How big is an average deal?
There isn't an average deal size. Recent deals with Kexgill have ranged from £100k to £13m
It's not a bad thing per se, just investors should be very cautions when investing to such a project. Basically you have nothing at stake (except of you time/effort). In the worst case scenario the company bankrupts, you sell all properties and split the money among kexcoin holders. Investors loose and you get either nothing (if you had sold all your 10m kexcoin) or some small amount (if you still own kexcoin). This is very unbalanced. You should understand it after doing business for 39 years 
We actively encourage participants to be cautious and to do their due diligence. There are so many scam coins out there that it is easy for people to loose money. We believe that those of you that do your research will see us as the safest and best option.
I don't see how the worst case scenario would be going bankrupt. Usually this could only happen if the banks foreclose on you and as you know we are not using the banks. My personal opinion is that the worst case scenario is, a property does not perform as planned for some reason. If this was the case we could dispose of it and reinvest the funds back into new property?
15) Are you keeping BTC until the very last moment or will you exchange it to fiat immediately after ICO? Will you use DEX and OpenLedger fiat gateway for this exchange?
We will exchange to fiat, to purchase property, as soon as possible and to ensure the preservation of value. We will not hold in the hope of increased value or to play with participants money. We will be using a specialist law firm to do this to ensure it is done at "arms length" and again to ensure transparency.