There are ways to quantum proof a blockchain. It would take a rebuild of the blockchain and the encryption protocol. So one needs to take a step back and look at the underlying encryption. Once that is fixed. One can move on to making new chains. BTS faces a lot of challenges. Quantum is not going to be the thing that sinks BTS.
There are multiple ways to attack a problem. In World War Two, lots of people looked at "Who had the best tank." And the best tank was defined as "the biggest gun, the thickest armour, and the best speed." Generally, the germans did. However, the war was won by who had the biggest economic production, who had the fuel, who had the most people, who had the economic power and who could deliver the sweeping blow. Good tanks, didn't do any good, if you couldn't get them to site. (this is why Germany didn't invade England, they didn't have a way to get tanks across the english channel.) And the Russians had pure mass production of a good tank, and lots of people to get into them. And then there was the whole strategy thing. (Don't fight two super powers.)
So the black swan incident for BTS has been global settlements. It wasn't really intended to happen. BTC's problem is more than one of security. It needs usability, marketing and more. It is not always the big things that kill a crypto currencies. sometimes it is all the little things.