MagicWallet Team has been developed MagicWallet (a Mobile BitShares Wallet )since April 2017. MagicWallet 1.0 was released on August 2017 and used by more and more community members. As we continued to iterate the app development, we have released many versions and now :
1. it contains the most useful functionalities compares to reference wallet
2. it support Chinese and English
3. it contains some innovation functionalities for use in Mobile environment, i.e.
a. scan barcode to transfer / generate a payment request barcode
b. share your reference link by a photo which contains a barcode
MagicWallet Team is a tech team, will continue to focus on BitShares, so we need your support to provide more services with great quality, to bring more users for BitShares community.
Current Achievement
1. Now we bring about 70,000 users : every day we have 100 ~ 600 new users, and 5,000 to 20,000 users are actively use the app.

2. We provide a escrow service for p2p exchange for fiatCNY and bitCNY, which make BitShares like a traditional crypto Exchange. Every day, the total deposit/withdraw volume vary from millions to 50 millions CNY.

3. Current funcionalities.

4. Code contribution of client side BitShares lib
a. bitsharesjs-ws: add keep-alive feature
b. bitshaersjs-ws: a bug fix.
c. bitsharesjs, 5 bug fixes.
5. New Data source for price feed. As a witness , magicwallet.witness already used this source to compensate the price of smart coins, and we also provide this source to other witnesses. Servers
-Cores: 4
-Ram: 32 GB DDR4
-Hard Drive: 100G SSD
-Bandwidth: 100M
-Location: Hangzhou
-Witness Url: wss://
Future Plan
1. April 2018, Give away / gift platform inside MagicWallet
2. May 2018, Hardware wallet which support Bitshares
3. June 2018, Part of MagicWallet will be open Source (exclude p2p gateway)
4. June 2018, Demo version of GTS
5. August 2018, a platform for generic escrow based on BitShares
6. Febrary 2019, Base version of GTS
7. October 2019, Comercial version of GTS