Author Topic: 见证人征选票/witness needs votes  (Read 6046 times)

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Offline mmyjydt

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update_witness_votes your-account [264457099] [] true

« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 02:29:07 pm by mmyjydt »

Offline tinker

大家好,我是 Don Johnny,目前新运行了一个 YOYOW 主链的见证人节点。

              Don Johnny
  • 计算机科学与技术学士
  • 5年以上软件开发经验
  • 币圈积极吹水韭菜
  • BitShares社区早期成员
  • 石墨烯技术信仰者


Hi, folks. My name is Don Johnny, I'm running a new witness node of YOYOW core blockchain.
There is a brief introduction about me below:

              Don Johnny
  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology
  • More than 5 years of backend development experience
  • Concerned speaker of YOYOW community
  • Early member of BitShares Community
  • Graphene Blockchain believer

  我的见证人ID:  323328075 / My witness ID:  323328075
  :-* 感谢你的选票 / :-* APPRICIATE YOUR VOTES

替换下方 "your-account" 为你的帐号名或者uid / REPLACE the "your-account" block with your account name or uid

设置我为投票代理Set me as your vote proxy:
Code: [Select]
set_voting_proxy your-account 323328075 true
或者直接为我投票Or direct vote for me:
Code: [Select]
update_witness_votes your-account [323328075] [] true

当前主链上的我的见证人信息My witness information on the current YOYOW core blockchain :


    2017-09-09 01:31:46 +0800
    get_witness 323328075
      "account": 323328075,
      "name": "yoyo323328075",
      "sequence": 1,
      "is_valid": true,
      "signing_key": "YYW5raBRwonsmfZ5nLceuNQGBVoQKyEqvUSJYeTtJAj2rgeTvUhQy",
      "pledge": 1000000000,
      "pledge_last_update": "2017-09-08T16:54:30",
      "average_pledge": 0,
      "average_pledge_last_update": "2017-09-08T16:54:30",
      "average_pledge_next_update_block": 66887,
      "total_votes": 1496874,
      "by_pledge_position": "0",
      "by_pledge_position_last_update": "0",
      "by_pledge_scheduled_time": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
      "by_vote_position": "0",
      "by_vote_position_last_update": "96981266530345817608803566872933",
      "by_vote_scheduled_time": "324309778878363162720035037391024",
      "last_confirmed_block_num": 0,
      "last_aslot": 0,
      "total_produced": 0,
      "total_missed": 0,
      "url": ""

« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 04:15:53 pm by tinker »