Author Topic: suggestion for an offical market value management infrastructure  (Read 38774 times)

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巨蟹的鼓鼓钱包面世推广,是 Bitshares一个了不起的里程碑。如果做个类比,内盘相当于天弘基金管理有限公司,鼓鼓钱包相当于支付宝。但是很遗憾,一直没见到鼓鼓钱包推出类似余额宝的产品。

Offline bench

English please
The proposal that has already been adopted is to buy the BTS with a recycling fee and then buy it in the mortgage. The time to buy first, who is this? How much is the mortgage rate performed? What should I do if the funds after the mortgage collapse? This follow-up has a series of questions.
I come to a suggestion to collect the daily fee, buy the BTS through a random block, and (PS: why it is a random block to prevent someone from maliciously targeting the wool) to destroy it immediately!
Reasons: First of all, the current transaction fees generated by the internal disk transaction cannot form a large pool of funds within a short period of time to buy the BTS, and it needs long-term accumulation. However, once a large pool of funds is formed in the later period, the use of this fund will form the focus. Pile of troublesome things. The use of the destruction mechanism has long formed a deflationary trend in disguise, and the logic is simple. The effect is obvious. The community can take a lot of time to study how to expand the market and do technological research and development. It does not need to spend too much effort on this kind of thing. on.
Just to explore, to initiate, we can explore other deflation channels?
Please use a translation tool like Google translate to provide an English copy of your text.

Maybe an onboard translator would be a nice thing.

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Offline sschiessl

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另外你们一直在喊着smart coin不足,然后一直在想办法解决smart coin紧缩的问题。这些完全是本末倒置,治标不治本,BTS没有实际价值都是扯淡。
1. 让别人更加倾向长期拿着BTS(长期持有smart coin才能稳定抵押;这是交易所活跃的基础)。
2. 让更多人进入BTS交易所(其实我看到大家都很努力整一堆交易对,类似鼓鼓钱包的生态建立,但是没有良好的基础环境都是扯淡。BTS有了良好的良性循环,bts持有人作为旁观者岂有不入局?岂能不越来越了解bts?岂能不为bts宣传一下?而不是给人感觉比中心化交易所风险还大的东西。)

bts内盘 == 各大交易所(应该自带盈利功能,虽然效率低了点但是安全点,本身就不输中心化平台)
bts == 各大交易所的平台币(怎么市值管理平台币?各大中心化交易所不是已经有好榜样了么)
smartcoin == 出入金资金,以及高风险爱好者偶尔玩玩的抵押。
总之一句话:我们需要更多钱,但是钱应该自产!别人中心化交易所能这么赚钱,我们bts交易所却这么穷为啥?(你手续费那么低,让利给机器人? 你会员那么便宜,丢掉一个赢利点。你上币不收别人年费或x费的,又浪费盈利点)。感觉就是这也让利,那也让利,自己穷成狗,还要支付见证人费用,还要给社区开开工资等各种日常费用。如今还想做市值管理?如果上帝操控bts,也许可以。

I agree with the BTS market mangement.

But I don't agree with below point of view:
3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.
I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.
Then there will be no risk for this account pool.
These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.

I don't agree with you.
with enough higher collateral ratio(at least 3) the bought BTS can be put into collateral for borrowing bitCNY/bitUSD. the worst result is that the debt position is margin called and these BTS is selled out in a lower price, no further risks.
just locking BTS there is a waste of resource, with collateral it can add more power to the ecosystem.


Offline 时光旅行机

另外你们一直在喊着smart coin不足,然后一直在想办法解决smart coin紧缩的问题。这些完全是本末倒置,治标不治本,BTS没有实际价值都是扯淡。
1. 让别人更加倾向长期拿着BTS(长期持有smart coin才能稳定抵押;这是交易所活跃的基础)。
2. 让更多人进入BTS交易所(其实我看到大家都很努力整一堆交易对,类似鼓鼓钱包的生态建立,但是没有良好的基础环境都是扯淡。BTS有了良好的良性循环,bts持有人作为旁观者岂有不入局?岂能不越来越了解bts?岂能不为bts宣传一下?而不是给人感觉比中心化交易所风险还大的东西。)

bts内盘 == 各大交易所(应该自带盈利功能,虽然效率低了点但是安全点,本身就不输中心化平台)
bts == 各大交易所的平台币(怎么市值管理平台币?各大中心化交易所不是已经有好榜样了么)
smartcoin == 出入金资金,以及高风险爱好者偶尔玩玩的抵押。
总之一句话:我们需要更多钱,但是钱应该自产!别人中心化交易所能这么赚钱,我们bts交易所却这么穷为啥?(你手续费那么低,让利给机器人? 你会员那么便宜,丢掉一个赢利点。你上币不收别人年费或x费的,又浪费盈利点)。感觉就是这也让利,那也让利,自己穷成狗,还要支付见证人费用,还要给社区开开工资等各种日常费用。如今还想做市值管理?如果上帝操控bts,也许可以。

I agree with the BTS market mangement.

But I don't agree with below point of view:
3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.
I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.
Then there will be no risk for this account pool.
These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.

I don't agree with you.
with enough higher collateral ratio(at least 3) the bought BTS can be put into collateral for borrowing bitCNY/bitUSD. the worst result is that the debt position is margin called and these BTS is selled out in a lower price, no further risks.
just locking BTS there is a waste of resource, with collateral it can add more power to the ecosystem.

Offline 时光旅行机


Offline bench

Adding extra fees (0,05%) for bitshares to offer a better longterm value and having more liquidity could be a good thing, but I don't think we gonna solve the problem with this. No fees for assets are a huge plus for now.

You can get bitFIAT only when buying BTS and sell BTS again, this is a huge gap for the system. We need more decentralized fiat gateways. Like Bisq integration.

Who creates the bitFIAT when there is more demand?
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Offline oldman

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I would support and vote for bitcrab's proposal and would further suggest using reserve funds to create enough of an initial trading stake for the management efforts to have a worthwhile impact. Moving 100M BTS from the reserve fund to a committee CNY trading account would have no noticeable impact on the Bitshares community but would allow bitcrab to begin manually managing immediately.

Offline Achilles

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Do what exchanger should do rather than watching smartcoin! smartcoin only give an opportunity to cash in/out.  Regards bts as bnb or ht... (Binance can run without usd and cny? why bts not? bnb can to the moon, why bts not?)

Offline Achilles

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另外你们一直在喊着smart coin不足,然后一直在想办法解决smart coin紧缩的问题。这些完全是本末倒置,治标不治本,BTS没有实际价值都是扯淡。
1. 让别人更加倾向长期拿着BTS(长期持有smart coin才能稳定抵押;这是交易所活跃的基础)。
2. 让更多人进入BTS交易所(其实我看到大家都很努力整一堆交易对,类似鼓鼓钱包的生态建立,但是没有良好的基础环境都是扯淡。BTS有了良好的良性循环,bts持有人作为旁观者岂有不入局?岂能不越来越了解bts?岂能不为bts宣传一下?而不是给人感觉比中心化交易所风险还大的东西。)

bts内盘 == 各大交易所(应该自带盈利功能,虽然效率低了点但是安全点,本身就不输中心化平台)
bts == 各大交易所的平台币(怎么市值管理平台币?各大中心化交易所不是已经有好榜样了么)
smartcoin == 出入金资金,以及高风险爱好者偶尔玩玩的抵押。
总之一句话:我们需要更多钱,但是钱应该自产!别人中心化交易所能这么赚钱,我们bts交易所却这么穷为啥?(你手续费那么低,让利给机器人? 你会员那么便宜,丢掉一个赢利点。你上币不收别人年费或x费的,又浪费盈利点)。感觉就是这也让利,那也让利,自己穷成狗,还要支付见证人费用,还要给社区开开工资等各种日常费用。如今还想做市值管理?如果上帝操控bts,也许可以。

I agree with the BTS market mangement.

But I don't agree with below point of view:
3. Borrow bitCNY/bitUSD by putting the bought BTS into collateral with high collateral ratio and continue to buy in BTS.
I think some of bitCNY/bitUSD should be the fee when use them to Buy other coins but these BTS should not be COLLATERAL to borrow bitCNY/bitUSD.
Then there will be no risk for this account pool.
These BTS bought by fees should be locked for long time or forever, or use this as bonus for some development projects and projects like billionare project etc.

I don't agree with you.
with enough higher collateral ratio(at least 3) the bought BTS can be put into collateral for borrowing bitCNY/bitUSD. the worst result is that the debt position is margin called and these BTS is selled out in a lower price, no further risks.
just locking BTS there is a waste of resource, with collateral it can add more power to the ecosystem.


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建议建立 爆仓池实行强平(有爆仓单时,强清也直接从这个池子里走,价格实行强平价格),在抵押倍数没有到一定程度的情况下,不去直接冲击市场深度。


I agree with the offical market value management, but we must notice some problems:

1."how to manage the whole operation procedure?

create a trading account for each smartcoin, for example create committee.cnymaker for bitCNY operation,  the account will be owned by committee-account and the active key will be set as say 3/5 multisig, normally the accounts in the multisig structure are from committee members."

people is not safe and stabel. we can't make sure (3/5 multisig) committee members timely reflected.

2."the collateral ratio should be set as no less than 3" ,

must set as no less than 5.

3."Charge market fee for smarcoins like bitCNY and bitUSD."

Charge market fee must from all the bts system, not only bitcny and bitusd, the offical market value management is not only benefit the bitasset, it benefits all the bts system.

4. we must pay attention to the accrued highly leverage, must reduce the the accrued highly leverage.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 04:10:29 am by binggo »

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supported at a fee of 0.1% and using committee-trade for execution

I prefer use 2  accounts to handle bitCNY and bitUSD trade separately, team members that handle the bitCNY trade need to be close to CNY market

fair enough, no problem as long as multisig owners are agreed

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supported at a fee of 0.1% and using committee-trade for execution

I prefer use 2  accounts to handle bitCNY and bitUSD trade separately, team members that handle the bitCNY trade need to be close to CNY market

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