when will details be confirmed with regard to investment forthcoming?
and if i may, HERO, is truly revolutionary. if executed it will be the first non debt based economic system in modern capitalism. i dont think most people really understand the problems caused by a debt based economy in capitalism. its flawed from the very onset, inflation is unstoppable and terminal to the system it created.
because debt was created first to stimulate economy, the economy always demands more debt to expand and sustain itself. so more debt is manufactured to feed the economy, which leads to devaluation of existing fiat currency, which leads to more inflation, and this process will continue ad infinitum.
federal banks across the globe literally, manufacture and print money in an effort to prop up a system that is nihilistic.
seemingly it would serve you well to stress the fact of how flawed the "money" system is presently and how hero efforts to provide not only an alternative, but how the hero system perhaps the only solution to a debt bases economy. the layman needs to understand.