Author Topic: BTS-DEX economic model(updated MM contest rule)  (Read 15827 times)

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we adjust parameters because they need adjustment, no one think we can get user base growth only by parameter adjustment.

Yes, increase system income is important for growth of Bitshares.

the core prelude worker is on going, and after that will be subsequent core worker. If you just refuse to accept them, I don't know what to say.

you mentioned what you see is just what you guess, there's no 3 Chinese people that can make decision, even in China community it is not easy to reach consensus, I understand there's problems, but if you just like blaming, not try to understand each other, I don't know what to say.

Offline Thul3

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What we need first is getting trust back from our members so they are willing to deposit again.
Currently all i see is people leaving or getting silent and stupid ideas we had over the last 2 years to growth based on adjusting parameters.

Where is the real user base growth everyone is looking for the past 2 years ?

You think without development of demanded features there will be any growth ?
You think taxation of gateways will bring growth to bitshares ?

People are tired about that nonsense and not willing anymore to listen to it anymore.They accept now only real growth.
Bitshares already wasted enough time with no real progress.

I'm asking myself if it was a good action from my side to protect a big part of chinese community to not get rekkt when reading their BS comments to foreigners to buy more BTS to stop corruption on bitshares.
Your idealogy you talked with digital lucifer i won't even comment here.
All i can say people prefer to leave or fork bitshares rather than staying on a centralized bitshares with no key feature development which you represent and support.

All i see is 3 main chinese people who implemented massive corruption and dictatorship on bitshares making inside deals,kicking out long term witnesses who provided expensive infra to bitshares in exchange to witnesses who don't provide anything,scam workers,abusing and destroment of foreign group chats,centralization of bitshares ,destroying key values from bitshares token over committee destroying confidence into committee and bitassets.
If thats your path to get bitshares great again i doubt it will work.

It's sad to see that such a great project gets destroyed because of this kind of behavior and a community splitted because of the ignorance of one part about the other part.
People are tired to fight the endless war against this ignorance and corruption after such a long time.

As you can see less and less people are participating in bitshares and providing endless hours for no compensation with frustating no results.

Just have a look at the small exchange nash.
They had on average $4k volume per day.It was a dead exchange.After implementing non custodial trading their volume exploded on average to arround $350k.
That is real growth by providing demended features and not what bitshares is playing the last 2 years.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 02:47:31 pm by Thul3 »

Offline bitcrab

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kindly reminding: after the launch of BTS4.0, all the gateway assets need to share market fee to system, either participate the MM contest or not.
In this case, you'll have probably only your gateway, and bitshares ranked 110+ or something. I heard more and more people and services talking about the fork, also saw some code already. What you will do with double taxation when it will be nothing to taxate?

After observing the previous MM contest we've decided to not legitimize money-grabbing from the reserve pool.

RuDEX will not participate in the next MM contest please exclude our platform from this list

 A: a gov provide poor public service, with low tax rate.
 B: a gov provide high quality public service, with higher tax rate.

it is possible that B is better than A. we need to try.

MM is a service that any exchange need, MM contest is a mechanism that distributing the MM task, I am sad that you call it "money-grabbing", however, I believe that this mechanism will contribute greatly to BTS with continuous update and optimization.

Offline blockchained

kindly reminding: after the launch of BTS4.0, all the gateway assets need to share market fee to system, either participate the MM contest or not.
In this case, you'll have probably only your gateway, and bitshares ranked 110+ or something. I heard more and more people and services talking about the fork, also saw some code already. What you will do with double taxation when it will be nothing to taxate?

After observing the previous MM contest we've decided to not legitimize money-grabbing from the reserve pool.

RuDEX will not participate in the next MM contest please exclude our platform from this list

« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:54:09 pm by blockchained »

Offline binggo

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I just call BSIP86 is a BSIP without thinking, when BTS charge the market fees of GATEWAY assets, BTS will have the jointly liable!!!

just shout and bite as you wish, if you enjoy.

You can get the legal counsel from them,if you didn't believe.

If BTS has charged market fees from OPEN.assets,now the OPEN run away,so you think what will happen?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:40:37 pm by binggo »

Offline bitcrab

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I just call BSIP86 is a BSIP without thinking, when BTS charge the market fees of GATEWAY assets, BTS will have the jointly liable!!!

just shout and bite as you wish, if you enjoy.

Offline bitcrab

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2.BTS/bitAssets group, Base Reward 3KBTS, Top Reward 20KBTS, and Buy-Sell Reward Ratio 10:0
Why should the network reward the borrower of a scam coin ? Something is here completely wrong.

it's easy to call bitCNY and bitUSD scamcoin, it's difficult to make BTS grow up and resume bitCNY and bitUSD.

even peg off, bitCNY still contribute much more market fee than pegged bitAssets like bitEUR.

we need not to exclude bitCNY and bitUSD, we need more market fee, we need to provide market making chance to bitCNY and bitUSD holders, we need to do market making for bitCNY and bitUSD before they resume.

Offline binggo

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We use other mechanisms to encourage traders. Our model is Staking . Staking Program on the XBTS exchange has been working for 2 years. Also, our traders earn cryptocurrency by participating in promotions, games and other activities. This attracts new users to the exchange and the entire ecosystem.

seems the volume is small yet?
kindly reminding: after the launch of BTS4.0, all the gateway assets need to share market fee to system, either participate the MM contest or not.


Can you decide all the gateway assets need to share market fee to system?you think the gateways can't leave BTS or didn't have other choices?

When all the gateway assets leave BTS system,you can charge any assets fees as your wish!

When the gateways decide to go away,you will can't make them come back again,lose one then lose all!

I just call BSIP86 is a BSIP without thinking, when BTS charge the market fees of GATEWAY assets, BTS will have the jointly liable!!!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 07:35:21 am by binggo »

Offline bitcrab

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We use other mechanisms to encourage traders. Our model is Staking . Staking Program on the XBTS exchange has been working for 2 years. Also, our traders earn cryptocurrency by participating in promotions, games and other activities. This attracts new users to the exchange and the entire ecosystem.

seems the volume is small yet?
kindly reminding: after the launch of BTS4.0, all the gateway assets need to share market fee to system, either participate the MM contest or not.

Offline EuropaSH

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This is a proposal which mainly focus on the update of the MM contest rules, however it is not only relevant to this, it try to build an economic model for BTS-DEX, to encourage users to contribute valuable transactions to the ecosystem, activate trading and promote the ecosystem value.

At the time that the MM contest paused, we observed that the BTS-DEX become more cold/desolate than the contest is active, it easy to understand, in any exchange in the world Market Making is a service that cannot be ignored, That’s why we try to optimize the MM contest rules and hope it can get enough support from the community.

The proposal will be discussed sufficiently and then be put into BSIP/BAIP poll voting, it will be executed if it is authorized by the voting.

On one hand, this proposal continuously enhance the platform token feature of BTS, enhance the contribution to system income from various assets, and the subsequent BTS buyback and burning.  On the other hand, this proposal will update the MM contest rules and rename it as “ordering mining” as one important part of the BTS-DEX economic model, BTS/bitAssets pairs group will be added in, reward on one pair will depend on the market fee income that was contributed from this pair to the system, the infrastructure will include several parameters which can be adjusted  to fit the business status, the gateway assets which are included in the ordering mining will be forced to pay part of the market fee to system before BTS 4.0 launching as a must for being listed in. All these update is to build a market-oriented selection and cultivation  mechanism, to make the competent pairs to stand out in a fair environment, and feed back to the system after growing up. The 3 trading pair groups just form a trading triangle, much trading chance will come out there if the market making really help.

Daily system income include all the BTS fees and the market fee share of the ordering mining listed gateway assets that were collected to committee-account, counted in BTS. All the funds that were used as rewards of for burning comes from committee-account, as current balance or future income.

#Ordering Mining
Ordering Mining involve 3 categories of assets which are BTS, bitAssets and Gateway assets.
bitAssets include bitCNY, bitUSD,bitEUR,bitRUBLE.
Gateway assets involve the according gateway assets of main crypto currencies include BTC, USDT, ETH and EOS, the organizer demand the gateway to guarantee the in time deposit and withdraw service with quick support while necessary, and provide the proof of real asset. Now the listed gateway asset include:





Ordering Mining is to encourage market making via reasonable reward, to form sufficient market depth to attract traders, so the principles for the rules are:
1.give incentive to ordering, to narrowing the gap between top buy/sell orders, to big fund participation, and try to form a long-term mechanism.
2.attendees need to operate with self owned funds and bear profits or loss,no matter how much funds are included.
2.1 the bigger the order volume, the higher the reward.
2.2the closer the order price to the top counter party order price, the higher the reward.
2.3 the longer the order stay there, the higher the reward.
3.each day the reward to each pair depend on the fees that were paid to committee-account from this pair, the fee include the marginal fee and force settlement fee of bitAssets.

*Each pair group have 3 parameters include Base Reward, Top Reward, and Buy-Sell Reward Ratio, each pair have parameters include Pair Top Reward, Fee Return Ratio, Gear Goal Depth, Minimum Effective Order Volume.

*Calculation of pair reward and adjustment
First, calculate out the reward for each pair based on the contributed fee and the Fee Return Ratio of that pair, compare it with Pair Top Reward and select the lower one as the reward of that day for that pair. in formula Reward to one pair in one day = min(Fee paid from this pair to committee-account*Pair Fee Return Ratio, Pair Top Reward)

*Calculation of pair group reward and adjustment
Sum up the pair reward in the pair group to get the pair group reward, if Top Reward>pair group reward>Base Reward, adopt the pair group reward directly, if pair group reward<Base Reward, adopt Base Reward as pair group reward, if pair group reward>Top Reward, adopt Top Reward as pair group reward.

*Distribution of pair reward
*only the order with volume >  Minimum Effective Order Volume will be put into the market depth and reward calculation

*calculate the depth based on the distance from current order to the closer effective order in counter order listing.
Distance = ABS(this order price-closer counter order price)/MAX(this order price, closer counter order price)
Ordering Gears and according Reward Ratio
*orders inside 1% distance will share maximum 53% reward
*orders inside 2% distance will share maximum 25% reward
*orders inside 3% distance will share maximum 12% reward
*orders inside 5% distance will share maximum 6% reward
*orders inside 7% distance will share maximum 3% reward
*orders inside 10% distance will share maximum 1% reward
*In each gear:
If the summed up depth does not reach the goal depth, reward = maximum reward share* real depth/goal depth.
If the summed up depth overcome the goal depth, reward =  maximum reward share

*Distribution inside gears:
calculate the weight based on the distance of the order price to the gear border price:
Weight Coefficient = 1 + (gear top border price -  order price)/(gear top border price - gear bottom border price)
The pair reward share to each gear will be distributed to orders based on Order Volume*Weight Coefficient inside each gear.

*Calculation and rewarding will be done each day with period from UTC0:00 to 24:00, proposals will be created to distribute the rewards.
*If BTS 4.0 is not launched yet when this Ordering Mining begin, gateway need to pay 20% of the market fee of the listed gateway assets to committee assigned account, the reward to pairs with the gateway asset will stop if more than 1K BTS fee are not paid.

Parameters and Initial Values

Minimum Pair Daily Volume: 5KBTS, pairs with volumes less than this value at the day will not be included in reward distribution.

1.BTS/gateway assets group, Base Reward 3KBTS, Top Reward 20KBTS, and Buy-Sell Reward Ratio 7:3, each pair inside have Pair Top Reward 2K BTS, Fee Return Ratio 40, Gear Goal Depth 200K BTS, Minimum Effective Order Volume 100BTS.

2.BTS/bitAssets group, Base Reward 3KBTS, Top Reward 20KBTS, and Buy-Sell Reward Ratio 10:0, each pair inside have Pair Top Reward 10K BTS, Fee Return Ratio 20, Gear Goal Depth 1M BTS, Minimum Effective Order Volume 100BTS.

Suggest committee to set market fee to 0.1%, market fee sharing ratio to 20% for bitCNY, bitUSD, bitEUR and bitRUBLE.

3.  Gateway assets/bitAssets group, Base Reward 3KBTS, Top Reward 20KBTS, and Buy-Sell Reward Ratio 5:5, each pair inside have Pair Top Reward 2K BTS, Fee Return Ratio 20, Gear Goal Depth 200K BTS, at calculation the depth will be converted to according gateway asset depth based on the MA24 price, and
bitAssets/BTC: Minimum Effective Order Volume 0.0002 BTC
bitAssets/USDT: Minimum Effective Order Volume 2 USDT
bitAssets/ETH: Minimum Effective Order Volume 0.01 ETH
bitAssets/EOS: Minimum Effective Order Volume 1 EOS

#BTS Buy back and Burning
Committee will be responsible for the BTS buy back with the non-BTS assets in system income.
A parameter Burn-Income Ratio is set, each day BTS with amount=(system income*Burn-Income Ratio)will be transferred to the specific burning account, and will be burned when the accumulated amount reach a certain value.

#Payment for Development and Daily Operation
Generally BTS with amount = reward*1% will be paid to daily operators, each day proposal will be created to transfer such amount of BTS to operator account. On the other hand, as the update need development, salary will be paid to the developers if the proposal be approved by voting, currently the estimated salary is about 150K BTS.

Chinese version can be found here:;topicseen#msg342265

We use other mechanisms to encourage traders. Our model is Staking . Staking Program on the XBTS exchange has been working for 2 years. Also, our traders earn cryptocurrency by participating in promotions, games and other activities. This attracts new users to the exchange and the entire ecosystem.
BTS committee member: europa
BTS witness: xbtsio-wallet

Offline bench

2.BTS/bitAssets group, Base Reward 3KBTS, Top Reward 20KBTS, and Buy-Sell Reward Ratio 10:0
Why should the network reward the borrower of a scam coin ? Something is here completely wrong.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 12:46:23 pm by bench »
Be part of the change and vote for the bitshares-vision proxy!

Offline binggo

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That's what you say over last 2 years and more and more people are leaving because of these kind of ignorant actions.
Rudex now also left mm contest.

Keep ignoring we are already cmc rank 92.
Just a matter of time when bitshares will leave top 100 thanks to the ignorant trio

so what? Is MM contest that made BTS fall to 92?
every GATEWAY has freedom to do the choice.
This is the time that especially need actions to activate the trading, to attract more users. if we close MM contest at this time, it can only make BTS-DEX more desolate.

BTS is not a DEX!

This MM just wastes the money and time, become a tool of transferring benefits, spend too much but got nothing!

How many daily users did these gateway have?

How many new users did this MM have increased?

BTS still can survival without GATEWAY,BTS has its own user group,they hardly go to trade these gateway.asset.

Offline bitcrab

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That's what you say over last 2 years and more and more people are leaving because of these kind of ignorant actions.
Rudex now also left mm contest.

Keep ignoring we are already cmc rank 92.
Just a matter of time when bitshares will leave top 100 thanks to the ignorant trio

so what? Is MM contest that made BTS fall to 92?
every GATEWAY has freedom to do the choice.
This is the time that especially need actions to activate the trading, to attract more users. if we close MM contest at this time, it can only make BTS-DEX more desolate.

Offline Thul3

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Support,every exchange as a platform should support burning platform token and mining.

Thanks, Let's push BTS onto the right track.

That's what you say over last 2 years and more and more people are leaving because of these kind of ignorant actions.
Rudex now also left mm contest.

Keep ignoring we are already cmc rank 92 .
Just a matter of time when bitshares will leave top 100 thanks to the ignorant trio

Offline bitcrab

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Support,every exchange as a platform should support burning platform token and mining.

Thanks, Let's push BTS onto the right track.