We have talked about the multipool for bitshares and I don't think anyone thinks it is a bad idea.
Unfortunately I'm not sure when BTS will be tradeable.
PTS is tradeable however, but what is special about PTS currently ?
The ability to buy AGS for 90 days.
Unfortunately to acquire AGS you have to buy them from your wallet, so there is no way to "mine AGS" shares directly.
Can anyone see a solution to this ?
They could give the mining pool their private keys, but thats a horrible idea. Outside of that, it would require manual donation to AGS and that would really hurt with the marketing angle of this.
PS - I removed and recreated this thread because I thought there was a better forum then changed my mind. sorry
PTS is proof that you are a good candidate to receive targeted promotional shares from the developer of a new DAC who wants to attract knowledgable supporters who will not "grab and dump". They are still good for 10% to 50% of many upcoming DACs. That's very special!
AGS is proof that you are a patron donor who helped build the BitShares ecosystem. This marks you a good candidate to receive targeted promotional shares from the developer of a new DAC who wants to attract people who might also contribute to their DAC. That's very special too!
If there were a way to "mine" AGS, they would no longer serve as a "badge of honor" for donors - destroying their unique value to those who did donate.
Therefore, a "solution to this" is not needed or desired. AGS have a special meaning and there is no point in making them duplicate the alternative special meaning of PTS.
Both AGS and PTS are transparent public block-chain-based "mailing lists" for targeted distributions to a specific demographic group of interest to many developers who would rather
not give their promotional shares to people who will quickly sell them.