What does this mean for mining pools? It means that they can be very profitable so long as someone is willing to trust the pool with their shares. A mining pool would be able to cast a large number of ACTUAL VOTES for the least number of bytes (individual transactions).
Wouldnt this centralize the whole thing again into the handy of the pool adminds?
Yeah isn't this why you didn't like NXT forging?
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It is something I didn't like about Nxt. In fact there is a lot to be said for Nxt... so lets consider our goals and see how well each solution achieves the goals:
1) Minimize waisted Resources (electric bills).. Nxt wins hands down by using deterministic selection of who gets to sign the block.
2) Maximize the percentage of shareholders contributing to security (TaPOS = 100%, Nxt = 10-20%?).... TaPOS advantage...
3) Maximize the rate at which shareholders contribute to security... the minimum POS per block would require 6 months to have 51% of shareholders 'vote' for the block that included your transaction.
Best case a shareholder with 51% would simply move their funds every block and make it irreversible...
We want to minimize the number of blocks it takes to get a statistically significant voting advantage over an attacker... the minimum rate is .001% of votes get cast per block.... we would like this to be much higher if possible.
4) Distribute control as far and wide as possible
A large pool is bad for this, but good for #3... pool size is mitigated by risking your funds to a 3rd party holding them in a 'live wallet'.
5) Maximize the rate at which transactions are included in blocks
6) Prevent Denial of Service by not including transactions or failure to produce blocks.
- Nxt forgers can exclude transactions from the network.. though they are paid by including them.