I don't know whether this has been discussed before (if it is, do excuse me) but:
What is the incentive of the user to vote in the first place?
I'm talking about a direct incentive here.
Reason I'm asking is because of this:
Heavycoin had/has its 'revolutionary' block reward voting. I personally couldn't be arsed to change the presets of the miner I downloaded off the pool website.
Users don't have to think about it... their client will automatically vote against anyone who is not performing and otherwise vote for the default clients. Through observation it all clients will learn who to vote for.
Users don't have to think about who to vote for, it is all automatic unless they want to override the automatic settings. Those wishing to become delegate must market and campaign for people to override the defaults. This means they must provide motivation for people to take action such as:
1) increasing user dividends
2) offering other services as a side benefit