: alt on May 12, 2017, 02:18:34 pmwhat's the plan?how many will you spent,how many time will you use,how many people will you hire,or just another great idea will bring us to the moon?I have shared access to the golden goose with everyone.But I'll hold off on sharing what I plan to do with my eggs.
what's the plan?how many will you spent,how many time will you use,how many people will you hire,or just another great idea will bring us to the moon?
Quote from: fav on May 12, 2017, 05:12:31 amif you want to provide feed make sure to talk to xeroc first. last thing I heard was that there are not enough feed providers registered.I think @xeroc already knows, he is in our telegram channel and @wackou updated BTS Tools to 0.4.12 with HERO feeds as an option.
if you want to provide feed make sure to talk to xeroc first. last thing I heard was that there are not enough feed providers registered.
I don't think it's likely that HERO will pay effective returns of 5%. If you look very closely, HERO can only offer a maximum of 5% return; if it consistently trades above the price feed, it will offer lower returns. Sadly, if it trades above the price feed, it isn't 100% backed by BTS in collateral, which destroys one of its main value propositions.Stan is talking like this thing is a free lunch (cue him telling me that he's not; judge for yourself), but it's rarely that simple. I don't frequent this forum much any more, but I've been posting about HERO over on Steemit:https://steemit.com/bitshares/@biophil/will-hero-work-or-can-you-brute-force-the-free-markethttps://steemit.com/bitshares/@biophil/who-will-pay-the-interest-on-hero
Quote from: yvv on May 11, 2017, 10:19:00 pmQuote from: biophil on May 11, 2017, 08:56:21 pmI don't think it's likely that HERO will pay effective returns of 5%. If you look very closely, HERO can only offer a maximum of 5% return; if it consistently trades above the price feed, it will offer lower returns. Sadly, if it trades above the price feed, it isn't 100% backed by BTS in collateral, which destroys one of its main value propositions.Stan is talking like this thing is a free lunch (cue him telling me that he's not; judge for yourself), but it's rarely that simple. I don't frequent this forum much any more, but I've been posting about HERO over on Steemit:https://steemit.com/bitshares/@biophil/will-hero-work-or-can-you-brute-force-the-free-markethttps://steemit.com/bitshares/@biophil/who-will-pay-the-interest-on-heroHere is an example when a person got completely confused by "5% return" claim. There is not 5% return, 1 HERO will always stay 1 HERO. 5% is a rate of increase of underlying peg index relative to USD.I'll assume you didn't read my articles. I do understand the distinction, hence the word "effective." I'm arguing that HERO is very unlikely to average 5% appreciation, because it will probably trade at a large premium (on average) to the price feed. Simultaneously, if it trades at a large premium to the price feed, it will be subject to unpredictable price swings because the smartcoin mechanism only stabilizes price effectively when you're close to the feed. If HERO shorters aren't careful with Stan's bullish language, they're going to lose a lot of money while they're wondering why the price of HERO won't fall.If you're bullish about HERO, you should read my articles and tell me why I'm wrong. I welcome the feedback!
Quote from: biophil on May 11, 2017, 08:56:21 pmI don't think it's likely that HERO will pay effective returns of 5%. If you look very closely, HERO can only offer a maximum of 5% return; if it consistently trades above the price feed, it will offer lower returns. Sadly, if it trades above the price feed, it isn't 100% backed by BTS in collateral, which destroys one of its main value propositions.Stan is talking like this thing is a free lunch (cue him telling me that he's not; judge for yourself), but it's rarely that simple. I don't frequent this forum much any more, but I've been posting about HERO over on Steemit:https://steemit.com/bitshares/@biophil/will-hero-work-or-can-you-brute-force-the-free-markethttps://steemit.com/bitshares/@biophil/who-will-pay-the-interest-on-heroHere is an example when a person got completely confused by "5% return" claim. There is not 5% return, 1 HERO will always stay 1 HERO. 5% is a rate of increase of underlying peg index relative to USD.
Quote from: lil_jay890 on May 11, 2017, 02:05:49 pmStan invoking Jesus Christ to incite FOMO...Pretty extreme even by Stan's standardsActually, no. That was my mini sermon for the day. 50% of my posts on Steemit over the past year are on that far more important topic, not BitShares.
Stan invoking Jesus Christ to incite FOMO...Pretty extreme even by Stan's standards
Saying that HERO pays interest is misleading, because it does not. If you have 1 HERO now, you'll have the same 1 HERO next year and next year and so on... It's buying power relative to USD is going to increase, because shorters are forced to pay more USD when you settle it. This is different from paying interest.
Quote from: robrigo on May 11, 2017, 12:42:28 pmThe annual 5% comes from the shorters. Check out http://docs.hero.global/en/master/ for more details.Thanks RobrigoI would have hoped to see this kind of shareholder-relevant information linked to in the OP, Stan.I guess intrigue and suspense is what you're going for, but isn't the whole point of that to increase the speculative value of BitShares to new investors?Easy-access quick-to-digest information helps reduce the information asymmetry between the BTS in-crowd and the wider potential investor audience.I suppose if you do in fact only wish to inform the in-crowd, those who will bother to investigate further on their own, then it makes sense.Not necessarily bad.I get the impression that you, Stan, want to see BTS rise in value based lots of customers using BitShares' products. Lots of BTS to be locked up in collateral in SmartCoins.As opposed to Speculative investment. Why not both?
The annual 5% comes from the shorters. Check out http://docs.hero.global/en/master/ for more details.
Could somebody clarify how HERO actually works?If HERO will be worth 5% more next year than what it is today, where does this 5% of wealth come from?Cheers
Quote from: blockchained on May 10, 2017, 11:37:43 amWe are ready to participate and can start producing feeds for the HERO from our witness node blckchnd as soon as the list of feed producers is updated.
We are ready to participate and can start producing feeds for the HERO from our witness node blckchnd as soon as the list of feed producers is updated.
Hey guys!I made some symbol designs for HERO. Please have a look at them in the link below and drop me some feedback so that I can improve the designs upon that.http://bit.ly/2pfyapb (steemit.com/bitshares/@deepsynergy/symbol-designs-for-bitshares-formula-pegged-asset-hero)I also had a chat with Stan and I'm planning to create some more conservative designs for older demographics as well.Thank you and waiting for your feedback!
Hey guys!I made some symbol designs for HERO. Please have a look at them in the link below and drop me some feedback so that I can improve the designs upon that.https://steemit.com/bitshares/@deepsynergy/symbol-designs-for-bitshares-formula-pegged-asset-heroI also had a chat with Stan and I'm planning to create some more conservative designs for older demographics as well.Thank you and waiting for your feedback!
Xeroc is helping, certafying and formally authorizing all feed providers. PM him.
@Stan can witnesses already start publishing a feed or do you need to first approve them? I just tried to do so but got the following error:Code: [Select]0 exception: unspecified10 assert_exception: Assert Exceptionbitasset.feeds.count(o.publisher): {} th_a asset_evaluator.cpp:530 do_evaluate {"o":{"fee":{"amount":725,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"publisher":"1.2.277","asset_id":"1.3.1362","feed":{"settlement_price":{"base":{"amount":246108,"asset_id":"1.3.1362"},"quote":{"amount":1000000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}},"maintenance_collateral_ratio":1750,"maximum_short_squeeze_ratio":1500,"core_exchange_rate":{"base":{"amount":246108,"asset_id":"1.3.1362"},"quote":{"amount":950000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}}},"extensions":[]}} th_a asset_evaluator.cpp:534 do_evaluate {} th_a evaluator.cpp:51 start_evaluate {"op":[19,{"fee":{"amount":725,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"publisher":"1.2.277","asset_id":"1.3.1362","feed":{"settlement_price":{"base":{"amount":246108,"asset_id":"1.3.1362"},"quote":{"amount":1000000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}},"maintenance_collateral_ratio":1750,"maximum_short_squeeze_ratio":1500,"core_exchange_rate":{"base" [...]IIRC that's the error you get when not authorized (I could very well be wrong here)
0 exception: unspecified10 assert_exception: Assert Exceptionbitasset.feeds.count(o.publisher): {} th_a asset_evaluator.cpp:530 do_evaluate {"o":{"fee":{"amount":725,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"publisher":"1.2.277","asset_id":"1.3.1362","feed":{"settlement_price":{"base":{"amount":246108,"asset_id":"1.3.1362"},"quote":{"amount":1000000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}},"maintenance_collateral_ratio":1750,"maximum_short_squeeze_ratio":1500,"core_exchange_rate":{"base":{"amount":246108,"asset_id":"1.3.1362"},"quote":{"amount":950000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}}},"extensions":[]}} th_a asset_evaluator.cpp:534 do_evaluate {} th_a evaluator.cpp:51 start_evaluate {"op":[19,{"fee":{"amount":725,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"publisher":"1.2.277","asset_id":"1.3.1362","feed":{"settlement_price":{"base":{"amount":246108,"asset_id":"1.3.1362"},"quote":{"amount":1000000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}},"maintenance_collateral_ratio":1750,"maximum_short_squeeze_ratio":1500,"core_exchange_rate":{"base" [...]
The map, like the male genitalia