As below two poll worker proposals have been voted active and got more support than the "do not set" worker proposals 1.14.219 and 1.14.221,
bitCNY feed threshold is set to 0.22CNY/BTS, bitUSD feed threshold is set to 0.0345USD/BTS.
1.14.222 Poll - BSIP76 - Set bitCNY feed threshold to 0.22CNY/BTS
1.14.220 Poll - BSIP76 - Set bitUSD feed threshold to 0.0345USD/BTS
1.14.219 Poll - BSIP76 - Do Not Set bitCNY feed threshold
1.14.221 Poll - BSIP76 - Do Not Set bitUSD feed threshold
Every witness is requested to update the feeding script to feed price in CNY at max(0.022CNY, market price, GS Protection price), in USD at max(0.0345USD, market price,GS Protection price).
For more information about the poll for this setting, please check,