Main > Stakeholder Proposals

[Worker Proposal] OpenSource BitShares Mobile SDK (Android/iOS)

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How does it look like as of now? For example if comparing to OL mobile wallet.

We at Blockchain Project B.V. have identified the need for an open source mobile wallet for quite
some time. There are a few apps in existence already. Some of them are in Java and open source,
others are closed-source.

A while ago, we went ahead and made an investment to develop a framework for android/ios phones
to work with the BitShares Platform. We explicitly chose for React Native so that Javascript developers
and/or react developers have it easy to get into app development for BitShares.

At this point, our plan is to Open Source first, and ask for funding of ongoing development (12 months).
The details are provided here:

Given my involvement and conflicts of interest through my position as proxy and committee member, I would like to
get a discussion about this going BEFORE the worker terms/conditions re frozen and put up for vote on chain.

So, please. Shoot your feedback!


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