BSIP59 define a general process for adjusting MSSR and/or MCR through voting
This poll will decide whether to reduce MSSR of bitCNY from current value 1.05 to 1.02.
as described in BSIP59 Doc:, currently bitCNY is in phase 3 - always margin called orders stayed, bitCNY has a 6%+ premium, and the current MSSR value is 1.05.
MSSR of bitCNY has been changed from 1.1 to 1.05 for months, we found that in phase 3 the bitCNY premium depend heavily on MSSR, higher MSSR always lead to high bitCNY premium, but not always lead to in time filling of the margin call orders.
to enable bitCNY peg better in phase 3, I now suggest to reduce MSSR of bitCNY from 1.05 to 1.02, it can be expected the bitCNY premium can be reduced to 2%+ after this change, this will benefit the whole ecosystem.
Two worker proposals have been created for this poll:
1.14.168 Poll - BSIP59 - Reduce MSSR of bitCNY to 1.02
1.14.169 Poll - BSIP59 - Do Not Reduce MSSR of bitCNY
please vote according to your opinion.