Author Topic: How to make Bitshares mineable while creating buying pressure  (Read 40334 times)

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The point is that Proof of Stake coins can only be marketed through virtual mining. That is the only way proven to work and Blackcoin is the first coin to successfully market a Proof of Stake coin and take on the Proof of Work titans. Blackcoin is in a position to threaten Litecoin now and it's Proof of Stake.

Blackcoin and Litecoin are fighting for the same demographics. They want the biggest investors, the most brilliant marketers, and the hashrate from the miners.

The reason Blackcoin is in a position to replace Litecoin is because Litecoin is about to transition into Scrypt ASICs. When this happens the advantage goes to Blackcoin who will now become the favorite among miners as Litecoin starts to develop it's mining cartel.

So I would not be surprised if we see Blackcoin going for $2-3 this year whether it goes through pump and dump cycles to reach it or not. I would like Bitshares to be up there along with Blackcoin in the #2 or #3 spot, but this is never going to be possible if we aren't measuring success based on market cap, daily volume, and other methods.

If you're measuring success on the technical merit of the Bitshares DPOS then I can say that Bitshares is technologically the most sophisticated and probably the best out there. But I measure success not just on technical merit but also on market cap, daily volume, and other factors.

If I judge by the success of Protoshares then I can say that while Protoshares held it's own with little to no grassroots marketing it never threatened Litecoin, it got dogged by Dogecoin, etc. Additionally most of us are already invested so unless we are planning on buying a whole of Bitshares all summer we are going to have to create buy support else you can expect a summer of low prices as people dump their Bitshares which they got for pennies each.

Proof of Stake coins can only be marketed through virtual mining?  How so ?

Every coin is fighting for that same demographic.

Blackcoin is not the first POS stake coin to be successfully marketed.  You missed NXT and Peercoin.

The reason Blackcoin is in a position to replace Litecoin is because Litecoin is about to transition into Scrypt ASICs. When this happens the advantage goes to Blackcoin who will now become the favorite among miners as Litecoin starts to develop it's mining cartel.

This argument could be said for a lot of coins.  I am pretty sure you are wrong about blackcoin (which you can't mine), becoming the favorite among miners.   The size of the blackcoin pool is still  small relatively speaking.  Other similar pools with similar purposes don't even touch blackcoinpool's size. You should also point out the altcoin paying multipools that are so small to not even have a measurable effect on the coin's marketcap.  Look at  Why doesn't it work ?

No one here is against marketing/pumping.  I just don't understand why you think Blackcoin is a hive if marketing geniuses.  I don't understand what we can we get from "strategic partnerships" with them?  A pool that pays out 50/50 bc/bts ?  Well go talk to the guy who runs blackcoinpool and ask him what he'd charge for such a thing ?

 If you could price BTS really low, then sell it off to the right people, then maybe we could emulate Blackcoin because the right people would have incentives.  That isn't going to happen, so I just don't get why blackcoin.  Yes, they've grown.  Yes, we need to grow.

Instead of writing pages of this stuff where you give us questionable cause/effect, I would suggest heading to twitter and other forum's and pumping BTS.   IMO thats the only "genius" going on beyond that 1 week mining which created a shallow distribution.

I've suggested before that I3 makes a fund for people to go out there and support BTS.  People need incentives to do this.  Those incentives work better with shallow distributions if you want it to happen organically.  Otherwise people need other incentives....

I also don't understand "strategic partnerships" with blackcoin.  I do understand taking their best ideas and mulling them over to see if they fit.  A BTS paying pool is not a bad idea in any way, but thats not a strategic partnership.

In another thread, 4 people back to back questioned what was special about blackcoin.  No one questions whether emulating their multipool is a bad thing.  If you'd just stick with that, everyone would agree with you.  Instead you talk of "marketing geniuses" and "strategic partnerships" and I suspect a lot of us just sit back scratching our heads.
I speak for myself and only myself.

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I believe a lot of the pumping is done by pump and dumpers.
All coins including Bitcoin go through those phases. The coins with good marketing (better pumpers than others) keep coming back after being dumped. Bitcoin has been dumped, Litecoin has been dumped, Dogecoin has been dumped, and they'll be dumped again in the future.

But it's when they get pumped that the media starts writing glowing stories about it, that businesses start accepting it, that investors, VCs, and Wall Street get interested in it.

No one cared or even knew what a Bitcoin was prior to the pump. The only people who knew what it was were hardcore libertarians, protesters, cypherpunks and hackers. The first pump was to $1 and that put Bitcoin on Slashdot where I first heard about it but didn't pay it any attention because I thought it was a fluke. When it reached $30 and crashed that is when I started paying attention. When it reached $100 that is when the whole world started paying attention.

It reached $1000 and now it's on the verge of going mainstream. If you did not have these pump and dump cycles none of this would be possible. Do you think people heard about Bitcoin from TV advertisements and conferences? They heard about it from their friends who were mining it and from the stories about the price.

If Bitshares doesn't have an aggressive pump no one is going to think about it. Like it or not that is how it works and as a community it's our job to pump Bitshares because that is the only way to bring attention to it.

I am not sure about the cause/effect going on here that you are so certain.
Marketing is the cause of a pump. You cannot pump anything without an aggressive marketing campaign. The reason Litecoin, Dogecoin, Blackcoin are all successful is because the community made it a success.

Think about Bitshares as a decentralized autonomous corporation. As an early adopter, shareholder and participant in the experiment it is only you who can market Bitshares. Brian isn't going to do it for you, Dan isn't going to be able to do it no matter how many conferences he goes to. It's your job, and our job, to do the grassroots marketing and it's proven time and time again that the most effective form of marketing in this space is grass roots.
I think that innovative, useful, and fun applications is what will drive users of Bitshares ecosystem more so than market cap.
Then why are Litecoin, Dogecoin, Blackcoin and other "pumped" coins with almost no innovation the top coins on Coinmarketcap? If it were all about innovation, why is Litecoin with a marketcap of $ 324,227,313? Why is it's volume $ 8,647,928 for the day? Why does Blackcoin have $ 2,056,617 in volume for the day second only to Litecoin?

This means Blackcoin as a community is marketing it's coin better than all the other coins including Protoshares, Mastercoin, NxT, Counterparty and Primecoin combined?

It's because they are simply better at marketing. Numbers do not lie, charts do not lie, and if your opinion were right you would be able to show some revenue, volume, market cap, chart analysis to back it up. Instead you're revealing the same sort of idealism I see in the Ethereum community where if you just build something without measuring success or caring about profit that success will somehow arrive on its own.
You still haven't answered what is innovative about Blackcoin itself outside multipool ?
It's not about having the most innovative coin yet Blackcoin does have some innovations. It's much faster than Bitcoin or Litecoin where its transaction times are measured in seconds rather than minutes. It's 100% Proof of Stake. It provides 1% interest per year. It's capped at around 75 million which is a nice number to choose because it's not too many and not too few.

You can say they cloned the code so they didn't make a lot of technical innovations but if you're into technical innovations why not help Dan, Toast, and others on writing the source code? For the rest of us who aren't writing code, the only place to make a difference is in marketing.

So to make my point very clear, the technical innovations will be forked. So if you're interested in technical innovation expect all your innovation to be forked the moment you prove it works. Marketing innovations cannot be forked because grassroots marketing relies on a community.

This is why anyone can fork Litecoin today but it wont replace Litecoin even if the fork has far better technology. Anyone could fork Dogecoin today but the fork wouldn't ever become popular without the community to market it. The same can be said about Blackcoin which will be forked but it wont have the community of supporters who do the actual marketing.

Bitshares doesn't have much marketing so if it is forked it's a lot of technical innovation which will go to another community to market it. It's not a guarantee that their community would honor AGS or anything either, and their coin would almost certainly have a higher market cap, more volume, more stories written about it, whether they wrote the code or not because the community is the deciding factor. Newsflash, most people in any community who make a coin successful are not the programmers.

Usually for these pumps to work, the market has to be a bit ripe for manipulation.  Not sure if that'd ever work for Bitshares.
Pumps don't require manipulation. Blackcoin isn't being pumped by manipulation of the markets. Are you saying Bitcoin reached $1000 because it's a ponzi scheme being pumped by early adopter "price manipulators"? I don't understand your point as to why Bitcoin is immune to these accusations but every other coin is ripe for manipulation.

Nor do I see anything wrong with pumping (growing the market cap). It's the dumping that bothers us really. So if you make it so that there is dump resistance which is the innovation of the Blackcoin community then you make it less likely people will want to dump. Bitshares is going to have dump resistance too but lets not act like we don't want to see it pumped, and let's not pretend like there wont be the occasional dumps, it's just how growth happens.

That might be why you see so many "marketing geniuses".  Blackcoin's 1 week only mining aspect is probably the most genius.  It is sorta like a premine, but will never be called one. 

Having a multipool that pays in Bitshares would be a good thing.  I support the idea in getting one.  Have a bounty put up once BTS are on an exchange. 
People will say the same about Bitshares so why complain about that? Bitshares was mined early on by people who used botnets and we will have to worry about them dumping as well.

At least if you pump often they'll dump early enough so that the price settles higher each time. Blackcoin is going through it's routine pump and dump cycles and Bitshares will have to go through the same thing just like anything else.

Just not sure how it all ties into Blackcoin so strongly, except that had the idea first ?

The point is that Proof of Stake coins can only be marketed through virtual mining. That is the only way proven to work and Blackcoin is the first coin to successfully market a Proof of Stake coin and take on the Proof of Work titans. Blackcoin is in a position to threaten Litecoin now and it's Proof of Stake.

Blackcoin and Litecoin are fighting for the same demographics. They want the biggest investors, the most brilliant marketers, and the hashrate from the miners.

The reason Blackcoin is in a position to replace Litecoin is because Litecoin is about to transition into Scrypt ASICs. When this happens the advantage goes to Blackcoin who will now become the favorite among miners as Litecoin starts to develop it's mining cartel.

So I would not be surprised if we see Blackcoin going for $2-3 this year whether it goes through pump and dump cycles to reach it or not. I would like Bitshares to be up there along with Blackcoin in the #2 or #3 spot, but this is never going to be possible if we aren't measuring success based on market cap, daily volume, and other methods.

If you're measuring success on the technical merit of the Bitshares DPOS then I can say that Bitshares is technologically the most sophisticated and probably the best out there. But I measure success not just on technical merit but also on market cap, daily volume, and other factors.

If I judge by the success of Protoshares then I can say that while Protoshares held it's own with little to no grassroots marketing it never threatened Litecoin, it got dogged by Dogecoin, etc. Additionally most of us are already invested so unless we are planning on buying a whole of Bitshares all summer we are going to have to create buy support else you can expect a summer of low prices as people dump their Bitshares which they got for pennies each.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 01:40:51 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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I believe a lot of the pumping is done by pump and dumpers.

I am not sure about the cause/effect going on here that you are so certain.

I think that innovative, useful, and fun applications is what will drive users of Bitshares ecosystem more so than market cap.

You still haven't answered what is innovative about Blackcoin itself outside multipool ?

Usually for these pumps to work, the market has to be a bit ripe for manipulation.  Not sure if that'd ever work for Bitshares.  That might be why you see so many "marketing geniuses".  Blackcoin's 1 week only mining aspect is probably the most genius.  It is sorta like a premine, but will never be called one. 

Having a multipool that pays in Bitshares would be a good thing.  I support the idea in getting one.  Have a bounty put up once BTS are on an exchange. 

Just not sure how it all ties into Blackcoin so strongly, except that had the idea first ?
I speak for myself and only myself.

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I believe my case for this proposal has been made and confirmed by the success of Blackcoin.

When I created the thread the Blackcoin experiment had just started and I set up a poll to let people vote on whether or not it's a good idea.

The information we have now is that Blackcoin is a successful experiment. While we don't know if it will be successful in the long term yet, it's at least as successful as Dogecoin right now.

We also know that if Bitshares is to achieve the same sort of success it has to rise to the top of Coinmarketcap fairly quickly. It cannot do this if we in the community don't either become marketing geniuses or form an alliance with the communities that have the marketing geniuses to get them to help us.

When Bitshares become liquid you will see where it ends up on Coinmarketcap. If it doesn't surpass Blackcoin fairly qucikly then eventually these threads where I proposed these ideas will be reviewed for merit. I hope that others in the Bitshares community have some concrete plans and ideas on how to compete with Blackcoin if they aren't planning to join forces because investor attention is a finite resource.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 11:03:33 am by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Read the latest blog posting from the Blackcoin developers.

Legion Development Group
We have spoken with many crypto industry people, and everyone is very excited about the pool and the BlackCoin experiment. We are talking with industry leaders and are considering partnerships that would benefit our community and give us an additional competitive edge against other multipools.

We have also learned our lessons from the mayhem of this weekend, and have realized that we need a solution to mitigate or at least make it less lucrative for whales to dump.

Over the next few iterations we will be introducing the Alpha stages of our BlackCoin whale dumping mitigation strategy.

Soon it will be possible to donate a portion of your shares towards the Black Shield Defense fund. This is an address that we will publicly available and can be monitored through the blockchain. It's purpose is to erect buy walls on a predetermined exchange, the buy walls will be publicly listed, and can be seen by everyone.

These guys are brilliant. I don't think the success is an accident. The Bitshares community should learn from this and I can't wait to see a site.

Brilliant in that wolong sort of way ? 

Why would you donate your money so that the "whales" can dump and get maximum value via the "buy wall" ?  Very centralized. 

You despise the BTC community so much, but I have yet to see what is special about blackcoin.  Critical pump levels ?

The mining of POS coins is now done by other pools.  Blackcoinpool has done the best job of that, but how can you separate the effects of everything else from the pool ?  Maybe success of the pool was driven by the success of the pumps ?  What else has blackcoin done besides pump their coin?  What innovation do they have ?

I don't despise the BTC community at all but BTC is a different species. BTC is not PoS and doesn't reach out to the Bitshares or Blackcoin community. Do you see Bitpay reaching out to Bitshares, Blackcoin or any Proof of Stake coin? And why would they care about a coin which can't be mined and which isn't being pumped?

Maybe success of the pool was driven by the success of the pumps ?  What else has blackcoin done besides pump their coin?  What innovation do they have ?

Successful marketing = the pump.

When you are successful at marketing your coin then a lot of attention is brought to it. Investors rush to buy it and miners rush to mine it. It's a synergy effect and it results in the pump. Memes get created and spread, news articles spontaneously get written up, companies start accepting the coin, businesses form around it, all because the price of the coin keeps rising with no end in sight.

If you cannot pump your coin, no one will know about your technical innovations and even if they do they will not care about your brand. Since Bitshares isn't yet pumped, no ones going to talk about it. Why would you talk about something which isn't worth talking about?

So the brilliance of the Blackcoin community is marketing. The same brilliance could be seen in the Litecoin community and the Dogecoin community. Bitshares has a lot of technical innovations but no grass roots marketing. Do you see any popular Bitshares memes floating around?

Litecoin is the silver to Bitcoin gold.
Doge started out as a meme and became a coin.
Blackcoin is 1 BC = 1 Lambo.

Bitshares has nothing except good ideas right now. No viral adoption, no memes, no mining, no pump to get the interest of the investors and media. And it's not wise to expect success to just come to you just because you hold a lot of Bitshares. You cannot expect it to pump itself.

If you want to keep Bitshares cheap for as long as possible then you don't do any marketing. If you want Bitshares you hold to be worth millions someday then you have to do what the Blackcoin community is doing, only you have to do it better because they are pretty damn good at what they do.

Miners don't have a reason to care about Bitshares.

Miners have no reason to care that Bitshares exists and if you don't give them a reason then it's not going to be on the radar. Investors have no reason to care that Bitshares exists and if Bitshares never reaches the top of Coinmarketcap it will not hit their radar.

How do you think Blackcoin is being adopted by Coinkite but not Bitshares? Bitshares will have BitUSD which is the perfect medium of exchange for something like Coinkite but guess what? They went with Blackcoin, and guess why? Probably because Blackcoin is better at marketing itself.

If you don't have a pump, how will anyone discover you exist? Bitcoin went through the same process, it had to rise in price before people in the mainstream media and VCs started caring about it. It wasn't until it went over $100 that it hit the radar. So the point to all of this is having a good technology doesn't matter when your technology can be forked and given to the best community (and the best community in our case is the community that can do the best grass roots marketing which results in pumping).

Blackcoin on Coinkite

A explanation from a member of the Blackcoin community on the pump and dump
Professional Analysis - Unexpected Good News

As I have stated before there are many things going on behind the scenes, and this morning I would like to share some promising news with the community. Just before the sell off I hired a professional analyst a friend recommended to take a look at BlackCoin and give me his professional assessment of the financial product. As an investor and businessman I need to be armed with facts and reasonable predictions moving forward into the weeks and months ahead. I am decent with numbers and reading charts, but I believe one should always enlist the help of professionals who are the best at what they do. As an analyst his job is to take emotion out of the equation and stick to the numbers and facts. This morning I received a report with unexpected news that made me immediately purchase more BlackCoins.

First an explanation on what happened within the past week.

1. Some assumed the sudden growth and the sudden sell off of BlackCoin was an orchestrated pump and dump, that was not the case. BlackCoin price explosion was the direct result of people taking notice with all the news coming out over a 5 day period. BlackCoin moving up in the charts quickly garnered the attention of investors looking to ride the wave of the next "hot" coin.

2. When we started trading above 80,000 sat there were many holders who had coins from 5000 sat and under, and for them suddenly having tens of thousands of dollars was to much to hold, so they started selling off. Do not forget there were people with over 100,000 coins and many of these people are students and/or come from poor countries. Also, many of these people are facing hard times and instantly having that much money was too much to hold onto.

3. The sell off caused a chain reaction and people in this forum and other forums thought it was an orchestrated pump and dump and started selling off quickly. The "panic" resulted in a massive sell off because of misinformation.

4. When the sell off subsided we established a floor around 14000 sat because that is where most of the new investors began investing in BlackCoin.

5. If the sell off did not happen we would be trading well above $0.60 cents or more.

What to expect next?

1. The wall set around 40000 sat is not one person, it is multiple people looking to exit. It is the level where investors who got in around 14000k want to exit, and investors who jumped on board around 40000k want to recover their losses. We will see resistance around 40000 sat for awhile until the damn breaks again.

2. We will not see another sell off that massive until we are close to $1.00 and that is when more people will be faced with lots of money and will have no choice to give in to temptation and sell.

3. Around $1.00 is where we will lose the remainder of the "weak" hands, and the "strong" hands will begin to take over and hold strong

So why did I buy more BlackCoins?

1. The sell off did not drive us below our starting point of 7100, and to be trading more than double than the starting point after a massive sell off is almost unheard of in stocks or any other financial product. And to recover in less than 48 hours is nothing less than unprecedented.

2. If the fundamentals remain the same without change, and we continue to grow at our current rate, we will be trading higher than $100 within 12 months. Past results do not predict future results. However, in BlackCoin's case proof of stake gives a constant we can use to make reasonable predictions. Unlike with Bitcoin we do not have to estimate how many coins will be mined and dumped onto the market.
a) We are adding approximately 700 - 1000 new people each week which will eventually spread the current supply thin.
b) With each sell off there will be more new holders added each holding less coins than the previous holders.
c) Supply will become significantly  less as we get closer to $1.00 but demand will increase as well which will cause the price to explode.

3. BlackCoin will grow quicker in price than Bitcoin because there are no new coins being mined to dilute the value. The coins being generated from staking is not enough to dilute the value of the coin

I just explained everything in layman's terms so everyone can understand. This is not an attempt to pump the value, I wanted everyone to be armed with the info I have. I am more bullish on BlackCoin than I was before and I will continue holding until we are #1.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 02:34:14 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Read the latest blog posting from the Blackcoin developers.

Legion Development Group
We have spoken with many crypto industry people, and everyone is very excited about the pool and the BlackCoin experiment. We are talking with industry leaders and are considering partnerships that would benefit our community and give us an additional competitive edge against other multipools.

We have also learned our lessons from the mayhem of this weekend, and have realized that we need a solution to mitigate or at least make it less lucrative for whales to dump.

Over the next few iterations we will be introducing the Alpha stages of our BlackCoin whale dumping mitigation strategy.

Soon it will be possible to donate a portion of your shares towards the Black Shield Defense fund. This is an address that we will publicly available and can be monitored through the blockchain. It's purpose is to erect buy walls on a predetermined exchange, the buy walls will be publicly listed, and can be seen by everyone.

These guys are brilliant. I don't think the success is an accident. The Bitshares community should learn from this and I can't wait to see a site.

Brilliant in that wolong sort of way ? 

Why would you donate your money so that the "whales" can dump and get maximum value via the "buy wall" ?  Very centralized. 

You despise the BTC community so much, but I have yet to see what is special about blackcoin.  Critical pump levels ?

The mining of POS coins is now done by other pools.  Blackcoinpool has done the best job of that, but how can you separate the effects of everything else from the pool ?  Maybe success of the pool was driven by the success of the pumps ?  What else has blackcoin done besides pump their coin?  What innovation do they have ? 

I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline luckybit

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Read the latest blog posting from the Blackcoin developers.

Legion Development Group
We have spoken with many crypto industry people, and everyone is very excited about the pool and the BlackCoin experiment. We are talking with industry leaders and are considering partnerships that would benefit our community and give us an additional competitive edge against other multipools.

We have also learned our lessons from the mayhem of this weekend, and have realized that we need a solution to mitigate or at least make it less lucrative for whales to dump.

Over the next few iterations we will be introducing the Alpha stages of our BlackCoin whale dumping mitigation strategy.

Soon it will be possible to donate a portion of your shares towards the Black Shield Defense fund. This is an address that we will publicly available and can be monitored through the blockchain. It's purpose is to erect buy walls on a predetermined exchange, the buy walls will be publicly listed, and can be seen by everyone.

These guys are brilliant. I don't think the success is an accident. The Bitshares community should learn from this and I can't wait to see a site.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 10:01:02 am by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Is soepkip from blackcoin community? Welcome! Let's schedule a talk!

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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I am not 100% read up on this so please bare with me, this is actually a way I'm trying to learn more.  I heard that "the multipool dumped a shitton of BC" which is why it dropped in price substantially.  I have no way of validating this, but it was something that caught my attention.  You are far more versed in this than I was, so I was mostly fact-checking.  :)
That is a possibility and that is why you don't want only 1 multipool server, also if it's a hybrid multipool like I described with Blackcoin and Bitshares 50/50 payout, the fees could be collected and then dumped but that would go against the self interest of the pool operator.

If I were running a competing multipool for example and my competitor dumped then the price falls and I would make a lot less money. I do see that you would be concerned that the multipool operator could end up with a lot of Bitshares and Blackcoin but with Bitshares there is no reason to ever dump it to lock in your profits.

Say Bitshares were in a bubble and you were a pool operator, what you could do is turn your Bitshares into BitUSD locking in your USD profit at bubble levels. Then after a collapse occurs you wouldn't have lost any of your value.

With Blackcoin a pool operator or the Blackcoin user cannot do that. So that is why dumping affects negatively the Blackcoin markets while Bitshares could be made almost entirely dump resistant if people figure out how to use the different BitAssets appropriately. So to answer your question dumping may remain a problem in Blackcoin if Blackcoin is set up that way but it wont be a problem for Bitshares because Bitshares have unfathomable utility.

Remember this is only the first chain of Bitshares. The future chains which pay interest on Bitassets, or chains which have different sets of Bitassets are on the way. This is why people who mine for Bitshares will be getting a dump resistant store of value. If they do the hybrid mining then people who have BC would also have Bitshares. Nothing stops a future Bitshares chain from introducing a Bitshares BitAsset called BitBC.

The solution?  Simply pay the multipool operator in Bitshares rather than in BC. There isn't a reason to ever dump Bitshares if the price is going up. If its a bubble, lock your profits from within Bitshares and pay your operating expenses as you need to.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 12:00:06 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline fuzzy

Make Bitshares mineable and create buying pressure, that is a brilliant idea. The only think missing is someone to make it happen. This will be probably one of the most profitable pool out there once Bitshare X is out. This is a big opportunity right there.
Have a look at the Blackcoin community sentiment on the Blackcoin thread.
we need BC/FIAT. so that they can cash out their coins without damaging the BC market.

As you can see the demand for BitUSD exists. They just don't know about BitUSD yet and Bitshares isn't liquid yet. The day it is liquid we should go straight to that thread and tell them.

Such good work here Luckybit.  I don't care how this ends...imo you are greatly adding to the value of the community.  I am very interested in your proposal, though I am unsure about the centralizing forces around multipools... very interested in hearing from you with regard to this.

Please elaborate on what centralizing force comes from a multipool? Do you have a more decentralized way of setting up a pool?

I am not 100% read up on this so please bare with me, this is actually a way I'm trying to learn more.  I heard that "the multipool dumped a shitton of BC" which is why it dropped in price substantially.  I have no way of validating this, but it was something that caught my attention.  You are far more versed in this than I was, so I was mostly fact-checking.  :)

Hi guys :) I was asked to join the forum by Luckybit.

I'll try to read up on Bitshares :)

Luckybit: Maybe we can make a skype appointment?


First of all, it is really nice to see you made an account here.  Unfortunately I am busy with many things and so I have a difficult time reaching out on all the forums (like I would like to do).  Because of this, I am hoping to get people from other forums to bring their trusted friends onto the Mumble Server I am providing to the community so they can all make friends, learn from each other and maybe even collaborate.  It is my hope you will feel free to use this service as you wish. 

When I learn how, I will be giving one person from every forum "Moderator" privileges over their own channel...and then they can recruit people from their forums to come along, visit and hopefully strengthen all our communities. 
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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  • BitShares: Luckybit
Make Bitshares mineable and create buying pressure, that is a brilliant idea. The only think missing is someone to make it happen. This will be probably one of the most profitable pool out there once Bitshare X is out. This is a big opportunity right there.
Have a look at the Blackcoin community sentiment on the Blackcoin thread.
we need BC/FIAT. so that they can cash out their coins without damaging the BC market.

As you can see the demand for BitUSD exists. They just don't know about BitUSD yet and Bitshares isn't liquid yet. The day it is liquid we should go straight to that thread and tell them.

Such good work here Luckybit.  I don't care how this ends...imo you are greatly adding to the value of the community.  I am very interested in your proposal, though I am unsure about the centralizing forces around multipools... very interested in hearing from you with regard to this.

Please elaborate on what centralizing force comes from a multipool? Do you have a more decentralized way of setting up a pool? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline fuzzy

Make Bitshares mineable and create buying pressure, that is a brilliant idea. The only think missing is someone to make it happen. This will be probably one of the most profitable pool out there once Bitshare X is out. This is a big opportunity right there.
Have a look at the Blackcoin community sentiment on the Blackcoin thread.
we need BC/FIAT. so that they can cash out their coins without damaging the BC market.

As you can see the demand for BitUSD exists. They just don't know about BitUSD yet and Bitshares isn't liquid yet. The day it is liquid we should go straight to that thread and tell them.

Such good work here Luckybit.  I don't care how this ends...imo you are greatly adding to the value of the community.  I am very interested in your proposal, though I am unsure about the centralizing forces around multipools... very interested in hearing from you with regard to this. 
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
ShareBits and WhaleShares = Love :D

Offline luckybit

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  • BitShares: Luckybit
Make Bitshares mineable and create buying pressure, that is a brilliant idea. The only think missing is someone to make it happen. This will be probably one of the most profitable pool out there once Bitshare X is out. This is a big opportunity right there.
Have a look at the Blackcoin community sentiment on the Blackcoin thread.
we need BC/FIAT. so that they can cash out their coins without damaging the BC market.

As you can see the demand for BitUSD exists. They just don't know about BitUSD yet and Bitshares isn't liquid yet. The day it is liquid we should go straight to that thread and tell them. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline oco101

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Make Bitshares mineable and create buying pressure, that is a brilliant idea. The only think missing is someone to make it happen. This will be probably one of the most profitable pool out there once Bitshare X is out. This is a big opportunity right there.

Offline luckybit

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  • BitShares: Luckybit
Hi guys :) I was asked to join the forum by Luckybit.

I'll try to read up on Bitshares :)

Luckybit: Maybe we can make a skype appointment?

Welcome to the Bitshares community. We look forward to your input and if you have any questions about how Bitshares works you can ask me or others.

The person you want to talk to for VOIP is fuznuts. He is hosting some kind of VOIP server, I haven't tried it out but that seems to be what people are using.

I'll give you my contact info in private so we can collaborate. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads