Author Topic: [ANN] DwarfPool - MEGA WEEKEND-PROMOTION  (Read 18005 times)

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Offline SlyWax

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The calc math is roughly correct Id say.

What I see is happening is quite simply LARGE pools "outluck" small pools on block hits.

Think about it like this, if you had 90 people flipping coins on one side as a team and 10 people on the other side and the rule is that whichever side have the highest percentage of heads/tails then the 90 people flipping coins will in the vast majority totally dominate the 10 people flipping coins except if you got constant same difficulty and unlimited time then it will even out but it would take many many years if you ask me.

That is not the reason. The small pool that only has 10 people also only splits the reward 10-way instead of 90-way.

The only reason people join pools is if chance of finding a block is so far into the future that by then the difficulty could drastically change and they could mine for a month and end up with nothing.

However with the HPM I have I could discover 7 blocks/day, I don't really need a pool.

The whole logic of low hashrate pools will even out over time vs high hashrate pools is entirely flawed. This would be valid if we were talking about constant block rewards and constant same difficulty.

The fact that block rewards gets reduce quite often and difficulty fluctuate quite often effectively will keep a low hashing pool at a disadvantage and lower earnings ALLWAYS because it will have much greater variance during difficulty/block reward periods.

Low hashrate pool would need the hand of GOD to assist them if they want to actually reap the same earnings over time which realisticly just wont happen no matter how you try and slice it.

This is unfortunate though, it would be great if all hashrates were balanced among pools for equal chance of getting blocks per difficulty/blockreward period but right now with Memorycoin the competition and interest is too low to sustain a fairly equal split across all the available pools.

You are wrong, the chance is the same, this is the principle and beauty of bitcoin and memorycoin algorithm.
The only difference is the variability is much higher on small pool.
But you get more % out of one block than on big pool.

Offline bppsp1

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A few posts up I explained exactly what is happening and why probability slowly goes out of the window the higher the concentration of one pool to total network hashrate.

Right now have a near 100% hitrate on all blocks and proportionally this hitrate will reflect higher than the network hashrate percentage of a smaller pool.

Offline Atrides

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Hmm... I was showing 2800HPM, running 100 machines with 30HPM each showing in client. Now it's showing 1500HPM, that can't be right, I wonder if they switched to another server.
But afterwards you've disabled it manually..

Unfortunatelly you havn't found any blocks during your work, this is because there was only a few capacity at the pool. Our power was never more than 5% from the network hashrate (even with your HPMs), while the other get ca.90% and 10%.
Too high concentration of power at a pool means a negligibly small probability to find a block for the other one.

I'd suggest we three (with "MFH4DrpkfWWfFRvtdu6TJuT4D8txKAKM6b" with his 2K HPMs) try the same HPMs at the same time. The idea is, we'll be able to reach the "one-block-in-one-hour" level.

The system works correctly, I didn't change anything there, but three blocks were found for last hours. If there is a pool with a few capacities you have to look at a whole period of time -a day (with a constant speed!), but not at a stats for two-three hours.

For example, the earning coins of working hours of "MFH4DrpkfWWfFRvtdu6TJuT4D8txKAKM6b" conside with calculator.
But it works only by the same speed the whole day.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 09:05:17 pm by Atrides »
DwarfPool - Getwork and first Stratum Pool with only 2% fee.
Full anonymous, geobalanced, DDoS protected.

Offline Atrides

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Our pool is back to work with a wealth of experience and energy, fully recovered from malicious attack by hackers during last days!

The recalculation for attacking days is completed, the stolen funds from our users as well as prices are paid in full, please check your account.

As promised, there are the thieves' wallets:
Code: [Select]
MC14AT1AWW7QaiDp8ga86ACmdRcp1W9ySd  1176.9147 MMC
MFcqimrVfL7FsDXKgtY3kxMUjF69LJ9uPb   259.6131 MMC
MVPVaT2BAVZPqhs5aHP7FtCs73hAkkP1Qs   377.5241 MMC
MQpYDudS1hjPGXVNUahamKQuTyrM11u2SX   264.2319 MMC
MWN9khX86cS4UiYQ2ntNxUcNL4puWmLUjp   192.7089 MMC
MHD6FovuhDeDsD8mzDhsj3NedwzPiHVDkL   173.6124 MMC
MQo1MxFTucc8h7i6bf24iXyndnHZTURuJz   216.6176 MMC
MKPQpWvLbFpyxwzo1RkbLWCfTF7HfQwP6Q   108.5172 MMC
MELXrFxDqSAePxHjoE2DNdC3uXYWAouLTZ   105.2789 MMC
MAMetrNp1tK9c1g4VuMhFtp2rMbfuw3xs5   75.6453 MMC
2950.6641 MMC

These workers were banned before the transaction was successful
Code: [Select]

It was a hard start, thank you for all your support!

From now and untill 24:00 UTC Sunday we have 0% fee ))
DwarfPool - Getwork and first Stratum Pool with only 2% fee.
Full anonymous, geobalanced, DDoS protected.

Offline Linolis

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I agree, mistakes happen, and how the pool owner deals with them says the world. If anything, after this whole thing, I trust you even more now Atrides, for making everything right. Thank you.

Offline MaxPWR

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I am hosting a mine-for-dwarfpool charity race. 

Change your miners to use and mine for either:


First to the top of the leaderboards wins.  If Max's Mine wines, the game server may stay up for future promos.

Any funds received will be donated to dwarfpool and held below until game's end:
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline tomorrow

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For quicker recovery,
I would suggest to temporarily set pool fee to 0 and somehow give additional bonus.
Vote for seraphim to lead a team of supporters as MMC CSO
Send 0.00000001 to MVTEcsoL9GvfezMUgEDnhr7ioRAsByuTAv

Offline Atrides

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MaxGorilla Promo

Dig for Dwarves!
Thank you, Max! I have created game-server ""
DwarfPool - Getwork and first Stratum Pool with only 2% fee.
Full anonymous, geobalanced, DDoS protected.

Offline MaxPWR

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MaxGorilla Promo

Dig for Dwarves!

I have created two vanity addresses that people can set their miners to and "race" them in the dwarfpool leaderboards:

Any funds received will go towards buying more dwarves.

Max's Mine and Smaug.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 04:47:35 am by MaxPWR »
You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Offline Atrides

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Security system checked and momentum-module upgraded. Fake shares not possible anymore, fake wallets disconnected,
today's payments made, recalculation for two attacking days will be tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 09:05:46 am by Atrides »
DwarfPool - Getwork and first Stratum Pool with only 2% fee.
Full anonymous, geobalanced, DDoS protected.

Offline Atrides

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I wonder if the other pools have the same vulnerability.
No, they are not vulnerable.
they do not have such a vile "enemy". Guess why
DwarfPool - Getwork and first Stratum Pool with only 2% fee.
Full anonymous, geobalanced, DDoS protected.

Offline trankil

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MMC : MTxecTRmb6Gs4wu4jsftJSHSuowiV3o6tF

PTS : PZt3qLFhQeber5NFjjv3ith813oF6zBwnU

Offline earntodie

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I wonder if the other pools have the same vulnerability.
No, they are not vulnerable.
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Offline bppsp1

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Wow thats quite utterly fked up whoever did that. :(

I guess there is always someone who tries to game people no matter the harm they cause, sigh.

Offline Atrides

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Hey guys,

I am terribly sorry for the delay in reply, I have been just working hard on the problem..

Trankil was right
Yesterday along with an unsuccessful DDoS attacks on my servers, there was a powerful attack on the pool protocol. Our users were robbed of 3000 coins.
He sent many fake shares from several accounts (fake-shares bomb), thereby increased a part of his own shares at the expense of other users.

It must have been a person (or two?) who knows exactly about the source code of Memorycoin-wallet, source code of miners, an algorithm of Momentum with Birthday collisions on the lowest level, he found a weak point concerned with check of sheares' valiadation in source code which I based my pool on.

He quite spent a lot for attacking servers to kill our pool. I can only guess who's got the greatest profit from that..

The lying wallets are still operating, they are known but not yet blocked. All these shares won't be credited. I'm working on this.

As soon as I solve it I do public the fake wallets and allot the whole profit to real wallets (autopayment is currently frozen, the stat of "% of round" and "Amount" is currently out).
I also cover the damage from my own funds. The system itself works blameless, Let's try once again!

Thank you
DwarfPool - Getwork and first Stratum Pool with only 2% fee.
Full anonymous, geobalanced, DDoS protected.