Could somebody clarify how HERO actually works?
If HERO will be worth 5% more next year than what it is today, where does this 5% of wealth come from?
Best explanation is a Xeroc's wiki: excerpt:
Who pays the interest?The shorters do! Those that are willing to lock BTS away as collateral for the HERO need to ensure that the value of their collateral grows by more than 5% every year. Since the minimum collateral ratio is 200%, most shorters speculate on the value of BTS to grow by at least 2.5% after a year which would covers their obligation to top up the collateral sufficiently.
Of course, the BTS token will still be volatile! Basically, by shorting HERO with 200% collateral and issuing a new token with face-value (together with margin calls and settlements) establishes a system in equilibrium.
One the one side, there is 200% of the volatility, while on the other side, there is none. This is the general concept behind market-pegged assets, or smartcoins. Those on the short side experience the volatility and epxect the collateral to rise in price, while those on the long side enjoy the stability of their token.
The HERO does the same, except that it forces the shorters to also hand over a fixed

interest per year to the long side of the trades. Independent of the shorters making profit at all, they will need to provide the

interest to the long position.
Thus, the HERO represents a Peer-2-peer free currency where shorts and longs are provided by individual traders across the planet with no central entity having control over the issuance process.