I am running a private test net ,and learn to publish feed price. but it always tell me "Only active witnesses are allowed to publish price feeds for this asset"
I'm sure its active witness, because I wrote it genesis:
list_witnesses 1 20
] ...
my account is group-w0
my publish command is :
publish_asset_feed group-w0 CNY {"settlement_price":{"base":{"amount":1100000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"quote":{"amount":10000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}},"core_exchange_rate":{"base":{"amount":1500000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"quote":{"amount":10000000,"asset_id":"1.3.0"}}} true
and the asset CNY is create by :
create_asset group-w0 CNY 4 {"issuer_permissions": 511,"flags": 129,"core_exchange_rate":{"base":{"amount":1,"asset_id":"1.3.0"},"quote":{"amount":1,"asset_id":"1.3.1"}}} {"new_feed_producers":["group-w0"],"feed_lifetime_sec":120} true
get_asset CNY
"id": "1.3.1",
"symbol": "CNY",
"precision": 4,
"issuer": "1.2.111",
"options": {
"max_supply": "1000000000000000",
"market_fee_percent": 0,
"max_market_fee": "1000000000000000",
"issuer_permissions": 511,
"flags": 129,
"core_exchange_rate": {
"base": {
"amount": 1,
"asset_id": "1.3.0"
"quote": {
"amount": 1,
"asset_id": "1.3.1"
"whitelist_authorities": [],
"blacklist_authorities": [],
"whitelist_markets": [],
"blacklist_markets": [],
"description": "",
"extensions": []
"dynamic_asset_data_id": "2.3.1",
"bitasset_data_id": "2.4.0"