Hertz - Oscillating Algorithm Based AssetHertz is an MPA which is modified with a sine wave to predictably oscillate with a 14% amplitude, and 28day period, resulting in a price feed range of $0.86 to $1.14.
Price feed scripts have been created for wackou's bts_tools, xeroc's bitshares-pricefeed and the reference Hertz python-bitshares based price feed implementation.
A $750 (bitUSD) bounty is still available for the implementation of Hertz in the btsprice price feed repo.
I'm seeking additional price feed publishers, I've pre-approved 25 price feed publishers (detailed below) who can begin publishing price feeds for Hertz at their discretion. Any elected witnesses not currently publishing price feeds - I'd greatly appreciate feedback regarding what would help you begin publishing price feeds.
Approved price feed publishers:fox, wackou, xeldal, xman, abc123, xn-delegate, datasecuritynode, delegate.ihashfury, bhuz, delegate-1.lafona, delegate.freedom, elmato, in.abit, verbaltech2, witness.yao, witness.still, roelandp, taconator-witness, blckchnd, sahkan-bitshares, openledger-dc, sc-ol, billbutler-witness, delegate-zhaomu, hertz-feed.
Actively publishing price feeds:wackou, delegate.ihashfury, verbaltech2, roelandp, taconator-witness, blckchnd, sahkan-bitshares, sc-ol, delegate-1.lafona, hertz-feed.
Not publishing price feeds yet:fox, xeldal, xman, abc123, xn-delegate, datasecuritynode, bhuz, delegate.freedom, elmato, in.abit, witness.yao, witness.still, openledger-dc, billbutler-witness, delegate-zhaomu
We may need to increase the max price feed publisher quantity again unless I start swapping above approved (and inactive) price feed publishers for willing parties.
Price feed monitor:
https://btsapi.grcnode.co.uk/homeHertz asset page:
http://open-explorer.io/#/assets/HERTZHertz technical documentation:
https://sites.google.com/view/hertz-aba/Wackou's price feed repo:
https://github.com/wackou/bts_tools/Xeroc's price feed repo:
https://github.com/xeroc/bitshares-pricefeed/btsprice bounty:
https://github.com/pch957/btsprice/issues/4Reference repo: