Your server cost estimate is too low as is your hourly time to maintain and upgrade witness servers.
You might be able to run two 8GB shared VPS servers for $100 / month, IF you look REAL HARD. However, that would leave NOTHING to pay for a witness's time. Plus, keep in mind 8GB is not enough memory for reliable and stable service at the current rate of network use. I am moving to dedicated servers with at least 16GB of RAM for all future node installations. Seed nodes can get by right now with only 8GB as long as adequate swap is configured.
I have also rented a 32GB server for use on the testnet.
And as for the amount of time per month I devote to witness work: It has been far more than 5 hours a month since February. Here is my
estimate of hours spent this month alone (April 2017):
Hrs Task
----- -------
3 Hosting Service Research (locations, cost, owned by, complaints / community opinion)
8 Community involvement (Friday mumble, reading forum, Telegram etc)
10 Server upgrades & installation
4 Software updates and feed tweaking
To provide reasonable compensation for server costs 3 servers should be factored in MINIMUM: 1 Witness node, 1 Seed node and 1 node for the testnet. The testnet doesn't have to be rented continuously, it can be spun up for testing and destroyed when testing is not underway.
It's there for all to see, very few witnesses run seed nodes in addition to their witness node. A seed node can serve as a hot backup if configured with adequate RAM.
Another factor not taken into account is how often feeds are published. Verbaltech2 holds the record for the most operations performed which is due to the number of assets I post feeds for as well as their publication frequency.
I will also say this again, that few people are considering the architecture, reliability and decentralization aspects of the network like Wackou has. Nobody seems interested in looking at potential attack vectors and how to protect witness nodes from being discovered and DDoS'ed.
Wackou's backbone scheme is the ONLY work I've ever seen that addresses such issues. Where is any of
that in this discussion? Security of the blockchain is obviously extrememly important, so why is the job of witnesses treated with such little respect?
B/c many witnesses do not live up to their responsibilities and many shareholders don't bother to vote them out.
The fact that the number of witnesses does NOT impact the cost of security to the network and shareholders is not intuitive. People think the expense is Pay per block * number of witnesses == cost of network's security. That is FALSE, it actually is:
(Pay per block * ( ( number of seconds in maintenance interval ) / 3 ) ) / number of active witnesses. The witness pay pool is set entirely by the pay per block (currently 3 BTS) and the length of the maintenance interval. Increasing the number of witnesses can only reduce each witnesses' pay and does not increase the direct cost of securing the network.