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The short term and quickest solution is already presented here, since it requires no blockchain update (change fees, collected fees used to create bitassets).I would also agree to incentivize the creation of BitAssets, but I think in long-term it should be mostly user driven. Thus I could think of an additional feature when creating a margin position that allows dividends of some sort.When the user creates a margin position, he can choose his collateral ratio. If the ratio is above some ratio, lets call it incentivize collateral ratio ICR, then additional features becomes visible:User can lock his position for timespan X, where locking means: the position can not be closed the positions borrowed amount of bitAssets amount can not be reduced, only increased the positions collateral can not be reduced below ICR, only increased position becomes unlocked if ratio is less then the unlock incentivize collateral ratio UICR (set by commitee)If position becomes locked, then the positions collateral in BTS receives Y% from the reserve pool (or some commitee account, eventually filled by fees?) every month the position is locked, where the Y% is only with reference to amount of BTS necessary to achieve ICR. Value Y% depends on the choice X of the user.For example: ICR is 3. User opens position to create 1000 bitUSD backed by 50000 BTS (assume 10 BTS/bitUSD price). The collateral ratio of this position is then 5, which is higher than ICR, and user chooses to lock for one month. Bitshares says now he will get 0.1% paid every month for all BTS required to achieve ICR.To achieve ICR, he would need only 30000 BTS, so the incentive is 30000 * 0.1% = 30. The positions collateral will be increased by 30 BTS taken from reserve pool every month. After the two months,the position unlocks itself automatically (but is not closed) and the user has now 50060 BTS as collateral.This approach would certainly need development on back- and frontend, but could be very interesting for hodlers.
hello, please help, if i want to buy bitCNY throug alipay, is it possible?or any other ways ?
The comittee is in control of roughly 3.6 million BTS which are being held in either comittee-trade or committee-account.https://wallet.bitshares.org/#/account/committee-accounthttps://wallet.bitshares.org/#/account/committee-tradeQuestions:Is the current balance simply stacking up of transaction fees, or how did this accumulate?
The committee-account is holding short positions. Why?
Where can I see the accumulation of incoming market fees?
短期和最快的解决方案已经在这里提出,因为它不需要区块链更新(更改费用,用于创建比特资源的收取费用)。我也同意激励创建BitAssets,但我认为从长远来看,它应该主要由用户驱动。因此,我可以在创建允许某种类型的股息的保证金头寸时考虑附加功能。当用户创建保证金头寸时,他可以选择他的保证金比率。如果该比率高于某个比率,我们称之为激励抵押比率ICR,则可以看到其他功能:用户可以锁定其时间范围X的位置,其中锁定意味着: 该位置不能关闭 bitAssets的借入量不能减少,只能增加 职位抵押额不能减少到ICR以下,只能增加 如果比率小于解锁激励抵押比率UICR(由委托人设置)如果头寸锁定,那么BTS的抵押品收到储备池(或某个委托人账户,最终由费用填充)的Y%,该位置每月锁定,其中X%仅参照必要的BTS数量实现ICR。值Y取决于用户的选择X.例如:ICR是3。 用户打开位置以创建由50000 BTS支持的1000 bitUSD(假设10 BTS / bitUSD价格)。 此位置的抵押比率为5,高于ICR,并且用户选择锁定一个月。 Bitshares表示,现在他将获得每月支付0.1%的所有BTS以实现ICR。 为了实现ICR,他只需要30000 BTS,所以激励是30000 * 0.1%= 30。 每月从储备池中抽取30个BTS增加抵押品的头寸。两个月后, 该位置自动解锁(但未关闭),用户现在有50060 BTS作为抵押品。这种方法肯定需要在后台和前端进行开发,但对于hodlers来说可能非常有趣。
English please
The proposal that has already been adopted is to buy the BTS with a recycling fee and then buy it in the mortgage. The time to buy first, who is this? How much is the mortgage rate performed? What should I do if the funds after the mortgage collapse? This follow-up has a series of questions.I come to a suggestion to collect the daily fee, buy the BTS through a random block, and (PS: why it is a random block to prevent someone from maliciously targeting the wool) to destroy it immediately!Reasons: First of all, the current transaction fees generated by the internal disk transaction cannot form a large pool of funds within a short period of time to buy the BTS, and it needs long-term accumulation. However, once a large pool of funds is formed in the later period, the use of this fund will form the focus. Pile of troublesome things. The use of the destruction mechanism has long formed a deflationary trend in disguise, and the logic is simple. The effect is obvious. The community can take a lot of time to study how to expand the market and do technological research and development. It does not need to spend too much effort on this kind of thing. on.Just to explore, to initiate, we can explore other deflation channels?
Quote from: Achilles on March 09, 2018, 04:22:23 pm如果被人盯住故意做空咋办,方案是不是应该考虑周全点?另外你们一直在喊着smart coin不足,然后一直在想办法解决smart coin紧缩的问题。这些完全是本末倒置,治标不治本,BTS没有实际价值都是扯淡。我们要做得无非两点:1. 让别人更加倾向长期拿着BTS(长期持有smart coin才能稳定抵押;这是交易所活跃的基础)。2. 让更多人进入BTS交易所(其实我看到大家都很努力整一堆交易对,类似鼓鼓钱包的生态建立,但是没有良好的基础环境都是扯淡。BTS有了良好的良性循环,bts持有人作为旁观者岂有不入局?岂能不越来越了解bts?岂能不为bts宣传一下?而不是给人感觉比中心化交易所风险还大的东西。)分析:bts内盘 == 各大交易所(应该自带盈利功能,虽然效率低了点但是安全点,本身就不输中心化平台)bts == 各大交易所的平台币(怎么市值管理平台币?各大中心化交易所不是已经有好榜样了么)smartcoin == 出入金资金,以及高风险爱好者偶尔玩玩的抵押。总之一句话:我们需要更多钱,但是钱应该自产!别人中心化交易所能这么赚钱,我们bts交易所却这么穷为啥?(你手续费那么低,让利给机器人? 你会员那么便宜,丢掉一个赢利点。你上币不收别人年费或x费的,又浪费盈利点)。感觉就是这也让利,那也让利,自己穷成狗,还要支付见证人费用,还要给社区开开工资等各种日常费用。如今还想做市值管理?如果上帝操控bts,也许可以。Quote from: bitcrab on March 09, 2018, 09:31:19 amQuote from: biotwang on March 09, 2018, 05:53:44 amI agree with the BTS market mangement.But I don't agree with below point of view:-------3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.-------I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.Then there will be no risk for this account pool.These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.我主要想表达的是bitCNY/bitUSD可以作为交易费用,但是费用池中买回BTS不应该继续作为抵押。使得这个费用池出现任何风险都是不应该的。而买回的BTS可以作为长期锁仓,或做长远项目费用拨备或支持类似billionare计划。I don't agree with you.with enough higher collateral ratio(at least 3) the bought BTS can be put into collateral for borrowing bitCNY/bitUSD. the worst result is that the debt position is margin called and these BTS is selled out in a lower price, no further risks.just locking BTS there is a waste of resource, with collateral it can add more power to the ecosystem.我也觉得再次抵押不妥,今年多少次短期腰斩行情了,要不是不知道,强烈建议回收销毁机制,还是需要马克思的供给和需求关系来解决,市场的货越少,货越值钱就是这个理。
如果被人盯住故意做空咋办,方案是不是应该考虑周全点?另外你们一直在喊着smart coin不足,然后一直在想办法解决smart coin紧缩的问题。这些完全是本末倒置,治标不治本,BTS没有实际价值都是扯淡。我们要做得无非两点:1. 让别人更加倾向长期拿着BTS(长期持有smart coin才能稳定抵押;这是交易所活跃的基础)。2. 让更多人进入BTS交易所(其实我看到大家都很努力整一堆交易对,类似鼓鼓钱包的生态建立,但是没有良好的基础环境都是扯淡。BTS有了良好的良性循环,bts持有人作为旁观者岂有不入局?岂能不越来越了解bts?岂能不为bts宣传一下?而不是给人感觉比中心化交易所风险还大的东西。)分析:bts内盘 == 各大交易所(应该自带盈利功能,虽然效率低了点但是安全点,本身就不输中心化平台)bts == 各大交易所的平台币(怎么市值管理平台币?各大中心化交易所不是已经有好榜样了么)smartcoin == 出入金资金,以及高风险爱好者偶尔玩玩的抵押。总之一句话:我们需要更多钱,但是钱应该自产!别人中心化交易所能这么赚钱,我们bts交易所却这么穷为啥?(你手续费那么低,让利给机器人? 你会员那么便宜,丢掉一个赢利点。你上币不收别人年费或x费的,又浪费盈利点)。感觉就是这也让利,那也让利,自己穷成狗,还要支付见证人费用,还要给社区开开工资等各种日常费用。如今还想做市值管理?如果上帝操控bts,也许可以。Quote from: bitcrab on March 09, 2018, 09:31:19 amQuote from: biotwang on March 09, 2018, 05:53:44 amI agree with the BTS market mangement.But I don't agree with below point of view:-------3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.-------I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.Then there will be no risk for this account pool.These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.我主要想表达的是bitCNY/bitUSD可以作为交易费用,但是费用池中买回BTS不应该继续作为抵押。使得这个费用池出现任何风险都是不应该的。而买回的BTS可以作为长期锁仓,或做长远项目费用拨备或支持类似billionare计划。I don't agree with you.with enough higher collateral ratio(at least 3) the bought BTS can be put into collateral for borrowing bitCNY/bitUSD. the worst result is that the debt position is margin called and these BTS is selled out in a lower price, no further risks.just locking BTS there is a waste of resource, with collateral it can add more power to the ecosystem.
Quote from: biotwang on March 09, 2018, 05:53:44 amI agree with the BTS market mangement.But I don't agree with below point of view:-------3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.-------I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.Then there will be no risk for this account pool.These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.我主要想表达的是bitCNY/bitUSD可以作为交易费用,但是费用池中买回BTS不应该继续作为抵押。使得这个费用池出现任何风险都是不应该的。而买回的BTS可以作为长期锁仓,或做长远项目费用拨备或支持类似billionare计划。I don't agree with you.with enough higher collateral ratio(at least 3) the bought BTS can be put into collateral for borrowing bitCNY/bitUSD. the worst result is that the debt position is margin called and these BTS is selled out in a lower price, no further risks.just locking BTS there is a waste of resource, with collateral it can add more power to the ecosystem.
I agree with the BTS market mangement.But I don't agree with below point of view:-------3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.-------I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.Then there will be no risk for this account pool.These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.我主要想表达的是bitCNY/bitUSD可以作为交易费用,但是费用池中买回BTS不应该继续作为抵押。使得这个费用池出现任何风险都是不应该的。而买回的BTS可以作为长期锁仓,或做长远项目费用拨备或支持类似billionare计划。
网上看到的,这里转载一下:抵押爆仓怎么办,谁救? 手续费买来的BTS是要抵押的,只要抵押都有爆仓危险,如果连理事会的抵押都爆仓了,这个资金量(比如2-3亿的bts),我相信没人能救了吧。那时候发生的时候,我估计也是时候来次黑天鹅。所以方案绝对是个定时炸弹,双刃剑,用的好大家都获利,用的不好,那BTS以后都别玩了,起不来了。所以,看得出来稳定抵押的关键性,这个抵押率巨蟹定不小于3倍。如果小于3,收来的Bitcny用来还款,如果大于3,收来的Bitcny继续买BTS。这样,基本能抵抗一定的风险。但是这种抗性不应急,因为对于过山车行情,暴跌往往发生在几夜间,如果没有资金存量的话,那暴跌期间是无法保证3倍抵押率的,因为几天收上来的Bitcny也就几百万,塞牙缝都不够。具体的买进卖出策略都是系统执行,不知道有没有资金池收集到一定程度后再抵押部分的策略,我没看到巨蟹有具体说道,但我强烈建议有。
Quote from: clockwork on March 09, 2018, 09:54:35 amsupported at a fee of 0.1% and using committee-trade for executionI prefer use 2 accounts to handle bitCNY and bitUSD trade separately, team members that handle the bitCNY trade need to be close to CNY market
supported at a fee of 0.1% and using committee-trade for execution
Quote from: Brekyrself on March 09, 2018, 04:30:40 amThis proposal would cover all current BitAssets or just CNY & USD?apply to CNY and USD at first, do not want to cover other smartcoins currently as they have very low trading volumes.
This proposal would cover all current BitAssets or just CNY & USD?
Generally speaking, charging fees on bitCNY and etc is doable.However, I don't think those fees would be enough to do effective "market value management".Say, on average 10M CNY volume a day, and a fee rate at 0.05%, means 5K CNY of income per day. In order to have a working "market value management", I guess we need billions of CNY.Another possible con:* charging fees introduces friction, thus may reduce activity, thus may harm reputation of BitShares and price of BTS token.By the way, why not increase basic network fees? The fees were reduced when BTS is 6CNY each, now BTS is around 1CNY each.
Broadly speaking, I support the concept of a Committee controlled market bot. Owner set to Committee is required. I have some reservations about Active set to M/N accounts.Consider the following implementation concepts (for each SmartCoin):1. committee.smartcoin: Owner, Active set to Committee2. Each Committee member runs (to-be developed) code locally that:3. --Calculates which Committee Member is the 'Market Maker Proposer' (highest votes, next highest if Proposal delay exceeds threshold below)4. --Observes SmarCoin market:5. ----Market Maker Proposer (MMP) evaluates SmartCoin market conditions for Triggers (OP examples):6. ----MMP broadcasts Proposed Transaction containing market actions based on Triggers7. ----Observes Proposed Transactions:8. ------Evaluates Triggers9. --------If TRUE: Signs Proposed Transaction10. The automated decentralized bot should execute the intended market actions using a dynamic set of Committee authorities. The above rough concept is similar to a Block Producer (Witness) providing Price Feed data by observing and having authority to sign their findings. However, the decentralized bot above requires observations from multiple sources to form the authority to perform the market actions.