Author Topic: Revolution in music. How would one go about it?  (Read 12952 times)

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Offline bytemaster

I spent 4 hours in a car thinking about this very issue and this is what I came up with:

1) Every song needs to be its own mini-IPO that fans can invest in.  You literally 'buy the song' and thus get a cut of any value appreciation the song receives. 

2) Then you create a radio station where the playlist is selected as a decentralized jukebox.  Fans pay to have their song bumped up in the playlist for others to hear in the hope of increasing the value of the IPO.   

3) When a song makes it to the top of the playlist and is then played, part of the proceeds are used to pay a buy back and destroy some shares in that song (thus paying a dividend to the song owners).   

4) Get many different streaming radio stations to convert the blockchain playlist into a traditional radio station that anyone can listen to.

Bam... entirely decentralized radio station and profit center for artists.   
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Offline thazel72

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I do not know how simple this would be, but it would be cool to create an "Independent Record Label" which funded the development and promotion of artists by creating a DAC. Imagine how lively that discussion forum would be. You would literally have a battle of the bands to figure out who to fund, and artists would be signed under the distributed label. This would be taking the American Idol concept to a whole new level. I wouldn't think that you would create a new DAC for each artist..right??

Offline cob

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Alright guys (and girls?) here is my question to you all.

Let's say you are some kid, making music in your parent's basement, or a band trying to make it big, how could you use this new technology to make it big?

For example, would you create an altcoin BandNameCoin or BandNameShare and SOMEHOW tie it with you financial success?

Seems that would take lots of overhead and involve the law. Which we want to avoid. The goal is to have everything trustless and taken care of by a few lines of code.
So say Justin Bieber had a coin 5 years ago. People could have heard his music and said "Yo, i like this kid, he has potential, I'll invest in Biebershares" and a few years later, bieber's net worth is millions of USD so that investment in musical-crypto-pennystock really paid off.
Now this solution involves the law. Since the worth of the biebercoins are physically or digitally attached to beibers bank account.

So anyway, I'm wondering. What's the solution to this?

Basically, I'd like to figure out how ANYONE can "go public" and have people invest in them via cryto-currency/equity/whatevers.

Simple way to do this?

Yes I have read Adam B Levine's idea about Vx but I'm not sue I grasp it completely. Feel free to explain it in your own words if it allows for this.
And if it does, how would you go about it? Step by step.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 07:16:59 pm by cob »
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