MaxGorilla Promo:
Save dwarves! Fight Smaug!
Help reach Max's Mine before Smaug does!
Max's mine must reach the top of the dwarfpool leaderboards before Smaug does.
If Max reaches the dwarves before Smaug does, dwarfpool can add more dwarves!
How to Play:
Join and mine for either Smaug or Max's Mine, below:
Any mining received will steal Smaug's gold (balance) and give it back to the dwarves.
100% mined for Max and 50% mined for Smaug will be donated to dwarf pool. If Max's Mine reaches the top of the leaderboards first, dwarves everywhere can swim again. If Smaug wins, dwarves shall be eaten...
Smaug starts with an initial pile of gold. The promo will end when Smaug's balance reaches 0.
Smaug's stolen gold will be held at the address below until promo end:
(Any funds received are donated to, the different percents just extend the game a bit.)